This advisory recommendation has not been approved by the State Instructional Quality Commission
or the State Board of Education.
Publisher / Program / Grade Level(s)EMC Publishing / Mirrors & Windows Connecting with Literature / 6–8
Program Summary:
Mirrors & Windows Connecting with Literature(Program 1) includes: Teacher Edition (TE), Student Edition (SE), Common Core Assessment Practice (CCAP), Program Planning Guide (PPG), Differentiated Instruction (DI), Meeting the Standards (MS), Exceeding the Standards I (ES1), Exceeding the Standards II (ESII), ETS Criterion Online Evaluator (ETS), Access Editions Grades 6-8 Online), Online Bookshelf (Bookshelf Online), Teaching the Common Core (TCC), Flipgrid Online Avenue Online
Mirrors & Windows Connecting with Literature (Program 1)is recommended for adoption because the program includes content as specified in the CA CCSS for ELA, meets all identified standards in Criterion 1 fully, and meets all the Criteria in Category 1 with strengths in Categories 2–5.
Criteria Category 1: ELA/ELD Content/Alignment with Standards
The program supportsteaching to the CA CCSS for ELA, and covers all of the evaluation criteria in Category 1.
- Criterion #1: Grade 6, W.6.9a: TE/SE, pp. 120–127; Grade 7, SL.7.1a:ES 1, pp. EA–12; Grade 8, RL.8.5: SE, pp. 593.
- Criterion #3: Grade 6, TE/SE, pp. 55, 509; SE, pp. 694–695.
- Criterion #5: Grade 6, TE, pp. T4–T6; SE, pp. 29.
- Criterion #6: Grade 6, TE/SE, pp.39; DI, pp. EL57; SE, pp.65–70.
- Criterion #9b: Grades 7, AE Online, TE, pp.2E–2H; Grade 8, AE Online, SE, pp. 211–221.
- Criterion #16: Grade 8, TE/SE,pp.130–135; SE, pp. 602–603.
Criteria Category 2: Program Organization
The organization and design of the instructional materials provide structure for what students should learn each year and allow teachers to teach the content efficiently and effectively.
- Criterion #2: Grade 8, PPG, pp. 1–2.
- Criterion #3: Grade 7, TCC, pp. 10–18.
- Criterion #8: Grade 6, SE, p.686.
- Criterion #8: Grades 6–8, Flipgrid Online, Avenue Online.
- Criterion #12d: Grade 8,TE/SE, pp. 548–556.
Criteria Category 3:Assessment
The instructional materials provide teachers with assistance in using assessments for planning instruction, determining effective flexible grouping strategies, implementing other strategies for meeting the instructional needs of students, and measuring the effectiveness of instruction through progress monitoring.
- Criterion #1a: Grade 6, AG pp. 289–296; Grade 7, AG, pp. 12–22; Grade 7, TE/SE, pp. 126–137; Grade 8, TE/SE, pp.738–741.
- Criterion #1d: Grade 6–8, ETS Criterion Online Evaluator (Title: Diagnostic Feedback).
- Criterion #2: Grade 6, AG, pp. 256–288; Grade 7, AG, pp. 259–292; Grade 8, AG, pp. 247–280.
- Criterion #2: Grade 7–8, Online Bookshelf, CCAP.
- Criterion #3: Grade 6, AG, pp. 3–22.
Criteria Category 4: Universal Access
Program materials ensure universal and equitable access to high-quality curriculum and instruction for all students so they can meet or exceed the expectations as described in the CA CCSS for ELA, and provide teachers with the necessary content and pedagogical tools to teach all students the CA CCSS for ELA.
- Criterion #3b: Grade 8, DI, pp. DR19–DR21.
- Criterion #3c: Grade 6–8, ETS Criterion Online Evaluator (Title: A Student’s Guide to Beginning Criterion).
- Criterion #6: Grade 6, Online Bookshelf CCAP, pp. 1–3.
- Criterion #6: Grade 6, TE, p. 150; AG pp. 1–22.
- Criterion #7: Grade 6, TE p. 92, ESI, pp. EAiii–EAiv; Grade 7, DI, pp. AS-9.
Criteria Category 5: Instructional Planning and Teacher Support
The instructional materials contain a clear road map for teachers to follow when planning instruction and are designed to help teachers provide effective standards-based instruction and ensure opportunities for all students to learn the essential skills and knowledge specified for in the CA CCSS for ELA.
- Criterion #1: Grade 7, TE, pp. 138E–138F, 2C-2D; Grade 8, TE, pp. 2A–2D.
- Criterion #12: Grade 6, TE, pp. 119, 243, 361, 441, 527.
- Criterion #19g: Grade 6–8, AG, pp. 3–22.
- Criterion #20: Grade 6, TE,pp.166.
Edits and Corrections:
The following edits and corrections must be made as a condition of adoption.
- Grade 6, SE/TE, p. 290: Reads “Analyze those details to determine the esis and write it in the center oval.” Should read “Analyze those details to determine the thesis and write it in the center oval.”
- Grade 6, SE/TE, p.593: Reads “Discuss the following question.” Should read “Discuss the following questions.”
- Grade 6, EMC Publishing Bookshelf (online): Page numbering of online text does not match page numbering of displayed printed text.
California Department of Education
August 17, 2015