June2017 Issue

(Deadline for material for the July2017 issue: June 28, 2017)

Allen M. Solomon, Editor

541 294 6182


SCUUF Programs and Activities for June- All programs will be held at the Dolphin Theater at 10:00 am, unless otherwise noted.

June Theme is “Embodiment”

Embodied living is not simply about being grateful for the unnoticed gifts in front of us; it’s also about noticing that every moment and every context no matter how imperfect, messed up and incomplete, is trying to talk to us! The reason we are called to sink into and care for our bodies is not just to relieve stress; it’s so that our body’s voice no longer gets drowned out by all the other noise. The reason we are called to allow nature to embody us is not simply so that we can feel our interconnectedness; it’s so that we can allow that interconnectedness to tell us its wisdom. The reason to stop trying so hard to change our current circumstances is not simply to “be here now;” it’s so that our current circumstances will finally be able to get a word in edgewise about where it thinks we should go!

Jun 4 - “What does it mean to be an embodiment of anything?” Ahlyn Bodhi

Jun 10 – “Enhancing Your Intuition” 2-4 pm at the Dolphin Playhouse. Dr. Ruth Miller

Jun 11 - “What Does It Mean To Be A People of EMBODIMENT?” Dr. Ruth Miller

Jun 18 – Solstice Celebration – Suzann Stroup – NOON at the Sunset Bay gazebo. Potluck to follow.

Jun 25 - “Embodiment of Spirit into the Physical Body” Elka Skye

Report on the SCUUF Annual Meeting, May 20 2017

The meeting was held at the home of Prez Al and Treasurer Jean near Bastendorff Beach, and consisted of a fine potluck lunch followed by a spirited and productive meeting attended by 30 members and friends.

The weather cooperated with a sudden burst of sunlight and warmth about the time the dinner began, allowing a dozen people to eat on the deck, while another dozen and a half used the dining room (shown above).

New SCUUF officers elected for 2017-18, beginning July1, include President Kathy Maxham, Secretary Barbara Taylor, Treasurer Robin McCreery, Director Mark Stueve and Director Suzann Stroup. Officers rotating off the board (President Al Solomon, Secretary Asialee Crumley, Treasurer Jean Adamson, Director Marian Crumely and Director Kathy Maxham were given a strong round of applause for their service during the past year(s).

After the April brainstorming and visioning session held at Martin Annex, and attended by 16 fellowship members and friends, four important initiatives emerged:

  1. Hire a regular part-time minister on a one-year trial basis (i.e.Dr. Ruth Martin, first weekend of each month). Lots of benefits here, including her help with identifying speakers for Sundays she's not here, her offer of public talks/outreach and perhaps some RE offerings, and her help with leadership and team development. Assess at end of year to determine if pledges and membership have increased enough to be able to continue the expense.
  2. Work on making our current space feel friendlier and more welcoming while NOT making setup and breakdown a lot more time- and work-intensive than it already is.
  3. Form a Facilities Team to help address #2. In time, if we do grow as a result of a part-time minister, that Team could be charged with investigating other rental or purchase options.
  4. Implement some of the low-hanging fruit--ideas that don't cost much and that could be done by people not already heavily tasked with SCUUF stuff. For example:
  5. Create a Social Media Team to share SCUUF events and presence
  6. Create a Music Team

After considerable discussion, the fellowship members voted to approve these initiatives, and discussion of the details of Dr. Miller’s part time employment are being negotiated.

Annual Picnic and Potluck at Robert Mahaffey Farm

On Sunday May 28, the Fellowship met at Robert Mahaffey’s farm for a SCUUF potluck and social. Robertprovided brats, burgers, rolls and a pot of chili, as

well as soft drinks, wine and beer.

The picnic was a fine and fun success, with additional potluck foods and tasty desserts for all in attendance (15+). The local mule accepted his dessert of oats with dignity, served just before the Fellowship dug in!

Creative Arts for UUs, Friends and Families

Did you know that there is an arts-related summer camp for UUs of all ages in ourarea (Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Alaska, and Western Idaho) and their friends and family? Creative Arts Eliot 2017 will take place at the beautiful Seabeck Conference Center on Hood Canal in Seabeck, Washington August 12 through 16, 2017, and will offer opportunities for UUs and friends and relatives to enjoy many wonderful aspects of a multi-generational "camp" experience while also pursuing an interest in one of seven artistic or creative endeavors. Talented presenters will inspire and delight with morning workshops in Photography, Writing, Beginning Ukulele,Intro to Puppetry, Colorful Creations, Painting & Collage, and Storytelling. Campers choose one activity to focus on in the mornings, and spend the rest of their time enjoyingboard and card games, music and singing, walking & hiking through the woods, beach & waterfront activities, UU community, evening programs, and numerous other planned events. For more information, please contact the Eliot Administrator at or visit our website at

Amazon Smilecontributes 0.5% of all your

purchases, to South Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, if you identify SCUUF when you buy through “smile.amazon.com.” Try it!!

SCUUF CARE COMMITTEE The following comprise The SCUUF Care Committee

Georgia Martin, Chair 541-267-6181,

Marian & Asialee Crumley 541-888-4349,

Curt Clay 541-294-1156,


Allen Solomon, President,

Asialee Crumley, Secretary.

Jean Adamson, Treasurer.

Marian Crumley, Director.

Kathy Maxham, Director.


South Coast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

PO Box 3242

Coos Bay 97420

June2017 SCUUP