Community Celebration Grants
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
90th Birthday Celebrations- Saturday 11th June 2016
Please read all the information enclosed before completing this form.
1. Your Group: Location and Contacts
Name of Group
Address ______
In which geographical location within Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area as identified by local government electoral areasis your group based (please tick one)
Castlereagh East Killultagh
Castlereagh West Lisburn Town North
Downshire East Lisburn Town South
Downshire West
Full Name of 1st Contact Person
Position held in Group
Postcode Tel(day) Tel(evening)______
Contact Email ______
Full Name of 2nd Contact Person
Position held in Group
Please give the names and addresses of three other Committee Members who will be working on this project.
Please briefly list the main Aims of your Group
2. The Proposal
Location of the event ______
Do you have permission of the property owner where the event is to take place?
Please tell us about your proposed community celebration:
On what date and at what approximate time will the event be held?
(The event must take place between Friday 3rd June and Saturday 18 June 2016 inclusive)
Date: ______Time:
Please tell us what benefit it would bring to the Community:
3. All inclusive nature of the Proposal
Please tell us what you will do to make sure your celebration is accessible to anyone in the local community
4. Financial Information
Please provide an estimated breakdown of expenditure and include detail of any income anticipated
Total Total
Total grant amount requested: £
Please give an estimate of the number of people who will attend the proposed event.
Bank Account Details: Name of Bank: ______
Address: ______
Name of Account : ______
Account Number: ______
Sort Code: ______
5. Any Further Comments
Are there any further comments you wish to make in support of your application?
Have you attached a copy of your group’s constitution Yes
A copy of minutes of your last Annual General MeetingYes
A copy of your most recent audited or independently verified accountsYes
Have you attached a copy of your group’s Policy for the ProtectionYes
of Children and Vulnerable Adults
A copy of your group’s Public Liability Insurance to a Yes
minimum value of £2 million
Are you willing to give recognition to the Council’s sponsorship in Yes
all promotional material and PR opportunities associated with this grant.
Are you willing for the Mayor and/or Deputy Mayor, Chariman and/or Yes
Vice-Chairman of the Leisure & Community Development Committee of
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council to be present at your grant-aided event?
Have all sections of the application been completedYes
7. Declaration
I hereby declare that we agree to adhere to all relevant health and safety legislation. I also certify that all information submitted in this application is truthful and accurate. I understand that any misleading statements (whether deliberate or accidental) given at any stage during the application process could render the application invalid. I also agree to submit a post-event evaluation, financial statement and relevant receipts should the application be successful.
Signed: Date:
Requests for Grants will not be considered unless the application form has been completed, signed and returned, to
Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum, Market Square Lisburn BT28 1AG
by 4.00pm Thursday 28 April, 2016
DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council collects the data on this form for the purposes of administration.This data is not used for any other purpose or is not disclosed to any other organisation.