A.All work specified in this section is governed by the Mechanical General Section 15010.
B.This Section 15931 and the accompanying drawings cover the provisions of all labor, equipment, appliances and materials, and performing all operations in connection with the construction and installation of air distribution devices as specified herein and as shown. These units include, but are not limited to the following:
1.Ceiling Diffusers (CD)
2.Exhaust Registers (ER)
3.Fire Rated Exhaust Registers (ER-FR)
4.Supply Registers (SR)
5.Fire Rated Supply Registers (SR-FR)
6.Return Air Registers (RAR)
7.Fire Rated Return Air Registers (RAR-FR)
A.It is the intent of this Section of the specifications to provide complete, operable, adjusted air distribution devices as shown and specified which are free of excessive noise, vibration and airflow fluctuations.
A.REVIEW REQUIREMENTS OF OUTLETS as to size, finish and type of mounting prior to submitting Shop Drawings and schedules of outlets.
B.CHECK LOCATION OF OUTLETS and make necessary adjustments in position to conform with architectural features, symmetry and lighting arrangement.
A.All air distribution devices shall be selected in accordance with the following minimum criteria unless otherwise noted below or on the drawings:
1.THE AIR DISTRIBUTION devices shall be selected and installed in accordance with ASHRAE and the manufacturer's recommendations. Air diffusers, registers and grilles shall be selected for a maximum sound level of NC 35 for general usage. Spaces with special occupancies such as theaters, conference rooms and offices shall have devices selected for a maximum sound level of NC 30. The throw shall be such that the velocity at the end of the throw in the five foot occupancy zone will not be more than 50 FPM or less than 25 FPM. Manufacturer shall be prepared to demonstrate compliance with Noise criteria on request to Architect’s satisfaction.
2.AIR DIFFUSERS, registers and grilles shall be mounted in frames so that the devices may be easily removed for maintenance and repair.
3.Method of mounting shall be compatible with the ceiling, wall or duct surface which it mounts on or in; i.e. lay-in, surface mounting, plaster frame, duct collar, etc. The architectural drawings shall be referenced to determine the mounting method for each device. All flanges on surface mounted devices shall be provided with a gasket.
4.Finish of all ceiling mounted devices shall be selected to match the color of the adjacent ceiling. Finish of all wall mounted devices shall be primer which is compatible with the finish coating specified for the adjacent wall; finish coat will be applied under Division 9.
B.ALL DEVICES shall be tested per ACD Air Diffusion Council and labeled as such.
A.The basis of design is Titus. Refer to drawings for model numbers. Any proposed substitutions shall be proven equal in all respects to the equipment specified as the basis of design. Any modifications to ductwork, controls, ceilings, building structure, etc.,that result from any substitution shall be coordinated with all trades. This coordination shall occur before delivery of equipment and any modifications shall be performed without incurring additions to the Contract.
A.Acceptable manufacturers are Price, Barb-Aire, Metal Aire and Carnes, provided that their units, performance, appearance and physical characteristics are equal in all respects for this specific project.
A.PROVIDE supply registers selected for the required air distribution for the specified sound criteria and with a neck velocity not to exceed 900 FPM. Registers shall be selected so that style, dimension, mounting, aspect ratios and locations are compatible with the finish treatment of the space.
1.WALL supply register shall have two sets of individually adjustable, double deflection air foil louvers. Louvers shall provide for adjustment in four directions. The front set of louvers shall be parallel to the long dimension.
2.CONSTRUCTION shall be entirely of steel with a factory finish as specified. Louvers shall be approximately 3/4" wide and 3/4" on centers. Registers shall be complete with opposed blade damper, mounting frame, secure concealed fastening system, sponge rubber gasket and adjustable extractor for take off fitting.
3.PROVIDE REGISTERS with integral, gang-operated opposed blade damper with removable key operator, operable from face of register. Operating mechanism shall not project through the register face.
4.Provide fire dampers on supply registers where shown on drawings. Fire damper shall be Ruskin Model G with frame #D1BD2.
E.FINISH in factory baked enamel finish.
A.CEILING devices shall be selected for the required mounting system, and with a neck velocity not to exceed 800 FPM. Ceiling devices shall be coordinated with the ceiling style, lighting system, color scheme, architectural details and required locations.
B.CEILING devices shall have frames for mounting directly into the ceiling suspension system and shall be of dimensions compatible with the ceiling module or panel size. The mounting frames shall provide for easy removal of ceiling devices for maintenance and repair.
1.CEILING diffuser shall be square or rectangular, multi-louvered face with horizontal air flow pattern and with removable inner core. Provide an adjustable air pattern controller to adjust the discharge pattern from horizontal to vertical where indicated on the plans. Direction of air throw shall be as shown on the drawings.
2.CEILING diffusers shall be constructed of steel and provided with a factory finish to match the ceiling panels or as selected. Ceiling diffusers shall be complete with an opposed blade damper, or multi-louvered equalizing grid with damper and damper shall be adjustable from diffuser face. Straightening vanes are not required where diffusers are attached to round flexible ductwork.
3.DIFFUSER shall have surface mount, snap-in, inverted T-bar, or spline type mounting frame as shown on the drawings.
1.REGISTERS shall have fixed angle or curved blades in the horizontal position. Registers shall be fabricated of steel with 20 gage minimum frames and 22 gage minimum blades, steel and aluminum with 20 gage minimum frames, or all aluminum.
2.PROVIDE 1-1/4" margin frame with countersunk screw holes.
3.PROVIDE REGISTERS with integral, gang-operated opposed blade dampers with removable key operator, operable from face of register. Operating mechanism shall not project through the register face.
4.DAMPERS may be eliminated where only one return/exhaust grille serves only one air handling unit.
5.Provide fire dampers on registers where shown on drawings. Fire damper shall be Ruskin Model G with frame #D1BD2.
A.Air distribution devices shall be installed as indicated and in conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The color, frame and border types shall be coordinated with Architectural requirements and shall be selected to install in the finished surface indicated.
A.Grilles, registers and diffusers shall be tested and adjusted to provide the scheduled air flow capacities.
B.All adjustable air distribution devices located within three feet of any wall shall be set to blow directly away from, or parallel to, the wall.
C.PAINT DUCTWORK visible behind air outlets matt black.
D.LOCATIONS of outlets shall be coordinated with other trades to make symmetrical patterns and shall be governed by the established pattern of the lighting fixtures or architectural reflected ceiling plan. The grilles, register and ceiling diffusers shall be provided with deflecting devices and manual dampers as shown on the drawings. These shall be standard product of the manufacturer, and subject to review by the Architect. All ceiling devices to be furnished shall be compatible with the type ceiling in which they are installed.
15931 - 1LK 00000