Ongoing Assessment towards Achieving AS90017
Demonstrate knowledge of music works
Achievement Standard / 90017 / Version / 2 / Level / 1Assessment Mode / Internal / Credits / 4 / Due Date
Submission Requirements
Students will submit their response to both tasks on their own written paper. They may use a template in the form of a comparative table, supplied by the teacher, for Task 2
Note: This assessment contributes evidence towards the final grade of Achievement Standard 90017 (Music 1.6). The final grade will be determined on completion of this activity and an assessment activity involving score analysis.
Pre-requisites: There are no pre-requisites or co-requisites for AS 90017. Duration: 4-5 weeks
Homework: Regular homework will be required for both tasks for AS 90017.
Presentation of Work: For Task 1 of AS 90017 students must present their work in written paragraphs. For Task 2, students must use a comparative analysis template provided.
Assessment for AS 90017 will come towards the end of a unit of teaching and learning on rock and popular music in New Zealand, Aotearoa. Students must have had the opportunity to have listened to, discussed and analysed a range of Kiwi rock and popular music from the 1960s through to the present day. They should also have had the opportunity to research, debate and discuss the relationship between rock music, arts, fashion, industry, culture and society in New Zealand during this period. Through doing this, students will explore the values that underpin the beliefs of individuals and groups who are involved in the creative industries. Task 1 for AS 90017 requires classroom time - opportunity should be given for students to access information and discuss and debate points researched. Task 2 for AS 90017 requires classroom and homework time. Audio recordings should be made available to the students
AS 90017 – Demonstrate knowledge of music works
Students must present evidence of their response to the following two tasks.
Task 1: Historical Context – Kiwi Rock Music from a Selected Era - This task requires students to select a particular era in NZ rock music history (i.e. the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or 00s) and demonstrate their knowledge of the significant musical characteristics of this era, including key musicians/bands, repertoire and performance style/s and to identify any musical features that may be specifically identified as being ‘ kiwi’ .
This task is to be completed in class over 1 week.
Choose a particular era in NZ rock music history (i.e. the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or 00s).
Find out about this particular era. Listen to some music from this period. Carry out some research into the era using texts and websites suggested by your teacher, and any other resources you find. Consider the relationship between rock music, arts, fashion, culture and society in New Zealand during this period. Keep notes of any points you find that are relevant – you will need these to answer the task below.
Once you have completed the above, demonstrate your knowledge of Kiwi rock/popular music from this era.
Explain the:
• Main musical features of the music from the chosen era. This should be a broad general statement. Eg in NZ pop music of the 19xxs, the music was usually simple and catchy. Songs were short and had predictable structures. There were many solo acts. Rock n’ roll still had an influence on the styles of the music in terms of instruments used. NZ musicians tended to copy what was happening overseas, and there was very little originality…
Write a one to two pages of A4 on this.
• The sort of repertoire from this era – list the key pieces of music and artists and say why you think they were important. You may like to consider referring to the musical content of pieces to back up your comments on the musical features you have described in the first bullet. You may do this by: annotating a score, providing a recording accompanied by notes that explain the musical features and clearly refer to sections of the music using timings. E.g. From 1’ 12” – 1” 45” you can hear the ‘ ice cream’ chord progression.
Write two pages of A4 on this.
• The performance style/s in this era – if you can, view videos of performances and describe the style of the music (eg soul) and the on-stage style of the performer(s) (eg Ray Columbus and the Invaders – these performers were static on stage, except for the classic 60s head movement. Dance movements were not innovative, and reflected learnt patterns with very little original, ‘ free’ movement. Dress codes were very formal, reflecting the fact that NZ was concerned that pop idols would present a respectable image for teenyboppers to follow.)
Write one page on this.
Identify any features of the music that could be described as particularly ‘ Kiwi flavored’ . This may include:
• Lyric content of songs (eg referring to aspects of Kiwi way of life)
• Musical features that suggest an aspect of New Zealand (e.g. geography)
• Performance venues (e.g. pubs, town halls, universities)
Write up to one page on this.
Task 2: Listening Analysis of the Elements and Features of the Music - this task requires students to demonstrate an knowledge of the elements and features of TWO songs, selected by the student, through listening, using a comparative analysis template.
This task is to be completed in class or for homework over 1 week.
This task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the elements and features of TWO songs, selected by you, through listening, using a comparative analysis template.
Consider the elements of:
• Beat/Tempo/Speed/Feel
• Tone Colours – voices, instruments, effects
• Rhythm – smooth, spiky, even, quavers, dotted, even etc.
• Melody – think about how you would describe it.
• Key – major/minor/modal
• Compositional devices that extend and develop the musical ideas in the song
• Form/Structure
• Mood/Impact/Meaning
• Other: this is your choice, eg purpose of the song, production techniques such as multi-layering, reverb, EQ etc.
Analyse and describe how these elements are featured in the TWO songs using the template on the next page.
Artist: / SONG 2
Tone Colours
Compositional devices
Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with Excellence
Demonstrate knowledge of elements and features of music works. / Demonstrate knowledge of a range of elements and features of music works. / Demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of elements and features of music works.
· Responses identify valid, factual information about Kiwi rock music from a selected era; Personal response describes some features as particularly ‘ Kiwi flavoured’
· Knowledge of features of TWO songs demonstrated through valid, accurate responses to musical elements. / TASK ONE:
• Responses explain a range of valid, factual information with some detail about Kiwi rock music from a selected era; Personal response describes with some detail features as particularly ‘ Kiwi flavoured’
• Some depth of knowledge of features of TWO songs demonstrated through some detailed and accurate responses to musical elements. / TASK ONE:
• In-depth responses explain a wide range of factual information with detail about Kiwi rock music from a selected era; Perceptive and insightful personal response describes features as particularly ‘ Kiwi flavoured’
• Depth of knowledge of features of TWO songs demonstrated through detailed, accurate and wide ranging responses to musical elements.
Task One provides information on Kiwi rock music from a selected era
Task Two provides description of elements and features of TWO songs using comparative analysis template.
The assessment contributes evidence towards the final grade of Achievement Standard 90017 (Music 1.6). The final grade will be determined on completion of this activity and an assessment activity involving score analysis.
AUTHENTICATION: The work that has been submitted for assessment is entirely my own work.
Student signature / Date:
FORMATIVE GRADE / Resubmission Date:Student’s signature / Date:
Teacher's signature / Date:
Self-Assessment / Teacher Assessment
Next Steps - ways to improve