Extended Day Program
Extended Day Programs
The Extended Day AM program is available for students who need to arrive at school between 7:00 and 7:45 am (K – 8th grades). The Extended Day PM program is available for students who need to remain between 3:35 and 6:00 pm (K – 8th grades).
For your convenience, we offer two plans:
1) Drop-in: Any time that you need to bring your child prior to school start time or you are not able to pick up your child when school ends, we will provide care (from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm).
AM: Your child will be checked in to AM Care as he/she enters the lobby and should go directly to the chapel. Drop-in rate is $8.00/day.
PM: If not picked up during the child’s dismissal time, your child will go into Extended Day. Drop-in rate is $15.00/day.
We encourage parents to pre-pay for drop-in fees if possible. We know that is not always possible, so drop in fees will be billed to your account and are due upon receipt. Fees not paid by Friday of each week will roll over to FACTS and be drafted 10 days later.
2) Monthly Club Plan: To help with budgeting, we also offer the Club plan – our most economical plan. With the Club plan, you pay the same amount each month at the lowest rate. The monthly rates have been averaged over all the weeks of school and will be automatically drafted with your tuition payment through FACTS, beginning in September, skipping February, and ending with the June payment. If, for any reason, this amount is not drafted, the monthly amount must be paid by the 5th of the month, or a 10% late fee will incur. If the amount is not paid by the 10th, the drop-in rate will be assessed.
The Club rate is $85/month for the AM program, and $175/month for the PM program. If you need both plans, the discounted rate is $250/month.
The Extended Day program is also offered on professional, holiday and leave days when normal school classes are not in session. (Please see the WSCS calendar for specific dates.) For children who are registered by the given deadline, the daily rate is $35. The late registration daily rate is $55. There will be no drop-in students accepted and payment must be made in advance.
On the days when school dismisses at 11:30, students who have not been picked up by 12:00 pm will be signed into Extended Day and drop-in students will be billed $25. This does not apply to those already enrolled in the Monthly PM plan.
Please fill out the attached sheet to sign up for the monthly Extended Day program. Payment will be drafted monthly with the tuition payment. The Extended Day monthly draft will begin in September. If tuition and related fees were paid in full at the beginning of the school year, you may still have the monthly Extended Day fee drafted. Please return to school office by August 18.
Extended Day Monthly Program
(Please enroll each child on a separate form)
Yes, I want to join the Extended Day Monthly Program – AMand enroll my child
$85/month for 9 months.
Yes, I want to join the Extended Day Monthly Program – PM
and enroll my child
$175/month for 9 months.
I understand:
· that my account will be auto-drafted through FACTS for the same monthly amount, beginning in September, skipping February, and ending in June.
· that this is a contractual agreement that ensures a place for my child and spreads the cost over a 9 month period.
· that Professional/Holiday Care is not included in the Extended Day AM/PM care plan.
· that my child may drop out or enter one time during the year if extenuating circumstances make it necessary.
· that after removing/entering my child one time from the program, I will not have the option of re-enrolling in this program but can join Plan 1 – Drop-In, paying per month.
I agree to the above and am financially responsible for these charges for my child.
Signature: ______
Print Name: ______Date: ______