27TH APRIL 2005

The meeting, which commenced at 7.30pm, finished at 8.20pm.

Representing the Friends of Upton Country Park

Mr M Yeomans (Vice-Chairman), Mr J Baggs, Mr B Galpin and Mr J Whippey.

Representing the Borough of Poole

Councillors Mrs Butt (Chairman), Collier (substituting for Councillor Rampton) and Wilson

Also attending

Councillor Burden (the Mayor)


Clive Smith – Head of Leisure Services

Clive Fisher – Business Manager, Cultural and Community Learning

Lisa Gardner - Democratic Services


Apologies for absence were received from Julian Collins, Councillor Rampton and Jayne Taylor.


The Chairman asked whether the minutes of the meeting on 12th January 2005 were a correct record.

Members requested that the following amendments be made:-

Options for future use of Upton House

Page 3, (viii)…. may be progressed to feasibility stage and funding sought and sent to all members on 21st January 2005.

Plant Centre greenhouse condition

Page 5(e) – It was AGREED that this issue would be re-addressed.

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last meeting of the Forum held on 12th January 2005 as amended, be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Disabled toilets/Short term access improvements

Mike Yeomans provided a verbal update on disabled toilets/short term access improvements and advised of the following:-

  • The disabled toilets were nearing completion, manual indicators would be fitted to show when they were occupied and blinds had been installed in the windows;
  • The door of the ladies toilet would be modified to open outwards;
  • The access path from the car park to the south side of the House had been laid and two access ramps were in place;
  • All of the meeting rooms had been equipped with hearing loops

AGREED that a further update be provided to the next meeting.


Clive Smith, Head of Leisure Services, reminded Members that the management of Upton House had been considered by the Environment Overview Group on 2nd December 2004, which had agreed the appointment of a consultant to undertake a feasibility study, to determine the recommended course of action for the future management of the House. Such a report would form the basis of consultation between the Council, interested parties and the Friends of Upton Country Park.

Members were advised the Borough of Poole was seeking a report to act as a review of alternative options for the future use and management of Upton House. The basis of the report and recommended options would take account of the mission statement for the House, aims and objectives for Upton House and the Council’s priorities.

Members of the Liaison Forum were advised that the initial, draft Consultants brief had been considered in detail at the last meeting and amended accordingly.

Clive Smith referred members to the revised draft and highlighted the following:-

The Consultants would generate feasible options and identify those with the best strategic fit for the Council & the Estate;

The selection of the consultants would be based on experience, ability, and previous work, following full consultation with all parties;

Leisure Services was liaising with the Council’s Procurement Unit on the process for advertising for a Consultant;

An independent Condition Survey would be undertaken as part of the Consultant’s brief;

The Council had received two suggestions from external organisations which it would wish to be investigated;

A feasibility study of the costs of wedding receptions was being undertaken as part of a total breakdown of income and expenditure for the House;

A discussion ensued during which Members made the following comments:-

  • Members requested that the following be deleted from the draft (Scope of the Report, Point 2): “including not for profit organisations”;
  • The Consultants would need relevant experience with regard to comparable properties and developments;
  • A potential timetable was proposed of identifying feasible options by December 2005 & negotiating an agreement with the preferred Partner during the Spring 2006;
  • Members proposed visits be undertaken to facilities that the Consultants had been involved with contact made with other Councils that they had worked with, before an appointment was made.

It was AGREED that:

  • That an update be provided to the next meeting;
  • That members contact Clive Smith, John Baggs or Jayne Taylor with any further comments on the draft brief prior to the next meeting.


A copy of the Winter/Spring Work Programme 2004/5, provided by Matti Raudsepp (Open Spaces Manager), was circulated to all members.

Brian Galpin expressed congratulations to Leisure Services for the projects completed under the programme and requested that the Friends’ thanks be conveyed to all concerned.

It was AGREED that
  • The report be noted; and
  • The Friends’ thanks be expressed to Leisure Services for the projects completed under the Winter/Spring work programme.


Domed Lantern repair

Members were advised that various proposals and designs had been put to English Heritage for the Domed Lantern repair and a price could be obtained for the works once they had indicated what was acceptable.

Members noted that the Friends of Upton Country Park were offering a substantial financial contribution towards the repairs and the Chairman thanked them for their assistance.


That an update be provided to the next meeting.

Library renovation

John Baggs advised that there had been some difficulties identifying contractors for this specialist type of work and further information was being sought in respect of a restoration company that had provided a reasonable quote.

The Forum considered that additional advice should be sought from Property Services along with the National Trust, Church organisations and other public bodies with regard to appointing a contractor.

  • That Steven Booth (Leisure Services), in conjunction with the Friends of Upton Country Park and Julian Collins (Property Services) further investigates renovation of the Library; and
  • That an update be provided to the next meeting.
Friends of Upton Country Park Management Committee

Members were advised that at the recent AGM of the Friends of Upton Country Park an amendment had been agreed to its Constitution, enabling a Management Committee of the Executive Committee to be formed. The Management Committee could meet more frequently than the Executive Committee, it had its own delegated powers and was felt to be a progressive way for the organisation to move forward.


Fire at Upton House

Mike Yeomans explained that a minor fire had occurred in the kitchens of Upton House due to a dishwasher setting alight and the incident was being investigated.

Members noted that there had been difficulties in the fire engine accessing the House, due to the curvature of the back of the building and cars parked in front of the property. Consideration was being given to including parking restrictions in front of the House to ensure such a problem was averted in the future.


That an update be provided to the next meeting.


Members agreed that the next two meetings of the Liaison Forum would take place on the following dates (the meetings to be held at 7.30p.m. at Upton House):

  • Wednesday, 6th July
  • Wednesday, 12th October