HHS National Honor Society

Officer Application 2016-2017 - ALL ENTRIES MUST BE TYPED

§  You must have at least one entry under each question (there are five questions). Do not repeat entries.

§  Must be dedicated and committed to the club: have concrete ideas for improving the club, and demonstrate the ability to meet and available to exceed the time commitments to implement the ideas.

Open position(s): Seniors 2017

·  President: The duties of the president include communicating with other officers and facilitating their communication with each other. He must provide an agenda for and preside over all meetings of the NHS executive board. The president is in charge of day-to-day activities for all members. These activities may include preparation for service projects or school events. The president makes speeches, maintains discipline and works with the faculty of the school.

·  Vice President/Webmaster: Maintain and update Heritage NHS website with member information, activities, and news; create new web pages for and improve the content of the NHS website; provide technical support to officers and members on the use of the website and member database. Support and stand-in as president, when president is not available.

·  Secretary: Process member applications, maintain and create membership documentation, such as applications, waiver forms, officer applications; provide membership status reports to members and officers, including those needed for graduation and induction.

·  Treasurer: Responsible for all financial matters, including bookkeeping, collecting member and T-shirt fees, budgeting for activities, ordering food, T-shirts, & tassels, paying for recurring fees (such as webhosting), and enforcing process for and timeliness of reimbursements.

·  Marketing and Promotions: Coordinates and organizes fundraising projects. Informs local and school newspapers with announcements of upcoming or past events.

Open position(s): Juniors 2018

·  Jr. President: Assists the marketing and promotions officer with fundraising endeavors. These activities may include preparation for service projects or school events. The jr. president shadows the sr. president when necessary.

·  Jr. Vice President: Support and stand-in as president, when president is not available. Shadows senior vice president in regard to the website maintenance.

·  Jr. Secretary: Process member applications, maintain and create membership documentation, such as applications, waiver forms, officer applications; provide membership status reports to members and officers, including those needed for graduation and induction.

·  Jr. Treasurer: Responsible for all financial matters, including bookkeeping, collecting member and T-shirt fees, budgeting for activities, ordering food, T-shirts, & tassels, paying for recurring fees (such as web-hosting), and enforcing process for and timeliness of reimbursements.

Open position(s): Sophomores 2019

·  Sophomore Vice President(s): Assists the marketing and promotions officer with fundraising endeavors. These activities may include preparation for service projects or school events. The sophomore officers shadow the other officers to learn the dynamics of NHS.

All officers are also responsible for coordinating and leading community service projects and participating in NHS-sponsored activities, including fundraisers, recruiting events, and NHS-led community service projects.

Please complete the following sections on a separate sheet of paper and attach the paper to the back of the Student Activity Information Form.

Section 1. Scholarship

Ø  Please specify awards won on either a national, state, county, or city level.

Ø  Indicate level, division, or type of award you received (1st, 2nd, 3rd,etc.)

Ø  Include Special Honors received for participation in clubs, sports, etc.

Ø  Ex. Science fairs, musical achievement, speech contests, department awards, athletic awards

Section 2. Character

Ø  CSF should be entered here

Ø  Specify Varsity, Junior Varsity, or Frosh/Soph sports

Ø  Specify club names and committees in which you participated

Ø  Ex. Choir, tall flags, foreign language clubs, athletic teams

Section 3. Leadership

Ø  Specify the clubs and/or organizations to which you belong along with the office title you held. Include a brief job description if necessary.

Ø  Ex. Elected officer of the student body, class or club officer, committee chairperson, team captain, newspaper editor, leadership role in community program or in your job

Section 4. School Service

Ø  Specify activities contributing to the school, in which you received no credit or earnings

Ø  Ex. Tutoring, teacher’s aide

Section 5. Community Service

Ø  Specify Activities in which you contributed to the community

Ø  Ex. Volunteer work in hospitals, fundraisers, civic activities, church, and other organizations

Please be exact when filling out your information form; any application that deliberately misrepresents a candidate will not be considered. If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the NHS officers.

Thank you and good luck to all!

Checklist (for your own reference):

§  Section entries (Scholarship, Character, Leadership, School Service, Community Service) TYPED on separate sheet of paper

§  Completed and accurate Student Activity Information Form

§  Teacher contact information (do NOT need letters of recommendation)

Please include your first choice position and your name in the email subject. For example: Subject: “Treasurer – John Smith”

Heritage High School

National Honor Society

Officer Application 2016-2017

Please insert your typed application information below, and erase this line.




Class of

2nd period

6th period

INTERESTED POSITION(s): Please specify positions in order of preference, if more than one.

§  Why are you interested in the position(s)?

§  What qualifications (experience, skills, interests, contacts, etc.) make you a good candidate for the position(s)?

§  In your own words, what does the National Honor Society represent to you and how do you plan on improving it, should you be elected officer? Be as concrete and specific as you can be and include goals and timelines, as applicable. You may use an extra sheet of paper if necessary.

§  Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your interests?

§  Please name two academic teachers at Heritage whom we can contact if we would like more information about you. Include all contact information (room number and email is sufficient) of the teachers. Please let the teachers know that we may contact them for an endorsement for your officer application.

Section 1. Scholarship

Ø  x

Section 2. Character

Ø  x

Section 3. Leadership

Ø  x

Section 4. School Service

Ø  x

Section 5. Community Service

Ø  x

To the best of my knowledge, all information on this application is true and correct.

Student Signature:


Parent Signature:


Please be prepared to speak to the NHS lunch assembly on April 07, 2015