Minutes of the
Reliability Committee Meeting
January 27, 2015
Members Present / Sector / AffiliationD. Gates / Chair / ISO New England Inc.
M. Lyons / Secretary / ISO New England Inc.
B. Stein / Vice Chair/Supplier / Footprint Power/PSEG Energy Resources/HQ Energy Services
W. Fowler / Generation/Supplier / Exelon, EquiPower, Granite Ridge
J. Martin / Transmission / New England Power Company
C. Liu / Publicly Owned (26) / Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, and representing some 26 publicly owned Participants
T. Kaslow / Generation / GDF Suez
F. Plett / End User / Massachusetts Attorney General Office
C. Belew / End User / Massachusetts Attorney General Office
C. Bowie / Transmission / Northeast Utilities Service Company
A. Scarfone / Transmission / Northeast Utilities Service Company
J. Rotger / Supplier / Cross Sound Cable Company
M. Gardner / Generation / NextEra Energy Resources
J. Jones / Transmission / Emera Maine
J. Gordon / Supplier / PSEG Energy Resources and Trade
B. McKinnon / Publicly Owned / Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative
H. Presume / Transmission / Vermont Electric Power Company
S. Kirk / Supplier / Exelon Generation Company
J. Lisowski / Publicly Owned / Chicopee Electric Light
Guests Present / Affiliation
C. Sedlacek / ISO New England Inc.
B. Koropey / New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission
K. Mankouski / ISO New England Inc.
M. Drzewianowski / ISO New England Inc.
S. Tourian / Northeast Utilities Service Company
S. Chaudhury / ISO New England Inc.
B. Lohrman / FERC
J. Dong / New England Power Company
G. Elliott / ISO New England Inc.
E. Runge / Day Pitney
T. Paradise / ISO New England Inc.
D. Capra / NESCOE
P. Bernard / ISO New England Inc.
B. Oberlin / ISO New England Inc.
Item 1.0 – Chair’s Remarks
Mr. Don Gates welcomed the committee and reviewed the day’s agenda.
Mr. Bob Stein (HQ) recognized Mr. Cal Bowie (NU) for his many years of service before his retirement.
Mr. Bill Fowler (Exelon) also recognized Mr. Bowie and made a resolution for the committee as follows...
Whereas, the New England Power Pool wishes to gratefully acknowledge the dedication, leadership, and wise counsel Mr. Calvin Bowie has provided in his long-standing support of the evolution of New England's power markets and the stakeholder process as a representative for Northeast Utilities;
Be it therefore resolved, that the New England Power Pool hereby expresses its thanks and appreciation and offers best wishes in retirement for Mr. Bowie.
The motion was moved and seconded to express appreciation for his service to the committee. The resolution was approved unanimously.
Mr. Eric Runge (Day Pitney) provided some brief remarks regarding the January 2, 2015 FERC ICR Order and part of the inclusion of distributed generation in ICR and Pay for Performance and the subsequent enhanced generator availability should be factored into the ICR equation as well. These items will be discussed and vetted at both the RC and PAC beginning at the February RC.
Mr. Bob Stein asked that ISO incorporate this review into PP 10.
Mr. Theodore Paradise (ISO) commented that ISO will consider that.
Mr. Tom Kaslow (GDF Suez) stated that there is an overlap with the renewal technology and will that portion of this be discussed at the MC.
Mr. Gates stated that we have talked with the Chair of the MC and we can discuss including the MC and RC in these discussions and review.
Mr. Jose Rotger (CSC) stated that he was concerned that the lowering of ICR could be an issue with him and wishes to discuss this further for the record. Mr. Kaslow and Mr. Fowler agreed with Mr. Rotger’s position.
Mr. Runge stated that we can take that back for additional review.
Item 2.0 – Meeting Minutes
The November 19, 2014 and December 17, 2014 meeting minutes were pulled from the agenda for additional editing. The minutes will be reviewed and acted upon at the February RC meeting.
Item 3.0 – Level II/III Proposed Plan Applications
Item 3.1 – Blue Sky Wind West Generation and Transmission Project - FW-15-G01, FW-15-T01, CMP-15-T01, CMP-15-T02, EM-15-T01
Mr. Curt Beveridge (CMP) provided an overview of the Blue Sky West Wind Generation and Transmission project.
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) asked if CMP plans to rerate the Section 85 line.
Mr. Beveridge replied that CMP plans to increase the height of the line so it can be rerated.
Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) and if there was a one line diagram for the Detroit SVC included as part of the project materials.
Mr. Beveridge stated that he will resubmit that PPA with a one line diagram.
Ms. Michelle Gardner (NextEra) asked if part of the review process considers the torsion risk to Wyman 4 due to the project relay work.
Mr. Mankouski stated that we are not planning on removing the relay at this time.
Ms. Gardner asked if ISO has looked at any other potential resolutions.
Ms. Mankouski stated that other solutions are much more costly to implement.
Mr. Bill Fowler (Exelon) asked if there were there similar studies done for other Maine generators such as Westbrook.
Mr. Beveridge replied that electrically, the project impact primarily affects just the Wyman 4 unit.
Mr. Fowler also asked if the resource will run prior to the in service date of the SVC at the Detroit substation.
Mr. Mankouski stated that we are working with the project sponsor regarding the in service date, but if it is May 2017 there will be restrictions on the generation output.
A motion to approve the project was moved and seconded. A vote was taken with none opposed and no abstentions. Project approved.
Item 3.2 – Bridgeport Harbor Combined Cycle Generation and Transmission Project – PSEG-15-G01, PSEG-15-T01, PSEG-15-T02, UI-15-T01
Mr. Joel Gordon (PSEG) and Mr. Alex Boutsioulis (UI) provided an overview of the Bridgeport Harbor Combined Cycle Generation and Transmission Project.
Mr. Bruce McKinnon (CMEEC) commented that the SIS report omitted mentioning the AL Pierce generator within the study’s text and was wondering if it was part of the actual study review. As such he will be voting against the project.
Mr. Brent Oberlin (ISO) stated that the resource was modeled in the study analysis and it is part of the SIS study even if it is not mentioned in the report text.
Mr. McKinnon replied that he will change his vote to an abstention.
Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) the under frequency protection settings were not reviewed.
Mr. Boutsioulis stated that we will perform that study later.
Mr. McKinnon commented that on page 31 of the SIS it talks about the N-1 results and the dispatch against the Bridgeport energy. Will that create problems in the area?
Mr. Stein (HQ US) replied that the project was reviewed as part on the minimum interconnection standards.
A motion to approve the project was moved and seconded. A vote was taken with none opposed and one abstention (Publicly Owned Sector). Project approved.
Item 3.3 – Bridgeport Energy Generator Uprate Project – BE-15-G01
Mr. Alex Boutsioulis (UI) provided an overview of the Bridgeport Energy Uprate Project.
There were no questions from the committee regarding this project.
CMEEC abstains for the same issues as described in the Bridgeport Harbor Combined Cycle Generation and Transmission Project
A motion to approve the project was moved and seconded. A vote was taken with none opposed and one abstention (Publicly Owned Sector). Project approved.
Item 4.0 – Level 0/I Proposed Plan Applications
Item 4.1 – TJA Carver Solar Project – NU-14-G11
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) provided an overview of the TJA Carver Solar Project.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic and no objections to the Level 0 classification. Project approved.
Item 4.2 – Whitcomb Solar Project – VELCO-15-GNF01
Mr. Hantz Presume (VELCO) provided an overview of the Whitcomb Solar Project.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic and no objections to the Level 0 classification. Project approved.
Item 4.3 – Chester Solar Project – VELCO-15-GNF02
Mr. Hantz Presume (VELCO) provided an overview of the Chester Solar Project.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic and no objections to the Level 0 classification. Project approved.
Item 4.4 – Line 326 Reconductor PPA Withdrawal Notification
Mr. Janny Dong (NEP) stated that the Line 326 Reconductor PPA is being withdrawn.
There were no objections from the committee regarding this request.
Item 4.5 – Stony Brook 3 Generator PPA Withdrawal Notification
Mr. Chung Liu (MMWEC) stated that the Stony Brook 3 Generator PPA is being withdrawn.
There were no objections from the committee regarding this request.
Item 5.0 – Transmission Cost Allocations
Item 5.1 – CEL/Memorial Drive TCA – CEL-14-TCA-01/NU-14-TCA-01
Mr. Jim Lisowski (CEL) provided an overview of the CEL/Memorial Drive TCA.
Mr. Alex Boutsioulis asked why the right of way costs as so low.
Mr. Lisowski replied that we had existing access to the right of way and we only need to make a small new land purchase.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 5.2 – Haddam Neck Shunt Reactor TCA 0- NU-14-TCA-11
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) provided an overview of the Haddam Neck Shunt Reactor TCA.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 5.3 – Long Term Lower SEMA TCA – NSTAR-11-TCA-01-Rev.1
Mr. Souren Tourian (NU/NSTAR) provided an overview of the Long Term Lower SEMA TCA Revision truing up the actual project costs resulting in an approximate savings of $4M.
Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) you went from 6 to 8 breakers, is that for the Bourne site?
Mr. Tourian replied that it is.
Mr. Jose Rotger if the new circuit to Bourne is in the RSP list.
Mr. Tourian replied that it is not in the RSP list at this time. It will go into the RSP once the SEMA/RI study progresses a little further.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 5.4 – South Norwalk Interconnect TCA – NU-14-TCA-12
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) provided an overview of the South Norwalk Interconnect TCA.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 6.0 – FCA 10 Transmission Certification Update
Ms. Simmi Chaudhury (ISO) provided an overview of the FCA 10 Transmission Certification.
Mr. Jose Rotger (CSC) asked if you expand on where the internal interface limits fall in the process.
Mr. Al McBride (ISO) stated that he will be making a presentation at the PAC tomorrow that will directly address that question.
Mr. Bob Stein (HQ US) asked are the listed new certified project brand new and not included as part of last year’s certification.
Ms. Chaudhury replied that is correct.
Other clarifying questions were asked and responded to by Ms. Chaudhury.
Item 7.0 – Operating Procedures
Item 7.1 - OP 8 – Operating Reserve and Regulation
Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview regarding the revisions to OP 8.
Mr. Jose Rotger (CSC) asked what is the timeline for implementation.
Mr. Elliott replied that we will vote this at the RC in February and then it will go to the PC in March. As soon as the PC approves the revisions, it will go into effect.
A vote on this topic will take place at a future Reliability Committee meeting.
Item 8.0 – ISO-NE Website Demonstration and Feedback
This item was pulled from the agenda so that Mr. Michael Beganny could present the topic in person.
As there was no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Marc Lyons, Secretary
Reliability Committee
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