archived as

more of Dan Burisch is at

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from

on March 9, 2004. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

misc. Dan Burisch postings on the GLP board - Vol-4

full un-edited and non-excerpted posts are at the referenced URL

(continued from Volume 3 - …)

(1073) Human Subject #58-001 3/1/2004 4:18 am EST

[StealthSkater note: refer toInternet chat-interview #13

at for transcript]

(1074) a number 3/2/2004 12:47 am EST

John Henderson: "There has been a question raised here whether the holy Cherubim is really a holy Angel or represents the dark side or is just a made up story. I know of only one way to find out. I´m going to challenge this holy Cherubim to a demonstration of Enlightenment."

Your challenge has been answered.

I was holding your post off until I had another, better to give the doctor. So I handed him the Drac Pig post with yours. He did not reply to the Drac Pig post except to laugh, push his finger on his nose like a snout, and go oink-oink at me. 'nuff said.

Given what the doctor has around him, I did not add your name on the post. Just the meat of it. The doctor read it carefully and closed his eyes while shaking his head. He looked at me (in tears) and asked me if he could "reply to the contents". I told him sure because (of course) I AM FROM THE GOV AND HERE TO HELP!

Then he replied in words and I took them down as accurately as I could.

"It has been written ´Oh, Lord, a wicked and perverse generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it. And do thou, 0 Lord, deliver us from the daughters of Heth as from judgment of the unjust. Amen.´ "

He wiped his eyes and stopped for few seconds, then said,

"For it is written in Deuteronomy, ´Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God.´ "

Then he just stopped talking and handed it back to me. He motioned me away.

There you have it! At least the doctor is seeing your true colors, right?

(1075) Dondep unlogged 3/2/2004 1:19 am EST

"He looked at me (in tears) and asked me if he could "reply to the contents". I told him sure because (of course) I AM FROM THE GOV AND HERE TO HELP!"

Could this be '61'? '42'? or '17'? We noticed your posts from before. Why not allow Dan unfettered access? You are there to HELP or PSY-OP? We understand there is a carefully-selected pastiche of posts that is skewed to nasty ACs (including many from your very own community) and given to Dan when you feel you have enough hostility to turn his stomach, and hence turn him off to his friends that are still here for him. How about Harrdrawk's last couple of posts? Or any of the other registered users who Dan has chatted with? Perhaps Dan would show a smile more often if he was able to "surf [this thread] at will".

You can start by telling him that not only do we still love him, but we also are still working on his behalf and are steadfastly trying to do as he asked despite all the negative energy from the ill-wishers among his Personal Freaking Valets and Information Filters. And pass this on if you can: "Sex and Rockets" is not for comparison, but for contrast. That tome was probably used as a model for the infamous "1st-Amendment Dodge" that you guys travel around with out there near Nellis Air Force Base.

(1076) dondep 3/2/2004 1:50 am EST

------From mid-December------

DONDEP: …got it. Meeting to start in 10 seconds. You will receive an invite but may decline.

MJ3: Can't do it right now but at 2100.

DONDEP: roger.

MJ3: Bill [Hamilton] is falling for [Robert Bigelow's] NIDS and will get me killed. Maybe the Dr., too.

DONDEP: What can I tell him to cool his jets, yet with respect?

MJ3: I have no idea. He has bought in it looks. Tell him that Dr. Burisch is willing to meet with anyone. He has always been. Bill met with Dan 5 times but never brought anyone like that. Why? Dan can't just get when he wants.

DONDEP: I will copy; without address info who should Bill take if we set it up again.

MJ3: Is Bill in the chat room?

DONDEP: No, Bill is not. You can accept invite if you want to address the group

MJ3: Why does Bill need to take anyone?

DONDEP: No need. Thought you were suggesting he do.

MJ3: They seemingly want at Burisch, not his work. The work threatens them.

DONDEP: So if they get to him, they shut down his work?

MJ3: They will use anything he (Dan) says and say "It doesn't fit into the rubric of a doctoral level person." It doesn't matter what he would say. They have to kill the messenger to kill the message.

DONDEP: I am trying to make clear that it will be the interested citizenry that will make up their own minds. NOT some self-appointed experts with alphabet soup behind their names.

MJ3: I agree with that. The problem is that he picked someone that is linked to a group that has already attacked BJ Wolf during her investigation of Burisch.

DONDEP: There are many interrogatories, no? Like Mass people with news today of successful cloning. These people have benefited from Dan's research, no? Are these interrogatories available?

MJ3: Exactly. If they wish to evaluate, send an interrog. The other material speaks for itself.

DONDEP: How do they request an interrogatory?

MJ3: Have Bill send an interrog from Green.

DONDEP: Green knows how?

MJ3: Send the Q to the forum, then I will copy it and send it along to Burisch. He will respond like normal (probably not even knowing that it is from Green).

DONDEP: copy that.

MJ3: I just don't see Burisch setting down with a 'hostile' and then that being used against him. What would the idiot do? Give him a test?

DONDEP: The absence of evidence will be made as important as the evidence itself.

MJ3: That is exactly how they will attack.

DONDEP: All that has been erased will be made part of the case.

MJ3: Okay. Tell Bill that Dan is willing but no way to get him available. Then suggest the Q's on the forum.

DONDEP: The fact that there are copies extant -- and official records don't show it -- will be made part of the record.

MJ3: Great.

DONDEP: Okay. We will assemble the questions.

MJ3: I have to go. Will chat at 2100.

DONDEP: Keep in mind the initial linchpin

MJ3: Have a biologist do it. Like Green, if he can come down from his ivory tower long enough

DONDEP: Thanks. Take care; see you in a coupla hours.

(1077) a number 3/2/2004 3:44 am EST

... hey, nobody twisted John Henderson's arm to make him print that disrespectful challenge. Anybody who challenges God and his Angels to appear and "prove themselves" has an unhealthy ego. And when none of the 'core' people stood up and said, "hold it John! that was disrespectful to God, and we don't agree", it was clear that you all were OK with that kind of mindset.

The Dr's response was valid.

You made your bed through your comments, your silences, and your unwillingness to keep this thread on track -- and honest -- the way it began. So now you can lay in it.

At least the Dr. now knows the kind of mentality shared by the 'core' people in Vol. 4

oh, BTW... any serious researcher who agrees to review this thread is going to get to that link about Burisch and Hamilton being Pig Dracs, and wash his hands of you.

(1078) a number 3/2/2004 3:50 am EST

To 'PageMarker' --

You are essentially right in your minds-eye-view of the Dr. He works day and night. And he has been given a rare gift of insight and occasional help from Above.

We all respect that here.

And we wish there were more people like you on this thread.

(1079) PageMarker 3/2/2004 4:06 am EST

'Numbe'r --

I have had the privilege to have chatted with Dr Burisch directly, however, to my own demise or embarrassment. It was the moment of a lifetime I do not reasonably expect again, as it is enough to remember him more than once.

Many of us know of the trials that are ahead of him. Dr. Dan is -- in my estimation -- somewhat of a pioneer ahead of his time, which in our best efforts seek to keep him concurrent. It saddens me also to encounter such disbelief -- or inspection -- to question motive contrary to that which we should consider anything less than the best we have to offer. It is the government and the governed, after all.

Carey on, carey out.

(1080) dondep 3/2/2004 4:13 am EST

To 'Number' --

Yes, you probably know 'PageMarker' by now as one of the more active participants in our chats with Dan. But John Henderson ALSO has chatted with Dan. And if you gave Dan a real chance to catch up with John and the Rife microscope, I'm sure your opinion of him might soften. It may well be John himself would prefer another outcome to any clash with the cherubim, namely the two becoming fast friends. I'm sure if given the opportunity for peaceful introduction it would probably happen that way.

So, 'Number', are you our new liaison with Dan? Are others of Dan's 'handlers' -- say some that don't seize on the negative but the positive -- also available to comment and pass on our questions and statements to Dan? If you are as close as you claim to him, that shouldn't be too hard to arrange, I trust. Incidentally, realize that this is as raw as it gets out here, and not so cozy and comfortable as you have it in that black-ops community . Gotta take a lot in stride and learn as much as you can without resorting to anger. We never claim to be a well-disciplined bunch or well-versed in scientific protocols. But we're still committing to a happy ending. Have a nice week.

(1081) Anonymous Coward 3/2/2004 4:38 am EST

"Cherubim" :

Angels of illuminative knowledge and awe-inspiring presence, because of their empowered vigilance, the Cherubim are often called "Glorious Guardians". Beings of sphinx like demeanor, they intone and spread the essence of truth, stirring others to spiritual renewal. The wisdom of the Cherubim is so immense that it is incomprehensible to the human mind. Resplendent with sovereign goodness, the Cherubim act as celestial aides and charioteers, cutting through forests of darkness, deadwood, and negativity with the flame of their whirling swords. Meticulous keepers of universal records, they maintain the mobility of the Wheel of Life and safeguard the Mid-Way Station.

(1082) PageMarker 3/2/2004 5:15 am EST

'AC' 5:02, you are fast on the draw. Oour lines must have gotten crossed. The instruments of God's wrath are not the instruments of His healing. Dr Dan would know they are after the fruits of the vineyard, which are the DNA codes themselves. The gift of life is :ove, and the gift of love is Life itself.

(1083) `Boomerang 3/2/2004 8:54 am EST

To the 'number' --

Sometimes a person has to follow orders that they don't like. They do it but disagree with it.

Not you. You obviously take great delight in what you are doing.

You give 'number's a bad name.

(1084) Human Subject #58-001 3/3/2004 12:29 am EST

The Dr. is aware of his memory being altered at one time. Even you and I HAVE to take into account that mind-control DOES happen and CAN happen to us too. LOL I just slept and have no idea where I was.. (just hope and pray I am under His mindcontrol! LOL:)

I wonder why BIll stopped commenting here. (Is he the controller?) Please come back and answer some of our q´s, Bill. For starters, any comments on the video being up?

(1085) dondep 3/3/2004 4:40 am EST

For those about to grawk, we salute you and thank the newest in a long line of patriotic humans that believes there is something fundamentally wrong with hiding the work of Dr. Burisch...

[StealthSkater note: refer toInternet chat-interview #14

at for transcript]

(1086) Crackajack nli 3/3/2004 5:04 am EST

Fantastic chat, team. Sorry I missed it.

'HS' -- I understand your intent, but each has their freewill to choose and discern. All are 'right' if they are true to their heart/hs.

Plenty of things to grawk and comprehend here.

My best wishes to the Doctor for his health and his happiness, and also to the messenger.

To the Psy-Op crew, you need some training.... lol

Take care.

(1087) JAnunknown / Kbum 3/3/2004 8:28 am EST


WOW! this (your last post) is telling the World.

Just 1 out of many ???.

DONDEP: So Giza was built by another race from off-planet?...

MJ#8: ok hold on. Giza was built by humans under the control of future humans. The pyramids symbolize 1/2 of a octahedron.

MJ#8: There is actually a J-rod on an ancient Egyptian wall. Want me to find a link for you?

TORCH4TRUTH: we knew that ….

MJ#8: Here you go-

Egyptologists have different opinions. see: under hoaxes on page2. They explained this "alien entity" in the tombe van Ptahhotpe in Mastabas (North Sakkara) and also explaned the "Abydos Temple Helicopter". You knew too, Torch4truth?? I´ve seen pictures and comments (lost the link).

(1088) `Boomerang 3/3/2004 10:15 am EST

If you have a few hours spare, be prepared to use discernment with this one, a lot of stuff that ties in with this, but probably a lot of mis/dis info too.


"We have pulled no punches and are laying everything out on the table in regards to the New World Order agenda as I and those who have contributed to this document perceive it. If you are one who is easily offended, then be warned. Most of you who read this will realize that you may have personally supported in one form or another -- albeit unknowingly -- certain religious, economic, or political organizations which are on various levels being controlled by those forces that are working towards the implementation of the New World Order. Those who have contributed to this file have not compromised nor held back on what they perceive to be the truth in regards to this conspiracy."

(1089) dondep 3/3/2004 12:59 pm EST

… …

As to the echoes from 'White Rabbit' regarding the discussions that have taken place "behind the scenes", we wish all of you could be there. As said before, all will be revealed in good time. But as the following EDITED conversation shows, releasing indiscriminately would be very harmful to the cause. We can't have the responsibility of 'erasure' of our insider friends on our hands. That would be self-defeating.

The following took place some time ago....

[StealthSkater note: refer toInternet chat-interview #15

at for transcript]

(1090) `Boomerang 3/3/2004 2:22 pm EST

Regards this, to clarify, I believe the names caused some confusion, as I read it 'MJ#8' is saying that Dan knew MICHAEL KILEY (see post below from 1st March re his death) NOT DAVID KELLY, 'MJ#8' says he is not sure if Dan met David Kelly, but says he DID know Patrick Kiley.

MJ#8: Dan knew Kiley.

DONDEP: Kelley you mean? David?

MJ#8: The one that just passed. Depending on which group you speak to (illumes or Maji), they have different plans.

DONDEP: The subject of the Hutton inquiry . Please tell us about that.

MJ#8: That's Kelly. I am not sure if Dan had met him. Kelly pulled his own strings by playing both sides of the street. Illumes and Maji.




3:47 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

People do die of natural causes, of course they do, all I'm saying is another ones gone.


Michael Patrick Kiley, 62, Dies

Obituaries, January 28, 2004 in The Saratogian

He emerged as one of the world´s leading microbiologists and an expert in developing and overseeing multiple levels of biocontainment facilities. Before concentrating on laboratory design and procedures, he was at the forefront in the early studies of Lassa fever, the Ebola virus and mad cow disease while at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga., the Jonas Salk Institute in Tannersville, Pa., and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, Md. He has traveled worldwide and helped develop the Hemorrhagic Virus Program for Health Canada as well as participating in many international conferences.

(1091) Boomerang 3/3/2004 5:00 pm EST

There's loads to read guys, 172 sites like this one to grawk...

"...1947 brought the passage of the National Security Act, the start of the NAZI GERMINATED CIA and NSA. The influx of at least a hundred Nazi scientists, engineers, etc., into the United States and Canada. (Note: Other sources claim that eventually over 3000 Nazi S.S. agents entered the U.S. in this manner. NOT former Nazi´s but ACTIVE Nazi SS who still maintained the national socialist philosophy and agendas which they intended to carry through on to their planned conclusion. They were given refuge within the military-industrial complex with the help of members of the Bavarian-based black gnostic -- serpent worshipping -- lodges in America, such as the Jesuit-spawned Scottish Rite and related lodges who control the oil-military-industrial complex. The leaders of the Military-Industrial Complex or M.I.C. not only gave these fascists refuge following the war, but also had financed the Nazi war machine itself during the second world war. - Branton).