MnDOT Design-Build ProgramBook 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project

Federal Project No. [insert #]S.P. [insert #]

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MnDOT Design-Build ProgramBook 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project

Federal Project No. [insert #]S.P. [insert #]

RFP 17-13

Intelligent Transportation Systems

MnDOT Design-Build ProgramBook 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project

Federal Project No. [insert #]S.P. [insert #]

17  Intelligent Transportation Systems

17.1  General

PM: Consider other general information, such as detailed contractor interaction with another adjacent project contractor, etc.

Section 17 describes the requirements associated with the development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) for the Project. Provide the removal, salvage, and installation of the ITS components shown in Exhibit 17-B (TMS Layout). Remove, salvage, and install all ancillary ITS Materials, infrastructure, and components necessary to accomplish the Work shown in Exhibit 17-B and integrate with any existing systems. ITS components include all items furnished, installed, or furnished and installed by the Contractor and all existing ITS infrastructure.

17.2  Administrative Requirements

17.2.1  Standards

In the event of a conflict between the standards set forth in Book 3 relating to ITS, follow the order of precedence set forth below, unless otherwise specified:

·  MnDOT Special Provisions

·  MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction

·  MnDOT ITS Special Provisions (SZ)

·  MnDOT ITS Detail Sheets

·  MnDOT Statewide ITS Architecture

·  MnDOT ITS Project Management Design Manual

·  Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD)

·  MnDOT Traffic Engineering Manual

·  MnDOT Standard Plates Manual

·  MnDOT Standard Plans Manual

PM: Review status of Special Provisions. See Book 3, Section 5 for how Special Provisions are to be modified. Modify Special Provision requirements in the appropriate location in this Section by adding pertinent requirements OR modify the specific Special Provision text in the Book 3, Section 5 Modifications to Special Provisions document.

·  MnDOT Road Design Manual

·  MnDOT ITS Sample Plan

·  National Fire Protection Agency National Electric Code (NEC) Standards, including Listing Requirements

·  International Code Council International Building Code (IBC)

·  AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

·  AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals

·  AASHTO Roadside Design Guide

·  U.S. Department of Transportation National ITS Architecture

·  National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards

·  Electronics Industries Alliance (EIA) Standards

·  Telecommunications Industries Association (TIA) Standards

·  National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) Standards

·  Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Standards

·  EIA/TIA Fiber Optic Test Procedure (FOTP) Standards

·  United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Specifications

·  Remaining standards set forth in Book 3

17.2.2  Meetings

PM: Determine if any specific meetings are required and the frequency of the meetings. If none, change subheading to “Not Used”.

Work with MnDOT to form an ITS design team to oversee and provide input on the ITS design and construction. Include coordination with permanent signing designers.  ITS Design Workshop

PM: Determine what representatives need to be included in the design workshop and update accordingly.

Schedule an ITS design workshop prior to initiation of design plans or any Work that disrupts existing ITS infrastructure. Include MnDOT's Project Manager and MnDOT ITS staff in the ITS design workshop. Coordinate with MnDOT to determine if additional stakeholders such as FHWA, affected cities and counties, or others should be invited to participate in the workshop. The ITS design workshop is intended to build consensus on the goals, parameters, and overall functionality and feasibility of the system. Provide hardcopy layouts of the draft ITS Conceptual Plan at the ITS Design Workshop.

PM: Work with ITS group to determine what is included in the design workshop and what should be shown on the Conceptual Plan.

At the ITS design workshop discuss the following topic areas:

·  Salvaged, installed, or removed ITS infrastructure

·  CCTV surveillance at signals system

·  Fiber optic cable/conduit location

·  Blown-in fiber (practices and procedure)

·  Vault locations

·  Connection to in-place ITS infrastructure

·  Cabinet and shelter locations

·  Fiber optic cable splicing and testing

·  Locating ITS components (DMS, cameras, ramp meters, detection, others, as necessary)

·  State-provided equipment lead time

·  Worker certifications

·  Component testing

·  Test equipment calibration

·  ITS construction best practices

·  Documentation, GPS coordinates, as-built and submittal requirements

·  Temporary ITS infrastructure including Contractor’s plan for construction staging specific to the ITS infrastructure, the plan for maintaining communication to devices, and the length of down time for unavailable devices.  ITS Progress Meetings

PM: Discuss frequency of meetings with ITS group and update as necessary. Also consider who needs to attend the progress meetings.

During the ITS design development; organize, schedule, and conduct every-other-week design progress meetings with the ITS design team and affected cities and counties to discuss progress of the ITS design until As-Built Documents have been submitted. Take meeting minutes and distribute them within one Working Day via email to the ITS design team, meeting attendees, and MnDOT.

To monitor design progress and assist in the conduct of these meetings, provide location maps for review and inspection which show all proposed locations for ITS components and how the equipment locations interrelate to form the ITS component system. Schedule, organize, and conduct the ITS design progress meetings to accomplish the following:

·  Review existing ITS systems and operations, including field verification of all legacy ITS systems and components

·  Define and finalize ITS functional, technical, operational, and maintenance requirements

·  Finalize goals and parameters of ITS design

·  Address State Furnished Equipment

·  Establish integration requirements

·  Develop Acceptance of ITS design

·  Address and discuss ITS construction issues

·  SOP Coordination Status  Fiber Optic System Test Plan Meeting

PM:” Review this content versus special provisions. May be able to delete if covered in SPs (SZ-78.2).

Prior to any fiber optic cable installation, arrange a meeting with MnDOT to discuss the proposed Fiber Optic System Test Plan. Testing personnel, including field testing personnel, are required to attend the meeting. The meeting may be waived if the testing personnel have historically demonstrated their ability to conform to MnDOT fiber optic cable testing requirements.

17.2.3  Equipment/Software

PM: Determine if there is specific equipment or software to be used for the project. Does the State require a specific software platform for their devices? Is there specific equipment that will be required or salvaged and re-used? Is there state-provided equipment? If so, provide requirements regarding requests, lead time, pick up, and other relevant information. If none, change subheading to “Not Used.”

17.2.4  Permits/Authorizations

PM: Determine if there are specific permits or authorizations required. If none, change subheading to “Not Used.”

17.3  Design Requirements

17.3.1  General Requirements

PM: Determine if MnDOT will require approval to move ITS components from locations shown in Exhibit. Current language allows the ability to move up to 25’.Provide information about temporary equipment requirements for all ITS components on the project, including temporary communication and power requirements and responsibilities.

Provide complete, operational, and maintainable ITS and ITS components. Design the ITS Components by placing them in a location that generally conforms to the locations shown in Exhibit 17-B while allowing flexibility to move the ITS Components to meet the specific requirements of Book 3 and other Contract requirements. ITS Components can move up to 25’ from the locations shown in Exhibit 17-B without MnDOT Approval. Ensure these systems and components are compatible with the in-place legacy system and any MnDOT planned future system.

ITS equipment may be placed outside of clear zone as long as it functions properly and is located in a dry area. Provide a maintenance access within 50 feet of the equipment between the shoulder and the equipment. Provide a dry path from the maintenance access to the equipment. A dry turf path is acceptable.

Provide an ITS design that includes the following devices and equipment:

·  [list item(s) and provide a general location of where they should be placed]

Label the ITS devices with MnDOT-provided naming and numbering convention.  Has Met and Approved/Qualified Products List

The term “Has Met” refers to a manufacturer’s product that is in conformance with the applicable specifications. Submit any other manufacturer’s product of equal quality or better to MnDOT for Approval.

The term APL/QPL refers to the MnDOT Approved/Qualified Product List. These products are in conformance with the applicable specifications. Submit other manufacturer’s products of equal quality by following the approval/qualification guidance for a given product category. See the APL/QPL web page:

17.3.2  Investigations/Supplemental Work

Add "Existing System Inventory" to the PM prompt PM: Determine if there is any supplemental work or investigations required by the Contractor. Wireless analysis? Bucket truck survey? If none, change subheading to “Not Used.”

17.3.3  Design Criteria  Communication Network

Perform the following:

PM: Discuss with ITS group what level of service is required during construction. Is a lesser functionality allowed?

·  Maintain the existing communications functionality during construction.

·  Design and construct a communications network to serve the ITS components along the segments of the Project.

·  Provide communication links with proposed ITS components to inplace components that are not located within the Right of Way or within the Project limits.

Do not substitute, apply, or attach any part or piece of equipment contrary to the manufacturer’s recommendations.  Fiber Optic Cable

PM: Work with ITS group to update section with project-specific requirements.

Perform the following:

·  Locate fiber optic trunk cable that runs parallel to overhead electrical transmission lines as far from the transmission lines as possible to minimize induced voltage onto the fiber optic armored jacket.

·  Furnish and install new fiber optic cable in the general locations shown in Exhibit 17-B.

·  Minimize the number of transverse crossings of the freeway.

·  Place all permanent fiber optic cables within conduit.

·  Provide armored fiber optic pigtails between splice vaults/shelter and field device control cabinets.

PM: Determine minimum size.

·  Provide a minimum size fiber optic trunk cable of 72 SM.

·  Provide the necessary pigtails to control cabinets and terminate the fiber optic pigtail with the specified connectors.

PM: Work with ITS group to determine if hub communications end equipment requires an upgrade.

Provide and install the necessary fiber termination equipment (i.e., fiber distribution frame, fiber splice modules, fiber patching modules) to accommodate the increased number of fibers in the trunk fiber optic cable line. Fiber optic cable for devices outside the Project limits routed through the Project limits will be rerouted by MnDOT. See APL/QPL web page for product lists.

Do not use wireless communications for the ITS communications network.  Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies

Furnish and install fiber optic cable assemblies as required by the ITS design for this Project. Assemble the fiber optic cable as described in the USDA RUS 7 CFR 1755.900 specification and comply with the specifications required by the manufacturers of approved MnDOT part numbers contained within this document or found on the MnDOT Approved/Qualified Products list and web page.

Do not use factory fusion splices on fiber optic cable.  Fiber Optic Connection Components

PM: Determine the connection components required and add to the following list. If none, delete subsection below, change subheading to “Not Used.”

Furnish and install:

·  Indoor fiber optic pigtails  Coaxial Cables

PM: Determine if coaxial cable is allowed to be used and revise accordingly.

Do not use coaxial cable other than when they are provided by MnDOT.  Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Assembly

PM: Work with ITS group to determine requirements of CCTV assembly. Identify equipment that will remain in place (if any), be salvaged and reinstalled, or be provided at each assembly location. Update all bullet points as applicable.

Furnish and install new CCTV hardware at the locations indicated on Exhibit 17-B. Consult with MnDOT on the areas of concern, such as camera views, accessibility, and maintainability, for placement of CCTV. CCTV systems within the Project Limits are to remain operational during construction. Provide a CCTV system that includes the following maintenance-free components:

·  CCTV pole-mounted control cabinet

·  Sidewalks adjacent to the CCTV standard

·  Cabling

·  Lightning and surge protection

Provide a CCTV system that has:

·  Maximum one-mile spacing

·  Overlapping coverage

·  Coverage to remotely monitor highway or connecting arterial street traffic conditions and, if possible, confirm messages displayed on any remotely controlled dynamic message sign (DMS)

·  Placement to allow monitoring of ramp metering and ramp queues, if applicable

PM: Update location as required.

Do not place standards and cameras in the median of the highway. In the Twin Cities metro area, ensure the CCTV system is compatible with the current video switch.