Twinning Project: HR 08 IB AG 03 TL

Name of Expert: / ELŻBIETA oLEWNIK / Tomaž Cör

Activity No.

/ Act 2.1.1 / Date(s) of visit: / 05.11.-09.11.2012.

1.  Identification

·  Activities to be undertaken according to the Terms of Reference

Act.2.1.1 / Data collection methods
05.11.-09.11. Tomaž Cör,
Elżbieta Olewnik / The sub-activity aims to improve the collection methodology, including identifying potential sources of quality data and/or needed support to maintain those, in order to obtain more quality data for input in data processing phase and recruitment of new farms participating at the FADN survey.
Presentations to the FADN data collection process in the MS, responsibilities, tasks, and procedures in comparison with the Croatian system, and discussions with local experts will be held. Main issues will be, e.g.:
-  on which basis the participating farmers were chose respectively which criteria where the basis for selection
-  which levels and objectives are covered by the participating farmers
-  which data are requested
-  in which form the data are available on side of the farmers respectively are delivered to the FADN Liaison Agency
-  which activities were carried out to train the participating farmers
-  which deficits were identified in the last samples on side of the farmers with regard to data collecting/data preparation).
Following the discussion regarding data collection, and the exchange of experiences in the MS and Croatia a report on data collection will be prepared including strengths and weaknesses of the Croatian system. In the report proposals, already adjusted with the Croatian partners, will be presented to improve the Croatian system of data collection, covering technical resources on side of the participating farmers as well as the FADN Liaison Agency, and organisational, and human resources, for example to carry out in-deep trainings to farmers in data collecting and preparation if necessary.

·  Persons visited: (Please list all the people you met with during your visit with details of their organization)

Name of visited persons:

Persons met during act 2.1.1

1.  Elżbieta Olewnik – STE-Pol

2.  Tomaž Cör – STE-Slo

Monday, 05 November 2012 – Friday, 09 November 2012, all days 8.30-16.00

3.  Kristijan Jelaković – AAS

4.  Ivka Veić – AAS

5.  Dalibor Fotak – AAS

6.  Mirela Matičević - AAS

7.  Andrea Zadravec Vrabec – AAS

Wednesday, 07 November 2012 from 13.00 – 16.00 and
Thursday, 08 November 2012, from 08.30 – 12.00

1.  Krešimir Jakuš – MA

2.  Jasna Putar – MA

3.  Darko Lugonja – MA

4.  Ana Željezić – MA

Friday, 09 November 2012 from 10.00 – 12.00

1.  Mirjana Žanić – CBS

2.  Mira Šimanović – CBS

3.  Dario Legčević – CBS

4.  Lidija Gligorova – CBS

5.  Tihomir Koletić – CBS

6.  Predrag Cvjetićanin – CBS

7.  Jasna Putar – MA

8.  Mirela Matičević - AAS

9.  Kristijan Jelaković – AAS

2.  Description of activities during visit

STE checked the improvement of the recommendations at the previous Mission Report. They presented the process of sending the farm accountancy data to the European Commission and testing these data on the European Commission server (RICA-1). Moreover all errors occurred during testing data on EU server were discussed with Croatian FADN service staff. In addition all contracts between different bodies involved in FADN system in Poland and Slovenia were discussed. All the aspects of Slovenian system of recruitment of the farms that are required to run FADN accountancy according to the rules of RDP were shown. The Croatian Selection Plan was discussed on the basis of one FADN region and possible two FADN regions. At the meetings at the Ministry of Agriculture the discussion of Croatian FADN system took place.

3.  Results

After all presentations FADN service staff is informed about contracts regarding cooperation between different bodies involved in FADN system in Poland and Slovenia. All errors occurred after sending data to EU server were discussed. In result the FADN service staff has knowledge how to correct farm return files and what kind of innovations should be implemented to the internal software. The Croatian side is able to create Selection Plan fact sheet as well as they are aware of possible gaps in the FADN system that could show up when they would have to the deal with bigger number of farms than there are in the pilot sample.

4. Next steps

Please provide details of any follow-up actions:

ACTIVITY No. / Description / person responsible / DATE
2.1.1 / Level of implementation of recommendation of the previous activities
New Farm Return
Draft of selection plan
Regional aspect of HRV FADN / Elżbieta Olewnik
Izabela Cholewa / 17 – 21 December

5.  Conclusions

Conclusions and comments on progress made in the project component in relation to results set out in the Terms of Reference.

·  Croatian FADN service has followed the recommendation of STE from previous mission and substantial improvement can be seen.

·  FADN service team is very motivated and devoted to their work.

·  Croatian FADN service sent data on the European Commission server (RICA-1).

·  Croatian FADN service started to prepare Croatian Selection Plan for 2014 accounting year.

·  The workshop for data collectors is organized next week.

·  Croatian FADN service collects all the data needed for complete farm return but there have to be some changes implemented in the software to create correct farm return files according to Farm Return Data Definition.

·  Some limits for products recorded in Farm Return are missing on RICA-1.

·  The data regarding prices are not controlled in the internal software.

·  The meeting between Statistical Office and FADN service team was organised. The preparation of Croatian Selection plan was discussed.

4.  Recommendation

·  There is a need to continue the implementation of the recommendations from previous mission.

·  Data of farm types and economic size should be prepared on NUTS2 level for two future FADN regions so the assessment of possible FADN samples could be made.

·  The cooperation scheme between different bodies in Croatian FADN system should be established and formalized.

·  The possibility of contracting between stakeholders on different level, for example the contract with farmers should be discussed.

·  The form of the report for the individual farm should be reconsidered because of high labour input.

·  There is an urgent need to get an access to circa system for LAO’s where the documents regarding FADN system are uploaded so all draft documents about new farm return could be followed.

·  Concerning the data sent in RICA-1 system some minor improvements should be implemented so the farm return file will be admissible. There is a need:

1.  to deliver the list of proper Less Favoured Area code to the European Commission.

2.  to deliver missing limits to the European Commission.

3.  to change the limit for the test 26.25.

4.  to check about the usage the proper Structural Fund area code in Farm Return.

5.  to check about the usage the proper environmental restriction code in Farm Return.

6.  to check the value of wages and the number of hours worked.

7.  to correct the organisation codes because codes used are not in line with codes allowed in Farm Return.

8.  to correct the registration of UAA because in special cases area is doubled (vegetables, area under shelter, irrigated area).

9.  to correct registration of crops in table K. If there are two types of crops (registered under two different subheadings included in one main heading) with different type of crop code, it should be two main headings created with different type of crop code.

10.  to correct the registration of the average number of bee hives that should not be multiplied by 10.

11.  to correct the registration of products included under code K_154 and code K_155 as well as products registered under subheadings included in these codes according to EC rules.

12.  to correct the registration of value of production (column 5) under code 183 in table K (according to the Control Programme for the EU Farm Return “ZERO” should be recorded in this position).

13.  to check and correct all missing data codes allowed for each heading and subheading in table K.

14.  to correct the registration of processing crop in Farm Return. The value of crops allocated for processing should be recorded in table K, column 10 (farm use), the same value should be recorded in table F under code 76 (other specific crop costs) and sold processed product should be recorded under code 160 in table K. In some cases sold processed products are registered under code 161, so these cases need to be checked and corrected.

15.  to correct the values registered under code 181 in table K. There should be registered only receipts from agricultural activity of holding.

16.  to control the registration of feeding stuffs for different group of animals. There are cases that feeding stuffs were recorded and it is lack of that group of animals on the farm.

17.  to control the valuation of livestock in internal software because there are many cases with incorrect value of animals.

18.  to control the values regarding crop output. In internal software there are recorded quantities but not values. Therefore there is many cases in Farm Return that there is a harvest and there is no production (no OV, no sales, no farmhouse consumption, no farm use, no CV)

19.  to put the control system of product prices in internal software.

20.  to control the value of average number of animals recorded in table D. In some cases there are animals in table D at OV and CV and there is no AN.

21.  to include information about no rent paid in the internal software.

22.  to include information about no interests paid in the internal software.

6.  Date and Signature of Expert


Tomaž Cör, Elżbieta Olewnik