Writing Team Unit/9 Weeks: 3rd Nine Weeks

Week of
1-5-2015 / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
TEKS / 13 / 17C / 13/15 / 13
Activities / Teacher Staff Development / Activity:
Teacher will introduce the What What Why writing strategy.
Students will develop a paragraph with answering the three questions based on an object. / Activity:
Teacher will review types of sentences in writing.
Students will piece together parts of sentences in groups. / Activity:
Students will plan and structure their essay.
Students will write an expository essay. / Activity:
Students will complete a revising and editing portion of 2011 released test.
Frame/Closing Task / We will compose a paragraph.
I will add extended detail to my paragraph. / We will review sentence structure for EOC.
I will compose sentences with my group. / We will review expository writing.
I will compose an expository essay. / We will review revising and editing process.
I will read short reading passages and answer revising and editing questions.
Accommodations / ELL (SIOP)/SPED (Inclusion)/At-Promise: / ELL (SIOP)/SPED (Inclusion)/At-Promise: / ELL (SIOP)/SPED (Inclusion)/At-Promise: / ELL (SIOP)/SPED (Inclusion)/At-Promise:
Week of
1-12-2015 / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
Kagan / Sentence structure and sentence combining / Peer edit cold essay / Review for Mock Test / Testing / Revise and editing activities
TEKS / 17 / 13 / 13/15/17 / 13
Activities / Activity:
Students will review sentence structure and sentence combining. / Activity:
Students will peer edit their essay with a partner. / Activity:
Teacher will review sentence structure, parts of an essay, thesis statement, punctuation, and APES strategy for OE. / EOC Mock Testing. / Students will complete revising and editing questions on capitalization and punctuation from the Ladder Workbook.
Frame/Closing Task / We will review types of sentences.
I will compose sentences for each type. / We will peer edit expository essays.
I will peer edit my partner’s essay. / We will review for the Mock EOC test as a class.
I will review with a partner with Quiz Quiz Trade. / We will review steps of revising an editing.
I will read short paragraphs and answer revising and editing questions.
Week of 1/19/15 / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
Holiday / Annotate article / Final Word, Kagan Strat. / Sentence Structure / CA 3week
TEKS / 13 / 15 / 17 / 15
Activities / What? What ? Why?
Read article and annotate it.
Using metacognitive markers, students will identify parts of an essay.
Compare and contrast. / What? What ? Why?
In cooperative groups discuss expository elements in the article. / What? What ? Why?
Each group will be assigned a sentence structure to focus on.
Groups will develop samples to share in gallery walk. / Essay to be announced
Frame/Closing Task / We will read and discus the elements of expository writing.
I will be able to find the qualities of good writing. / We will read and discuss the elements of expository writing.
I will be able to find the qualities of good writing. / We will review sentence structure.
I will compose sentences with my group. / We will plan compose and write Expository Essay.
I will write an expository Essay.
Week of 1-26-15 / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
CSCOPE / Half Day.
TEKS / 15 / 17 / 9 / 9
Activities / Activity:
Students will compose an Eleven minute essay. Teacher will keep time and check for understanding.
Students will peer edit their essay with a partner. / Activity:
Students will develop a Sentence Structure Code of Arms.
Students will select two colors to design their C.o.A. They will include a sample sentence for each section and label each sentence type on the back.
Students will quiz each other through Quiz Quiz Trade. / Team building activities. / Activity:
Students will read and discuss an expository composition.
Student will respond to an Open Ended question using APES strategy. / Activity:
Students will peer edit their Open Ended response and identify sections of the APES strategy.
With their partners, students will share their O.E. response with the class.
Frame/Closing Task / We will discuss the elements of expository writing.
I will compose an essay in eleven minutes. / We will discuss the types of sentences.
I will design my Code of Arms with the four types of sentences. / We will read and discuss an expository composition.
I will compose an open ended response using APES strategy. / We will discuss Open Ended responses and APES strategy.
I will peer edit my partner’s O.E. response and share my response with the class.
Week of 2/2/15 / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
TEKS / 15 / 14A / 14A / 13 / 13
Activities / Bell ringer:
Spelling Bee.
Students will compose an eleven minute essay while being timed by teacher.
Students will peer edit their essays and develop a final draft.
Write an essay explaining the importance of setting goals. / Bell ringer:
Spelling Bee.
Teacher will introduce flash fiction.
Students will compose a piece of flash fiction.
..\Freshmen Writing_1 Revised\Flash Fiction\Flash Fiction Rules.docx / Bell ringer:
Spelling Bee.
Students will compose a piece of flash fiction.
..\Freshmen Writing_1 Revised\Flash Fiction\Flash Fiction Rules.docx
..\Freshmen Writing_1 Revised\Flash Fiction\FLASH FICTION.docx / Bell ringer:
Spelling Bee.
Teacher will present a PP on revising and editing.
Students will take Cornell Notes. / Bell ringer:
Spelling Bee Quiz.
Teacher will present a PP on revising and editing.
Students will take Cornell Notes.
Students will revise and edit sample paragraphs.
Frame/Closing Task / We will discuss the elements of expository writing.
I will compose an expository essay. / We will discuss the elements of flash fiction.
I will compose a piece of flash fiction. / We will discuss the elements of flash fiction.
I will compose a piece of flash fiction. / We will discuss the rules of revising and editing.
I will take Cornell Notes on revising and editing. / We will discuss the rules of revising and editing.
I will take Cornell Notes on revising and editing.
Week of 2/9/15 / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
TEKS / 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 / 14A
Activities / Activity:
Teacher will present an APES PP and review Open Ended responses. / Activity:
Students will read a selection with a partner.
Students will compose an open ended response with their partner. / Activity:
Students will read and discuss the history of Valentine’s Day.
Students will determine whether statements about Valentine’s Day are true or false.
Students will complete sentence stems. / Activity:
Students will read and discuss the history of Valentine’s Day.
Students will determine whether statements about Valentine’s Day are true or false.
Students will complete sentence stems. / Activity:
Teacher will present a What What Why activity.
Students will compose a Valentine theme Flash Fiction story.
Theme Words:
Teddy Bears
Frame/Closing Task / We will discuss APES strategy.
I will take Cornell Notes on APES strategy. / We will discuss APES strategy.
I will compose an open ended response. / We will read & discuss the history of Valentine’s Day.
I will identify statements as true/ false. / We will read & discuss the history of Valentine’s Day.
I will identify statements as true/ false. / We will create a piece of flash fiction.
I will write a Valentine’s Day story.
Week of 2/16/15 / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
TEKS / 15 / 13 / 13/15
Activities / Algebra Benchmark
Afternoon classes:
Students will complete a dictionary skills scavenger hunt. / Activity:
Students will compose a What What Why paragraph.
Students will peer edit and discuss their writing with their partner. / Biology Benchmark
Afternoon classes:
Students will complete a dictionary skills scavenger hunt. / Activity:
Students will read short selections and answer revising and editing questions.
Ladders pages: 98 to 105 / Activity:
Teacher will review revising and editing answers with students.
Activity: Students will compose an introduction paragraph with hook and thesis statement.
Frame/Closing Task / We will discuss the importance of detailed writing.
I will compose a What What Why paragraph. / We will discuss the importance of sentence structure.
I will read selections and respond to revising and editing questions. / We will review introduction paragraph for expository essay.
I will compose an introduction with hook sentence and thesis statement.
Week of ______ / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
Frame/Closing Task / We will
I will / We will
I will / We will
I will / We will
I will / We will
I will
Week of ______ / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs. / Fri.
Frame/Closing Task / We will
I will / We will
I will / We will
I will / We will
I will / We will
I will