Minutes of the British and Irish Spa and Hot Tub AssociationLtd (BISHTA)
Annual General Meeting
Held on Friday 23rdSeptember 2011at the Barcelo Cheltenham Park Hotel
In the Chair: Issy Rickards Sanger
1. Members present / Guests / Apologies
List attached.
Chris Hayes (Managing Director) summarised the agenda items and gave a presentation highlighting the achievements and benefits of BISHTAmembership.
2. Minutes of meeting held on 14th September 2010
These had been previously circulated and were then approved on the day.
3. To consider and receive the Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2011
Issy Rickards-Sanger asked those attendees to consider the acceptance of the annual accounts (which had been previously circulated to members) and showed a surplus before Tax of £1,720.
These were proposed by Alex Kemsley, seconded by Stephen Crabb and agreed by the Members as part of an Omnibus vote.
4. To confirm the Officers for the BISHTA Committee and BISHTA Technical Committee
Issy Rickards-Sangerconfirmed she was prepared to stand again as BISHTA Chair andstated how much she had enjoyed her first year in this new role. It was also announced that Dorian Davies would be returning to the Committee. CH expressed his thanks to all members of both committees for their hard work and support over the past year.
This item was approved by then Omnibus vote, as outlined above.
5. To authorise the BISHTA Committee to fix the Members’ subscriptions for 2012
This item was approved by then Omnibus vote, as outlined above.
6. Open Forum:
A chance for Members to discuss issues that are of importance to the industry.
To identify any nominations for volunteers to sit on the BISHTA Committee, or BISHTA Technical Committee
BISHTA to seek feedback from Members on how it can further assist its Members support and promote their businesses
6.1Kevin Rickards-Sanger asked for an update in respect of the introduction of a workforce qualification. CH responded that this work item will be progressed, subject to agreeing the priories of other work items, such as the discussion about European Standards, as this may have to take precedence.
6.2Jane Vesey voiced a concern that her customers are not aware of the value of BISHTA, this was echoed by Tomas O’Toole. Kevin Rickards-Sanger commented that members of BISHTA should ‘educate’ their customers about the value of buying from a BISHTA member and Chris Hayes advised that ways of improving the ranking of BISHTA on the internet were being explored and discussed, with the assistance of Alex Kemsley.
Chris Hayes acknowledged the need to promote BISHTA to consumers and he is exploring ways of working with members, such as Hydropool to have a BISHTA presence at consumer shows.
6.3Lewis Salvage expressed his interest in rejoining BISHTA and he would be prepared to sit on the BISHTA Technical Committee, if his membership was accepted. The application is to be heard at the next BISHTA Committee meeting on 29th September.
6.4The subject of extended warranties was discussed, having been raised by Chris Hayes in the annual review of BISHTA. Materials will be circulated to Members via BISHTA News for feedback, to determine whether a scheme is of value to the membership.
6.5A few members, including Duncan Simcox, Dorian Davies and Stephen Crabbcommented about revising the logo to assist in strengthening the voice of BISHTA for consumers. They believe that the “Promoting Safe Spa Water” message is no longer the most important consideration and mentioning in some way the quality products and services offered by BISHTA members is now more important. The suggestion was also to have the logo containing the slogan ‘Industry Approved’. Chris Hayes would take this idea up with the BISHTA Committee.
End of Meeting.