December 14, 2015– 7:00 P.M.


Dr. Wanda All, Mr. Jantzen Childers, Ms. Jane Hammett, Mr. Manning Jeter, Mr. Gene Lipsey, Mr. Mike Massey, Ms. Kakie White and Ms. Jane Wilkes.


Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris

Call to Order:

Ms. Jane Hammett, Board Chair, called the meeting to order.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:

The invocation was given by Mr. Gene Lipsey, who also led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Notice to Media:

In accordance with the S.C. Code of Laws, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Union Daily Times, Union County News, WBCU Radio Station and The Spartanburg Herald-Journal.


Ms. Jane Hammett stated that a motion is needed for the approval of the minutes from the November 23, 2015 meeting. Mr. Manning Jeter made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ms. Kakie White. The vote was (7-0) in favor of the motion. Ms. Jane Wilkes Abstained.

Superintendent and Board of School Trustees

Dr. Kristi Woodall explained that Ms. McKissick wanted to thank the Board for their support with tutoring. She was unable to attend the meeting but wanted to express her thanks to each member.

A parent, Charlotte Dawkins, asked the School Board of Trustees to consider having the 2016 graduation ceremony at the Union County Stadium.

Dr. Kristi Woodall presented the 2016 Board meeting dates to the Board for approval. Dr. Wanda All made a motion to approve the dates, seconded by Mr. Manning Jeter. The vote was (8-0) in favor of the motion.


Mr. Lynn Lawson presented a request from the Catawba Regional Council of Governments for a property easement for Alman Street sewer and line improvements for upgrade. Granting this easement would allow them to upgrade their sewer line and work on them as needed. They will repair the property and put it back in the same condition after the upgrade or each time work is needed. He explained the property isn’t changing ownership, only granting an easement. Dr. Wanda All asked for the proposed timeline of this project. Mr. Lawson explained they will send the bid out within the next month and possibly beginning the project in March or early Spring and according to the specs, the project should be no longer than 150 days. Pending Board approval, Mr. Lawson stated they will need to resume conversations regarding the final specs as well as working around Head Start’s schedule. Mr. Manning Jeter asked Mr. Lawson if he is going to talk with the staff at Head Start before the project begins and he replied yes. Dr. All asked what will happen with the sewer line beneath the school. Mr. Lawson said the way it was explained to him is it will be capped off and won’t be disturbed. Ms. Jane Wilkes made a motion to approve the easement, seconded by Mr. Manning Jeter. The vote was (8-0) in favor of the motion.

Mr. Lynn Lawson presented the monthly budget report to the Board.


Ms. Cindy Langley presented one ACT 155 diploma request to the Board for approval. Dr. Wanda All made a motion to approve the diploma request, seconded by Mr. Mike Massey. The vote was (8-0) in favor of the motion.

Ms. Barbara Palmer presented the 2015 ACT Aspire and SCPASS results for grades 3 through 5 to the Board. Ms. Jane Wilkes asked Ms. Palmer for the number of students who are reading below grade level for each school in grades 3 through 5. She asked to see a current list of the number of students who are reading below grade level and then again at the end of the year to see who will be moving to the next grade level. Ms. Palmer stated she would provide that information to them. Dr. Wanda All asked how the instructional team assesses a child’s reading level and how often that assessment occurs for each child between first and third grade. Ms. Palmer explained that assessments begin in kindergarten. She explained that teachers assess children informally as needed, more for struggling readers, with running records and an interventionist works with struggling readers. Students are tested formally using Fountas and Pinnell Leveling at least three times a year: beginning, middle, and end of the year. This is done more often for struggling readers. All of this information is in a data notebook that details how a student performs in the beginning and in the end to show what they have accomplished. Dr. All asked if they have boards displaying the reading levels of students. Ms. Palmer stated there is a data wall at each school located in the reading coach’s room which displays that information. Dr. All asked how teachers use the data. Ms. Palmer stated that MAP data, SCPASS data, and levels are analyzed to pinpoint areas of weakness in order for the teacher to set up small groups, individual or whole group mini lessons. She explained the ACT Aspire data wasn’t very useful and the state is no longer using that assessment.

Ms. Tabitha Talley presented 2015 ACT Aspire and SCPASS results for grades 6 – 8 and End of Course data for grade 8.

Ms. Jane Hammett stated there is a need for a motion to enter into executive session to discuss two personnel/contractual items and one legal item to discuss a forensic computer contract. Mr. Manning Jeter made a motion to enter into executive session, seconded by Ms. Kakie White. The vote was (8-0) in favor of the motion. The Board entered into executive session at 7:47 P.M.

The Board reconvened into open session at 9:42 P.M. Ms. Jane Hammett stated that while in executive session, no votes were taken. Dr. Wanda All stated, “I move that the Board authorize our legal council to pursue entering into a contract with Forensic Computer Analysts to file suit on behalf of the Board to determine the identity of the sender of an email sent to certain Board members, members of the media, and others in October of 2015.” Mr. Manning Jeter seconded the motion. The vote was (6-2) in favor of the motion.

Ms. Jane Hammett stated that she has a press release. “The Board of Trustees, the Union County School District and Superintendent, Dr. Kristi Woodall, announce that Dr. Woodall is leaving the district effective at the completion of this calendar school year. Dr. Woodall, who began her tenure as Superintendent in 2010, is leaving the district to pursue other opportunities. Prior to be being Superintendent, Dr. Woodall also served as principal at Union High School and Director of Personnel in Spartanburg School District Two. The Board has begun searching for an interim superintendent to serve at least the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year and hopes to name that person soon after the start of the new year. The Board will then discuss how and when it will begin the search for a permanent replacement for Dr. Woodall. The Board wishes Dr. Woodall much success and happiness in her future endeavors.”


Mr. Manning Jeter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Gene Lipsey. The vote was (8-0) in favor of the motion. Ms. Jane Wilkes was absent at the time of the vote. The Board adjourned at 9:45 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted by

Kim Petty