MKT 385: Global Supply Chain Management

9:30 – 10:45 TH, McGowan 315


Fall 2011

Instructor: Dr. Sandra Loeb

Office: MC 318

Phone: 570 208-5900, extension 5695

Office Hours: 1:00 -2:00 MW

2:00 – 3:15 T H

and by appointment



TEXT: Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management by Mangan, Lalwani and Butcher; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2008. I expect that chapters will be covered in order – although, not all chapters will necessarily be covered.

Recommended: Wall Street Journal,


COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the marketing special topics of logistics and supply chain management will be provided. As businesses can no longer be said to be domestic, the class will have a decided international slant.

COURSE GOALS: The primary goal of this course is to develop the student’s understanding of the areas of logistics, and more specifically, supply chain management.

EVALUATION POLICY: Your grade will be based on exams, participation, projects, as well as attendance. The breakdown will be approximately 45/15/35/5 percents, respectively.

CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: In class we will focus primarily on discussion of the material as well as cases. Introductions to each chapter will be made via power point presentations, however, it will be expected that students will have read the relevant chapters prior to class in order to facilitate end of chapter discussions, as well as cases. I hope to spend most of class time discussing relevant current events as well as cases.


A = 96 and above 70 ≤ C- < 75

93 ≤ A- < 96 65 ≤ D < 70

90 ≤ B+ < 93 F < 65

86 ≤ B < 90

82 ≤ B- < 86

79 ≤ C+ < 82

75 ≤ C < 79

EXAMS: Exams will comprise essay and multiple choice questions (probably about 50/50), including case analyses. You will be provided guidance regarding the relevant cases and questions prior to the exam. The majority of questions will be drawn from material covered in class. Tentative dates are indicated below, however, these are only tentative and might change. Except in the case of unexpected school closures changes will be noted at least one week in advance.

Students are expected to notify the professor at least 15 minutes prior to the exam if they will miss the exam, or as soon as possible after. Notification should preferably be made via phone either directly, or to the departmental secretary. E-mail is considered acceptable though. In either case, your contact information should be provided. Make-ups will be administered only in the case of verifiable emergencies. This means a doctor’s excuse must be provided or verification of another cause for missing the exam.

The final exam, given during finals week, will be comprehensive in nature. Students will be expected to draw materials from the entire semester and integrate it into their answers. To that end, potential questions will be provided prior to the final.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are responsible for everything that goes on in class. You will be allowed one week’s worth of absences (regardless of what is taking place during that class) before I begin deducting points from your grade – excused or otherwise – so use your absence wisely. Should you need an additional absence you will need to provide evidence that those first is ‘excusable’. In case of unusual circumstances, an extra assignment might be made. In the event that you have an unexcused absence for an exam, you will be awarded a ‘0’ for that exam.

Absences above the generous one week allowed will result in 3 percentage points being deducted from your grade for each additional absence.

Legitimate reasons for absences include being absent for serious illnesses or injury (which should be verified by doctor’s excuses), deaths or serious illnesses in the immediate family, and so on. They do not include things like family trips, worked late the night before, ‘gee, I overslept’, and so on.

If you know in advance you will be absent, and can attend another class for the week, something might be arranged.

PARTICIPATION: You will be evaluated on participation, as identified above. Positive participation includes, but is not limited to, answering questions posed by the instructor, being active in group discussions, and providing relevant examples during lecture.

Negative participation will detract from the 10 points. Negative participation includes, but is not limited to, late arrival, leaving during class, non-relevant comments during class, talking during and/or interrupting lectures, cell phone ringing, etc.

Regarding cell phones, cell phones should be turned off during class. While I am sure you are important, I cannot imagine that you are so important you cannot be out of touch for the duration of this class.

PROJECTS: You will be responsible for two projects.

Project 1: You will develop an analysis of one assigned case. You will present to the class, briefly, the important portions of the case, and then you will lead discussion regarding this case. Discussion might follow the questions presented in the text, or it might follow the outline of: Problem/Issues – Alternative Actions – Solution

By ‘lead discussion’ I do not mean ‘present to the class’, but rather that you guide a round table discussion of the class. We will do these discussions in ‘happy little circles’. Power point presentations are not to be used for the discussion portion.

Each of these cases will be worth 10 of the 30 project points. The write up will include all parts identified above (important points, then how you perceive the discussion). Write-ups will be turned in prior to the assigned class dates. I will note that the cases in the text are for the most part only 1 page long.

Project 2: Worth 20 of the potential project points.


Purpose: To have students develop insights and understanding of the transportation structure, issues and carriers for a country besides the United States

Grades for this assignment will be based on the nature and extent of the information collected and the creativity and effectiveness of the presentation.

Output will include a 20-minute PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation (200points) to be submitted electronically to the professor by 3:00PM the night before the presentation, as well as a written summary to be submitted in the form of a word document and submitted at the same time.

The PPT file must be submitted to the professor, however, if the 3:00PM deadline is not met, the team must bring enough copies of the presentation, 6-slides to a page, for the class.

Countries to be selected from:

China India Ukraine

Brazil Germany Turkey

South Africa Vietnam

If there is a country you would like to use and it is not identified above, if you can provide a compelling reason to select it, I will be highly likely to approve it

You have the responsibility for assessing and arranging for the transportation issues for your assigned ITTY BITTY Product, and any ITTY BITTY Product’s part you decide on, to or from your assigned country. ITTY BITTY products are currently assembled in NEPA area and have materials and components suppliers that are located in the area, and around the world. You may define your product any way you wish.

Your assignment is composed of four (4) parts:

First, to assess and present a Profile of the Country to include, but not necessarily be limited to:

·  Location and size (e.g. sq miles/kilometers and compared to US)

·  Topography (coastal, rivers, mountains, etc., which impact transportation)

(Topographical Map)

·  Principle cities and political divisions which would have an impact on transportation (Political Map)

·  Population distribution/profile

·  Income and production/capita

·  Educational levels

·  Other indicators of standard of living

·  Principle products for the country (top 3-5 in each of the following categories)

o  Overall (produced in the country)

o  Exported to the world

o  Exported to the US

o  Imported from the world

o  Imported from the US

Second, assess the Country Transportation Structure and Capabilities to include, but not necessarily be limited to:

·  Principle mode(s)

o  Truck, rail, waterway, ocean, and air serving international and domestic transportation needs

o  Share (%) of the above

o  Description(s) of equipment (size, capacity, type/style, etc.)

o  Principle carriers/companies

§  Name 2-3 in each category and discuss size, etc.

·  Principle modal infrastructures [Map(s) might be useful]

o  Linehaul

o  Highways, railways, & waterways

o  Type, capacity, etc.

o  Terminals

o  Airports, seaports, rail yards

o  Size, capacity, throughput (depth of water, length of runways, runway capacity, # of berths, etc.)

Third, select a major city for the air import of finished ITTY BITTY Product to enable the launch of the product in the country. Map and explain the transportation flow/process, including approximate time and price, and carriers you would use from AVP to this airport and a selected final destination 200-600km from the airport. Or, if you are dealing with an imported part – do the reverse; explain how you would get that part from the origin to AVP and then your factory.

Fourth, for the selected major city utilize containerized ocean for the steady state marketing of IMATERP Product as a longer-range strategy. Map and explain the transportation flow/process, including approximate time and price, and carrier(s) you would use from Reno through a significant port in your country for transportation to your selected city.

Be sure to include any current news articles or other current factors, such as ethical issues, that might impact supply chain management now and in the future in your assigned country.

Now that you’ve read the project, I would allow a pair to work together. If a pair, most parts you would do together, but instead of just importing a part, or exporting a finished product, you would do both. A triplet might work, but I’d have you do two country studies, one to import the part from and the other to export the finished product.

Starting points for collecting information include the CIA Worldbook, and the Department of State webpage. If you are unable to find information and put together a brief list of questions, I might be able to find a contact.

All written work for projects is to be submitted as a Word attachment (unless otherwise noted) via e-mail.

More details regarding these projects will be provided at a later date.

ACCOMODATION FOR LEARNING AND/OR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS: Any student who has a learning disability or a physical handicap should meet with the instructor during the first week of class to discuss accommodations for the classroom and/or assignments and examinations. Accommodations will be made according to college policy.


September 29

November 8

Final Exam date to be announced (but, mine are usually late in the week)

Final examination will be comprehensive.

To the best of my ability the dates will remain as above. Chapters covered will be announced approximately one week prior to the exam.