Mitigation Project Capture Sheet

We would like to capture any mitigation projects that the municipality iseither currently working on or would like to pursue in the future. These projects will be documented in theHMPupdate so that mitigation grant funding can be applied for to support project costs. Please complete onesheet per project with as much detail as possible, using the example below and footnotes as a guide. Please forward completed sheets to:

Cynthia Addonizio-Bianco, CFM, LEED BD+C

Tetra Tech EM, Inc.; 1000 The American Road; MorrisPlains, NJ 07950

Phone: (973) 630-8044 Fax: (973) 630-8025 Email:

Contact Information:
Name: Bob Jones Title:Director, Engineering
Department/Agency: Town Engineering Department
Project Location:
ABC culvert along Swift River at the intersection of Smith Street and Jones Road in Floodville.
Project Description(Please include what will be done, what hazards it will mitigate, how it will mitigate those hazards and what losses will be reduced):
Increase the structural stability and drainage capacity of the culvert along Swift River on Jones Road in Floodville to alleviate stormwater flooding. The increased capacity will prevent excess water from undermining the road and flooding the six residential properties along this street. Jones Road is a main artery through the area and is identified as a critical evacuation and response route.
Lead Agency: Town Engineering / Support Agencies: Town DPW, BroomeCounty Roads Dep’t., NYSOEM
Project Cost: High / Funding Source (if known):FEMA PDM with local Capital Improvements Budget for 25% cost share
Timeline: Short


If an estimated cost is known, please provide or use the following ranges:

Low = < $10,000Medium = $10,000 to $100,000High = > $100,000

If costs have not been estimated, please use the following:

Low = Possible to fund under existing budget. Project is part of, or can be part of an existing on-going program.

Medium = Could budget for under existing work-plan, but would require a reapportionment of the budget or a budget amendment, or the cost of the project would have to be spread over multiple years.

High = Would require an increase in revenue via an alternative source (i.e., bonds, grants, fee increases) to implement. Existing funding levels are not adequate to cover the costs of the proposed project.

Funding Source:

Please identify the anticipated funding source, which could be “Grant funding with local cost share”.


Short =1 to 5 years.

Long Term= 5 years or greater.

OG = On-going program.

DOF = Depending on funding.

Mitigation Project Capture Sheet

Contact Information:
Project Location:
Project Description (Please include what will be done, what hazards it will mitigate, how it will mitigate those hazards and what losses will be reduced:
Lead Agency: / Support Agencies:
Project Cost: / Funding Source (if known):


If an estimated cost is known, please provide or use the following ranges:

Low = < $10,000Medium = $10,000 to $100,000High = > $100,000

If costs have not been estimated, please use the following:

Low = Possible to fund under existing budget. Project is part of, or can be part of an existing on-going program.

Medium = Could budget for under existing work-plan, but would require a reapportionment of the budget or a budget amendment, or the cost of the project would have to be spread over multiple years.

High = Would require an increase in revenue via an alternative source (i.e., bonds, grants, fee increases) to implement. Existing funding levels are not adequate to cover the costs of the proposed project.

Funding Source:

Please identify the anticipated funding source, which could be “Grant funding with local cost share”.


Short =1 to 5 years. Long Term= 5 years or greater. OG = On-going program. DOF = Depending on funding.