14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro Md. 20772
Permit Reviewer: Joanna G. Glascoe Permit Case #: 22931-2015-SGU
Telephone Number: (301) 952-5217 Property: Croom Acres/ Lot 5
Fax Number: (301) 952-4141 Date: June 17, 2015
Permit Status: Email:
The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the following comments should be directed to the reviewer. Further review and additional comments may be generated if revised or additional information has been submitted. If additional information or revised plans are required, two (2) copies must be submitted to this office.
1. Subdivision- HOLD - Submit site plan showing Lot 5 in its entirety with bearings, distances & s.f. as shown on Plat 85-77. Any further questions please contact Brenda Otto @301-952-5243.
2. Transportation- HOLD, show proposed house location to the r/w and demonstrate the r/w. Any further questions please contact Wil Vines @301-952-3943.
3. Environmental- HOLD. Revised TCP2 required to accurately reflecting how the Wood Conservation requirement for the site of 2.1 acres is being provided. Any further questions please contact Kim Finch @301-952-3506. 7/1/15 Comments stand. (10/21 John F. spoke with the applicant. ) OKAY PER TCPII-107-91-01. DPIE NOTIFIED OF $7448.76 AFFORESTATION/REFORESTATION BONDING REQUIREMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT ON 4/12/2016. KIF
4. Please provide dimension of dwelling, all driveways and shed on site plan.
5. Please indicate the height of the dwelling on site plan.
Further review and additional comments may be generated if revised or additional information has been submitted.
6/17/15 Comments emailed to applicant. JGG ()
7/1/15 Comments emailed to applicant. JGG
10/21/2015 – Spoke to the applicant, Paul. He will meet with Kim Finch to resolve the woodland conservation requirement issue with the submitted TCP. – JJF
12/4/2015 – I attended a meeting at DPIE’s request to discuss the outstanding issues that are preventing the release of the building permit. The applicant, Paul Griffith, DPIE employees, Mary Giles, Rey De Guzman, George Holmes, Edwin Udenko, and Clarence Mosley were in attendance, as well as Katina Shoulars and myself from M-NCPPC. The applicant argues that this permit should have been a fire damage report permit only and not a new single-family dwelling permit since all construction will take place on top of the existing foundation. He therefore believes that no site plan should have been required. DPIE does not agree with that position and believes that it is necessary to include all of the required agencies in the review of the permit as they presently are.
The only remaining issues pertain to compliance with the prior approved TCP. However, the EP Section has identified unauthorized clearing on the site since the time the prior TCP was approved, and the 2.1 acres of woodland conservation that is required on the site is not properly reflected on the current plan. The applicant was referred to John Markovich to have a revised TCP prepared, and it a fee-in-lieu may be necessary if the required woodland conservation can no longer be
met on the site. DPIE would also like the site plan updated by WL Meekins since the current plan is now more than 10 years old. We will continue the review process once the revised plans are submitted. - JJF