Mitchell Woods Public School

School Council

Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time: / Monday, May 1, 2017
Meeting Participants:
Jane Brown (Chair) / Mair Gault (Principal)
Stephanie Sambells / Sara Dick (regrets)
Carolanne Reid / Joan Maynihan (regrets)
Monica Chamberlain / Bryan VanDerZuet Stafford
Kate Borthwick (Secretary) / Lori Kush
Katie Townsend (Staff) / Cynthia Hayes (regrets)
Harshika Arora / Jared Carroll (regrets)
Stacey Murphy / Keilani Carroll (regrets)
Nicole Hamilton (Vice-Principal) (regrets)
No. / Agenda Item / Summary Notes / Actions /
1 / Welcome / Jane welcomed participants to the meeting.
2 / Approval of Agenda & Minutes / Agenda & minutes from the April meeting approved as written & circulated. / Kate to send April meeting minutes to Nicole to be posted on the website.
3 / QSP Fundraising Options for Next Year / Beth Snelgrove attended the meeting to provide some information about QSP Fundraising options.
4 / West Willow Village NG / No items.
5 / Staff Report / Katie gave a report.
·  Resiliency Assembly is taking place next week. Choir will perform.
·  Jump Rope for Heart – Wed, May 17
·  EQAO – Grade 6 – May 23 – 26, Grade 3 – May 30, 32 & June 1
·  Track & Field Day – May 29, rain date May 30
·  Senior Choir & Junior Band – received GOLD & were awarded scholarship awards at the Kiwanis event
·  The 2 groups also wend to UGEMTA – last week (non-competetive)
·  June 2 – Wonderland Trip for the Band/Choir
6 / Principal’s Report / Mair gave a report.
·  This week is Mental Health Awareness week.
·  May 4th @ 6:30 – 8:30 at GCVI – Speaker is Lynn Woodford, UGDSB Psychologist – Mental Health Specialist.
·  Conducting a travel survey in each class.
·  PD Day on Friday – School Improvement Activities.
·  Classes are participating in an initiative to enhance participation in the singing of Oh Canada. Classes are recording their versions of the anthem being sung.
·  Mair requested that a student teacher create a Transition Video that would be useful for new kids entering the school, such as those who are starting Kindergarten or kids who are coming from another school.
·  Contacted the Principal at Brant Ave. School who provided information about how they implemented a Buddy Bench. The Board is working on a standard process for Buddy Benches.
·  Looking at how the playground could be reorganized to create space for the various activities to safely take place at recess.
7 / Treasurer’s Report / This report was sent via email to Jane & Kate – included in the minutes for information:
School Council Meeting – Treasurer’s Report (May 1, 2017)
1.  Balance of $4,022.55
2.  Working balance of $2,265.55
This amount takes into consideration:
·  $1,000 in reserve year-over-year
·  The library commitment for the cubelet $757
(It does not take into account our commitment to the Buddy Benches and any amount that may be given to the ECO club for the request they submitted to us previously)
3.  Revenues
The movie night – April 27 (I don’t have the figures yet; deposit hasn’t yet been made)
4.  Expenses
·  15 charges of $170 for Scientists in the School (i.e. $2550).
·  Cubelet $757 (Amount to be confirmed at the next meeting.)
8 / Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant / Amanda gave a report about the PRO Grant 2017 application.
·  Grant application is due May 25th
Mitchell Woods 101: Proposed Plans
·  In support of the next phase of our school motto, "At Mitchell Woods are BELONGING: everyone is welcome and accepted"
·  Pancake breakfast on October 21st
·  Mair will open the program for the parents to introduce the theme and how it will be incorporated into the classrooms and goals for this year.
·  A speaker is booked who is a professional psychologist who works with families and children and has lots of experience with public speaking. The talk will focus on mental well being and how to promote that in our children as well as warning signs that their children may be feeling isolated at school.
·  Mair is going to contact her about the "zones of regulation" so she can "speak the same language" that they will be using at the school.
·  Trev Loutette, ESL EA is helping us find an immigrant family that can share their testimonial on how they have felt welcome into our community
·  Child care provided during the parent session
·  Ends with informational booths - this year adding community groups
·  Suggestion was made to a have a booth where parents can subscribe to the electronic newsletter.
·  Harshika volunteered to participate and bring the new Canadian perspective.
·  Morning of: pancake flipping, grills, set up (the more the better), clean up, child care (need a parent supervisor for each group of children)
·  Booth updating and creating: in the fall will compile a list of clubs and topics that need to be covered. A parent volunteer will then be put in touch with the appropriate teacher to collect the information needed and present it on a cardboard presentation board. I have the ones from last year, they just may need some updating to make sure the information is accurate to the new calendar year.
Looking to the future:
·  Looking for a volunteer to lead the planning and execution of the event for the 2018/19.
9 / Movie Night / Stephanie reported that there were over 200 people who attended the movie night on April 27th.
·  The event was well received, and there was some profit earned (approximately $320).
·  Ideally Movie Nights can be run next year. Plans to be determined.
Fundraising QSP / Stacey sought feedback from the group about how to approach the QSP Fundraiser next year.
·  It was decided that it wouldn’t be necessary to have an assembly, but for next year’s fundraiser could include frozen dough for cookies loaves. / Stacey to follow-up with Beth regarding
Parking Update / Amanda reviewed a proposed plan for walking and car traffic that could be implemented and invited feedback & suggestions.
·  Flow
·  Supervision - availability
·  Safety
·  Role of school patrol
Next Step: Send the feedback to Trevor to determine if there is a way to address the issues that were raised. If there are ways of doing so then potentially the proposal can proceed. Otherwise, the issue should return to School Council for review and to provide direction to the Sub-Committee.
Accessibility parking will be moved and a path will be created on the East side of the school.
Other / Staff Appreciation Breakfast
·  Held in June and prepared by School Council. A date will be determined and a message will be sent to Council to request volunteers and contributions. Tentative date – Monday, June 12.
Food for the June Meeting
·  Jane is researching options for catering.
·  It was suggested that these 2 options be provided - 3 for 1 Pizza & Thai Food
Fresh from the Farm
·  Monica is willing to lead this initiative and will register for the fundraiser for 2017.
Parent Involvement Committee – Event – Wed, April 26 @ Centre Wellington H.S.
·  Mair, Jane, Amanda & Lavender attended the event.
·  Parents, teachers and administrators were in attendance.
·  Topic: Contact vs. Engaging Parents through events at the School. How can outreach take place to create a partnership?
·  Opportunities need to happen so that parents can feel comfortable to work with the school, so that all can contribute to their child’s education.
Vassey Bulbs
·  Fundraiser for ECO Club. Orders were received and product will be received in the next two weeks.
Jane invited participants to consider if they would like to be an Executive Member of Council (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer)
June agenda item – Date for September, Back-to-School Meet & Greet
·  Plan for Thursday, September 28th / Stephanie to send info about the date of the Staff Appreciation Breakfast.
11 / Adjourn / Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

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