Chair: Maureen ProcterSecretary: Phillipa Hill
Tel: 01282 437811Tel: 01282 471180
Monday 14th May 2012
Meeting opened at 6.30 p.m.
Present: Maureen, Phillipa, Deborah, Dr Naheed, Dr Anwar, Dr Rajan, Dr Bailey, Gill
Apologies: Dr Narayana, Colin, Eddie, Bwalya, Janet (permanent apologies)
Matters arising from Minutes of meeting 5th March 2012
Regarding Action Plans:
1 - We talked about the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and the possibility of putting something in the news about Health Education and patients not attending for their booked appointments resulting in wasted appointments. This was mentioned at the last CCG meeting and was met with a favourable response.
2 – This is happening by sending out letters to persistent offenders and Doctors speaking with them personally opportunistically.
3 – A display is in the waiting room
4 – Staff checking patient details opportunistically
We discussed what else we may do to help reduce ‘DNA’s’ (Did not Attends). Possibility of translations into other appropriate languages and perhaps a ‘flow chart’ showing the consequences of DNA’s.
Brainstorm! Ideas for the future:
Health Promotion – Alcohol Awareness
This is a hot topic at the moment and we discussed using the waiting room as a tool for education on alcohol awareness. Possibly highlighting the effects of alcohol on the family rather than just on the individual.
Discussed the possibility of bringing the waiting room up to date with regard to leaflet dispensers and keeping displays and information current and effective.
Identifying staff was discussed. Possibilities of reintroducing a board with photos and names of current staff, having administrative staff wear name badges and putting nurses names on the relevant consulting rooms doors. This is to be investigated.
Generally agreed that it would be good if we could recruit more patients to join the PPG and take an active involvement in the practice and what services they may like to see developed.
News from the Practice:
Staff comings and goings!
Dr Rajan is retiring from 1st July but will actually have her last surgery on 13th June. Dr Narayana will be retiring later in the year.
The Practice is employing two locum GP’s in the short term from the middle of June until we employ two salaried GP’s hopefully from August/September 2012.
The Practice will be taking medical students (years 3 and 4) as usual but we are also hoping to take postgraduate Doctors (FY2) from December 2012. These Doctors will be at the practice for 3 month blocks.
Sister Sharon Arnone is now on 12 months Adoption Leave.
Sister Karen Baldwin, who is an experienced practice nurse specialising in COPD, is coming in to the Practice one day a week primarily to run a Breathing Clinic in the absence of Sister Arnone.
- Date of next meeting: Monday 16th July 2012 at 6.30 p.m.
- There was no Other Business
Meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.