1st Edition

Essential Competencies for

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

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About the booklet:

Essential Competencies for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing will guide nursing education program revision. Development of the Essential Competencies was academically rigorous and has the added credibility of consensus from a national panel of EBP experts. Included in this publication are:

a. Purpose of the Essential Competencies

b. Competencies for undergraduate nursing education

c. Competencies for masters nursing education

d. Competencies for doctoral nursing education

e. Report of the consensus development project

f. Description of the Academic Center for Evidence-Based Practice (ACE)

g. ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation

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8. What will be your use for the Essential Competencies? (Check which best matches your objectives in using the Competencies):

Academic curriculum / course development / classroom teaching

CE curriculum / course development / professional-staff development

Clinical ladder performance standards

Quality improvement activity

Meet accreditation or recognition criteria (e.g. Magnet Recognition status)

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9. How did you first hear about the Essential Competencies for EBP?