Find out about an environmental issue andsummarise it by answering the questions below. It could be about anything, as long as something in the environment is affected in some way. It could be something very small scale, or large scale. The challenge is to find something that interests you.
Where can I find out about an environmental issue? Try the following websites as a start. You could also look in any newspapers, magazines, news apps, or environmental campaign websites like WWF, Friends of the Earth or Greenpeace.
- Describe the issue
- Mark on the world map where the issue is happening (or affecting)
- One fact or important piece of info about this issue is:
- Another fact or important point is:
- The impact of this happening is:
Success Criteria / √ / ? / x
All questions answered
Named the continent/country/region this is affecting
Identified if it is a small scale issue or large-scale issue
Facts identified
Facts developed into ‘so what?’ This means…
Impact of the issue is developed and explained
TASK TWO: Overfishing
- Write down the definition of OVERFISHING:
EXTENSION: Other consequences (OR EFFECTS) of overfishing I have researched are:
Succes Criteria / √ / ? / xDefinition Found
Appropriate Image of overfishing included
Have I identified an effect or consequence on the penguins
Have I started to explain the ‘so what?’ of the effects
Have I gone on to find out about other consequences of overfishing and explained them?
Each box has three statements, two are the truth and one is a lie! Identify the statement which is a lie!
- Global warming is caused by CFCs and a hole in the ozone layer
- Earth’s temperatures have always changed
- Global Warming means the earth’s atmosphere is warming up
- Sea Levels are rising as a result of global warming
- Some countries could face more hurricanes as a result of global warming
- Global warming is caused by the ice melting
- The earth’s temperature has always remained at the same temperature until Global Warming was discovered
- Some countries will face more droughts as a result of global warming
- The burning of fossil fuels is directly linked to Global Warming
- The ‘Greenhouse Effect’ and Global Warming are different
- CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is the only gas that causes global warming
- Methane (given off when cows fart!) is also a gas that contributes to global warming
- Sea temperatures are also rising as a result of global warming
- Using electricity causes global warming
- If we didn’t use any electricity global warming would stop completely
PART ONE Find out about THREE Non-Renewable(Fossil Fuels) and THREE Renewable types of energy. Write a summary about each type of energy in the columns below.
Try this link to GCSE Geography Bitesize
PART TWO. Discuss which type of energy would be best to use in the UK
I think the BEST way to produce energy for the UK isThis is because
LEVEL 4 / A type of energy has been named
You have identified if it is renewable or non-renewable
Described how it works or given simple statements about why you chose it
LEVEL 5 / + you are starting to develop your sentences to give simple explanations as to why this type of energy is good. (e.g identifying the benefits it will bring) and compare with another type of energy
LEVEL 6 / + You are developing sentences with the ‘so what’ answered clearly or explained.
You are starting to make links to other issues relating to energy production (e.g space, investment of money, availability of resources, environmental issues)
LEVEL 7 / +research you have done outside of the lesson is very clear in your explanation.
An argument FOR and AGAINST using this type of energy is developed within your answer and your final choice is well justified.
Look at the following website and complete your CO2 emissions for each category
Traveling to and from school =
At Home =
Holidays =
Presentation brief
Work as a group to present what you have found out about Global Warming; its cause and effects come up with ways we can tackle this issue.
You will peer assess each other’s’ presentations and will give a mark for presentation skills and a Level for the content you include.
Success Criteria is on the next sheet, along with space to mark other group’s work.
Content LevelLevel 4
-Simple description of what global warming is
-Simple ways to reduce carbon footprint are suggested
-Prediction of what might happen in the future is attempted
Level 5
-Clear explanation of some causes/effects of global warming
-Give a number of ways to reduce your personal carbon footprint
-Explain the benefits of doing so
-Clear links are starting to be made between local actions and global effects (and global warming)
-Different values and attitudes are considered
-Can clearly explain what might happen if the problem is not addressed
-Realistic predictions of what might happen in the future made
-Starting to include own research
Level 7
-Own research is seemingly applied
-Different issues relating to global warming are discussed including the idea that change can lead to conflict amongst different people.
-The most important issues are prioritized with clear reasons why
-Advice is given about sustainable approaches on a local, national and global scale
Level 8
-Complex factors are taken into consideration
-A range of views about global warming is given as is different approaches to tackiling them
-Appropriate questions are asked
-Sources of evidence are critically evaluated
Presentation Skills
Reading from the script the whole time
Poorly rehearsed
Timing has not been considered
Reading from a script but looking at the audience
Some preparartion is obvious
Timing has been thought about
Confident delivery (notes are used but not necessarily directly read from)
Clearly rehearsed
Timings are precise