MINUTES of the Whitehorse Curling Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday,May 17, 2016 @ WCC
Present:Mark Evans, Bob Smallwood, April Williams, Sandy Miller,Wes Huston,Lee Malanchuk,
Laura Wilson (Secretary)
Regrets:Tyler Williams
Call to Order: 7:03pm
Adoption ofAgenda:
- The Agenda was adopted with addition of a request to discussIce Standards. Lee moved. April seconded. All in favor.CARRIED
Adoption of the Minutes of April 19, 2016
◦Minutes adopted as written. Moved by Wes. Lee seconded. All in favor. CARRIED
New Business:
▪AGM - please send your report to Sandy prior to meeting so she can print it off for the meeting
▪Reviewed operations budget that will be presented at AGM
▪Calendar of events for 2016-2017 season reviewed and some changes suggested
Old Business:
- Proposed Bar Supervisor position: Board is in agreement.ACTION: Sandy will advertise in the fall.
- Wall where the dart boards used to be: Suggestion to move Suzanne Bertrand memorabilia and put a big screen TV and Whiteboard on that wall. It may make it more conducive to meetings and help generate rental revenue. We could apply to Lotteriesor United Way for funding or another option is to approach NorthwesTel, Erik’s Audiotronic or Canadian Tire for donation of TV.
President's Report: Mark Evans
- Mark thanked board members for a good year and re-iterated how much he appreciated the Boards commitment.
Club Manager's Report: Sandy Miller
- The Club Manager’s report was circulated.
- Wes motioned to apply for Cash Calendar application for the 2017 calendar year. Bob seconded. All in favor. CARRIED.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Financial statements reviewed to May 17, 2016
- Requestto add line item for bar revenue atBonspiels to better understand expenses/profits
- Request to add line item for Bar staff salary and to better understand staff expenses
Vice-President, Men: Bob Smallwood
- No report submitted
Vice-President, Women: April Williams
- Nothing to report
Treasurer: Vacant.
Draw Master: Tyler Williams (absent)
- Nothing submitted.
Publicity: Vacant
Junior Programs: Vacant
Wade Kopan is willing to run for this position
Membership: Wes Huston
- Nothing to report. Wes indicated he will be resigning from the Board at the AGM. Mark thanked him for his years of service and dedication to the Board.
Ice Standards: Lee Malanchuk
- Will get Ice contracts to Ray, Dustin and Don Duncan
- Bob requested that ice be prepared for noon hour practices. He reports the ice is heavy and apparently in the past Ice makers used to make ice in the morning and now it is done after work. Lee will have a discussion with Ice makerson if/how the ice can be improved
Director at Large: Vacant
AlexxPeech is willing to run for a position and will put his name forward at the AGM.
MOTION to adjourn at: 8:30pm made by Bob. Lee seconded. All in favor. CARRIED
Next Meeting is our AGM:
May 17, 2016 at 7:00 at WCC