Alderbrook School Issue 20 Blossomfield Road January 2017

Solihull West Midlands

B91 1SN

(0121) 704 2146


Careers and Post 16 Newsletter

Happy 2017 and welcome to January’s edition of the Careers and Post 16 Newsletter. With the holidays now behind us, our minds are set for forthcoming examinations and for our Year 11s, important GCSEs are on the horizon. Now is the time for our students to be focused on their learning and independent studying. This month’s edition has information on the importance of our students passing those GCSEs and the impact of them. Career Advisor Judy Watts has already spoken individually to our students about what pathways are available to our students following their exams. Also, we have a short article on our Alderbrook Sixth Form. We hope you find this month’s newsletter information useful and would welcome your feedback.

Independent Careers Advice…

Judy Watts, our Independent Careers Advisor, is progressing well with her interviews with our Year 11s. The purpose of the interview is to offer appropriate independent advice based on student aspirations and grade predictions;informing our young people of what options there are available for them, once they leave Alderbrook School in July 2017. Any parent/carer who is concerned about what options are available for their child once they leave Year 11, are welcome to attend this interview/appointment too. Please contact Mrs Featherstone for further information.

Each student will receive from Mrs Watts, via their form tutor, a personalised Careers Action Plan based on their interview.

Finally, we would ask Year 11 parents to impress upon their child the importance of attending this useful 20-minute interview.

Parents and our students may not be aware of our Resources Room in Gibbons that house all local 6th Form Prospectuses and other relevant information that may be of interest. If students want prospectuses or further information on career events, they should see Mrs Featherstone in OG12.

6th Form References

For all our parents/carers of Year 11s who are applying for placements at 6th Form Colleges; it would be very helpful if these references could be brought to Pupil Reception (for the attention of Miss French) as soon as possible in order that she can start the process of completing such references and obtain the necessary required information as quickly as possible. She will then either return them or post them directly to the college.

Forthcoming 6th Form Open Evenings


19th January 2017 Alderbrook Sixth Form Open Evening – 6:30 pm onwards

There will be timed addresses from the Director of Sixth Form and Acting Headteacher, as well as the opportunity to visit all subject staff and learn about courses. A range of local and national universities will also be present so you can discuss higher education and be assured that you are making good A Level choices for possible degree courses. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Allen, Director of Sixth Form.

We have had several parents enquire about our Sixth Form facilities here at Alderbrook. As the 19thJanuary 2017 is the Alderbrook Sixth Form Open Evening (6:30 pm onwards), we thought we would give a “spot light mention” in this edition of our newsletter about our inspiring Sixth Form in the hope that it answers some of your general queries.

Alderbrook Sixth Form offers a large and varied curriculum at Post 16. Our subject range includes: Business Studies, Chemistry, Drama & Theatre, Geography, French, History, Mathematics, just to name a few. A complete list can be found on the Sixth Form website, along with our 2017 electronic prospectus. Before your child decides what A Levels to study, they should ask themselves the following questions:

Would I enjoy studying this subject at a higher level?

How well do I think I would achieve in this subject and am I good at it?

Is this subject essential or related to the course I am considering in higher education or for my intended career path?

Entry requirements are as follows:

Students should normally be 16 years of age, but not yet 17 on the 1st September 2017.

Eight A* - C or 9 / 5 GCSEs will be required. Out of those, 6 need to be at Grade B / 6 including English Language and Mathematics. In exceptional circumstances, individual cases will be considered.

Grade B / 6 will generally be required in the chosen subjects where it has been studied at Key Stage 4. However, you should refer to the subject specific information to confirm this as individual subjects may be higher and other GCSE qualifications may be required or desirable.

A commitment to learning evidenced from school reports.

Students should be aware that entry into Year 13 is not automatic and will be based on Year 12 mock exam results, ongoing continuous assessment and attitudes to learning. The teachers work closely with the students to ensure they are on track to achieve in line with their ability.

The Alderbrook SixthForm experience also includes:

‘Freshers’ weekend

Bespoke enrichment programme

Business dress but with ‘dress down’ Fridays

Free Wi-Fi, study periods and designated Sixth Form areas with bistro

Personal UCAS and independent career advice

Application forms will be available on the Open Evening, Thursday 19th January 2017 or can be downloaded from the website. Applications must be returned to the school no later than Wednesday 15th February 2017. We have already received a high number of applications and conditional offers are being sent out.

GCSE results are published on 24th August 2017. Students who successfully meet the entrance requirements will enrol at Alderbrook Sixth Form on the 24th August 2017. Internal students are welcome to enrol between 9 – 12 noon, straight after collection of results. We highly recommend all students are available on results day.

South & City College Saturday 28th January 2017 10am – 1 pm

Bournville College Wednesday 25th January 2017 4pm – 1 pm

*A Parents/Carers Guide toWhat Happens After GCSEs?

Since 2013, students who do not attain a C (4 / 5) in English and Maths have to continue studying the subjects until they are 18. This is due to the then Education Secretary, Michael Gove saying those subjects were the ones employers “demand before all others”. There were concerns from employers’ organisations that too many young people did not possess the skills of literacy and numeracy necessary for work. Furthermore, since 2015, all young people will be expected to remain in some kind of education or workplace training until the age of 18. So where do our students go from here after Alderbrook?

By the end of the academic year, all our Year 11 students have been offered a 20/30 minute careers appointment with our independent careers advisor, Judy Watts. There are occasions some students have had a further appointment, just to ensure any research Judy has asked them to undertake, has been explored. We take our advice, support and readily provided information regarding our students’ individual destinations seriously and want to ensure that it is the best one chosen by them, for them. Our quarterly Life Ready Days also assist our students in guiding them in coming to terms with adult life outside Alderbrook.

Many A levels and other Level 3 courses in sixth forms and at college require students to have at least 4 or 5 GCSE’s or more at grades A* to C (9 / 5).

Maths and English now require a C (4 / 5) or above which is considered a pass. If students have grades at D-G, or less than 5 GCSE passes,there are still many options for them to choose from.Students could study Level 1 / Level 2 courses at college for a year to gain the necessary equivalent qualifications to GCSEs to allow them to progress to Level 3 courses. Re-sits for GCSEsin English and Maths only is available as part of a college programme, whilst it is not easy for other subjects.


Other important news you may be interested in:

Welbeck 6th Form

We have received communication from the Army who are interested in any Year 11 students predicted Level 7s and above (A/Bs) who are interested in applying to Welbeck 6th Form College. This offer is for their engineering streams only and not combat. The Army are planning to deliver a presentation about the Welbeck 6th Form offer and if anyone is keenly interested, please let Mrs Featherstone know and she will get the relevant information to you.Be aware that the closing date for Welbeck 6th Form A Levels Programme will be in January 2017. Applying does not mean that you are committed to the Army!

Interested in becoming a Doctor…

National Medic Mentor Weekend is taking place on the 18th and 19thMarch in 4 locations across the UK: London, Cardiff, Lancaster and Birmingham (John Henry Newman College,Chelmsley Road, Chelmsley Wood B37 5GA, UK)

In November, over 1000 students from acrossthe UKattended and had the opportunity to network with 100s of doctors and medical students, who will be there to share their knowledge and experience with students.

There will be a medical conference taking place on Saturday 18th March with 14 presentations from Royal Colleges, medical schools and a variety of doctors and medical students to help aspiring medics explore careers in medicine and help set up medical school societies at their respective schools.

On Sundaymorning (19th March) there is an optional UCAS lecture about applying to medical school which includes 3 textbooks, lunch and free parent registration. This comprehensive lecture will explain how enthusiastic students can make a competitive medical school application.

Parents are also encouraged to attend as there will be dedicated talks for them too. It is a highly valuable opportunity for your students to network with doctors and medical students, learn about work experience opportunities and how to make a successful application.

Registration is £25 for theSaturdayconference and students can register on the medic mentor website and find out more about the events:

Latest Information on Traineeships:

Traineeships are an ideal opportunity for young people, aged 16 to 24, who are motivated to get a job but lack the skills and experience that employers are looking for.Those who have been unsuccessful when applying for an apprenticeship or other job due to a lack of skills and experience are most likely be good candidates for a traineeship.

Latest Information on Apprenticeships:

The Royal Mail – The Royal Mail is the UK’s third largest employer. The Royal Mail offers apprenticeships and trainee management opportunities on a different scale to other businesses. They deliver six days a week to more than 29 million addresses across the UK and their vision is to be recognised as the best delivery company in the UK and across Europe. But they can't do that without attracting the very best talent. So they offer apprenticeships that give a genuine insight into Royal Mail and their processes, and trainee management schemes that offer a fast-track into the business. Presently, they have the following Apprenticeships available:

• Vehicle Maintenance

• Engineering

• Project Management

• Technology

• Logistics Management

Check out: for further information.

Amazing Apprenticeships– This is a new website that has been approved and commissioned by the National Apprenticeship Service for those trying to grab an apprenticeship. There are all sorts of helpful information as well as vacancies. Give it a look at Apprenticeships is the approved communication channel, commissioned by the National Apprenticeship Se

Career Map -CareerMap is the leading website for 15-19 year olds looking for a pathway into apprenticeships and early career opportunities. The Google Maps interface on the site is super easy to use. The CareerMap team recognise the first steps in a young person’s career can be confusing, so we keep it simple from the off! In the short time since its launch the site is rapidly becoming the number one go to for young people seeking new opportunities in all career sectors. - See more at:

Also, you may want to look at their latest e-magazine as it has lots of interesting articles on apprenticeships and early career opportunities.

Positive Outcomes – Paid to Learn. Paid to Learn is a dedicated website for apprenticeship vacancies and careers advice for young people aged 16-18 in the UK, provided by Positive Outcomes - a national organisation specialising in work-based training, corporate training and apprenticeships and recently awarded aGrade2byOfsted. You can apply for one of their current apprenticeships online or register your details for future apprenticeship vacancies. For further details, visit

Careers and Apprenticeship Events 2016/2017:

What Career Live? What University Live? Is an event organised just for 16-19 year olds where students have the opportunity to meet with UK’s top employers and universities on 3rd & 4th March at the NEC. The day is jam-packed with exhibits, latest vacancies, advice service and is suitable for students and their parents. Booking is free but for further information see

The ICC Birmingham are holding a National Apprenticeship Event as an Open

Evening on Wednesday 8th March 2017 from 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm during National Apprenticeship Week. Registration is free and with the Government pledging 3 million starts by 2020, now is the right time to meet top UK employers and training providers. This event is aimed for years 10-13. See

Manufacturing Apprenticeships 2017 are holding an Open Day Event on Saturday 11th February 2017 AND Saturday 6th May 2017 at the EEF Technology Hub in Birmingham. Get the facts before you decide your future. To book your place call 0121 331 3930

Solihull Apprenticeship Show 2017 is again making their annual appearance at the Renewal Conference Centre, Lode Lane on Thursday 30th March 2017 from 3:00 – 7:30 pm. This is an event definitely not to be missed! More information will follow.

Useful Websites

For those interested in a career in Engineering.

This is the national careers service website. It has information on planning for your career and includes lots of useful information on CV building, interviewing techniques and what GCSEs to take. Worth a look!

This careers website includes a whole section on how GCSE choices can affect your future. See the section on "Focus on Choices at 14"

Future Morph website is designed to show 14-18 year olds career routes that studying science, technology, engineering and maths can lead to.

Careersbox is a free online library of careers related film, news and information.

A careers website which can help you find out about a range of different careers. This section on “Choosing Your Career” is a good starting point.

Search for courses through this UCAS website for both Pre-16 courses and Post-16 courses.

Useful Apprenticeship / Traineeship websites:

Apprentice Eye:

Find an apprenticeship:

Find a traineeship:

Get in Go Far:

Note that the information contained in this newsletter is accurate at the time of printing. For any Open Day information, you are advised to check the website or ring the college/school/venue prior to your visit. If students are interested in a specific college or school and this information is not included in the list above, you are advised to check websites and/or ring the college/school to find out dates and times. Thank you