Instructor: Dr. Jill Sundie / Office: Bauer 375J
Course schedule# 00634, TTh 11:30am-1pm / Phone: 713-743-4166
Office Hours: Wed. 10am-12pm / E-mail: via WebCT or

REQUIRED TEXT: Consumer Behavior,3rd Ed, Wayne D. Hoyer and Deborah J. MacInnis, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004.

RECOMMENDED READING: Influence: Science and Practice, 4th Ed, Robert B. Cialdini, Pearson Allyn & Bacon, 2000.

A key responsibility: to read and think about the assigned material prior to each class. Active participation in class discussion is strongly encouraged. Most of the reading assigned for the course will come from the textbook. However, at various times during the semester, I may provide you with handouts, articles, or cases that you will be asked to read and prepare for class.



Date / Percentage
of Overall Grade
In-Class Exercises / various / 5
Test 1 / Thursday Sept 18th / 20
Test 2 / Thursday October 16th / 25
Test 3 / Tuesday November 11th / 25
Final Exam / Thursday December 11th, 11am-2pm / 25

EXAMS: There will be fourmultiple choice tests during the semester, including the final exam. Tests must be taken during the scheduled class period. If you must miss an exam for a valid reason, you must see me before the day of the exam to make other arrangements.

IN-CLASS EXERCISES: During some class meetings you will be assigned exercises to complete. You must be present when these assignments are given, and must turn in the exercise by the end of the class, in order to receive credit. There will be no make-ups for these in-class exercises. Because these exercises will not be announced in advance, regular attendance is strongly encouraged.

EXTRA CREDIT: Researchers may also request that you participate in various projects or studies. Your participation in any research is strictly voluntary. If a questionnaire is administered during the class for this purpose and you complete the study, you will receive 1 extra credit point. These points will be added to your final exam grade at the end of the semester, and each point will be equivalent to one multiple choice question on the final exam. You must be present in class when the study is administered to receive credit (no make-ups), unless you are otherwise instructed.



18/26Course Introduction None

8/28Segmenting, Targeting, PositioningText pp. 38-42, 303-307

and Chapter 17.

29/2Motivation, Ability, and OpportunityChapter 3

9/4Exposure, Attention, PerceptionChapter 4

39/9MemoryText pp. 175-184

9/11Retrieval/RecallText pp. 184-194

49/16Consumer KnowledgeChapter 5

9/18TEST 1

59/23Attitude Formation and ChangeChapters 6, 7

9/25Attitude Formation and ChangeChapters 6, 7

69/30Branding and Brand Equity TBA

10/2Consumer Decision MakingChapter 9

710/7Consumer Decision MakingChapters 10,11

10/9Consumer Decision MakingChapters 10,11

810/14Post-Decision ProcessesChapter 12

10/16TEST 2

910/21 Sub-culture Influences: EthnicityText pp. 312-329

10/23Sub-culture Influences: Social Class/GroupsChapters 14, 16

1010/28Sub-culture Influences: Age, GenderChapter 15

10/30Social InfluenceInfluence**

1111/4Social InfluenceInfluence**

11/6Social InfluenceInfluence**

1211/11TEST 3

11/13Public PolicyChapter 20

1311/18Consumerism and EthicsChapter 20

11/20Negative Effects of MarketingText pp. 545-553

1411/25Consumers and InnovationChapter 19


1512/2Symbolic ConsumptionChapter 18

12/4Consumer ResearchText pp. 24-37

* subject to change

**recommended reading

Whenever possible, and in accordance with 504/ADA guidelines, we will attempt to provide reasonable academic accommodations to students who request and require them. Please call 713-743-5400 for more assistance.
