The Wholistic Peace Institute (WPI) Announces the 7th Annual Harold Schnitzer Spirit of Unity Awards - Deadline For Submittal Is September 15, 2015!

“It is not enough to teach children how to read, write, and count. Education has to cultivate mutual respect for others and the worlds in which we live, and help people forge more just, inclusive and peaceful societies”. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon

The Spirit of Unity $500 Award Is Given to Elementary, Middle, High School and Junior College Peace, Human Rights, Conflict Resolution Clubs for the outstanding work of their students in initiating peace and service projects in their schools and their communities-to make our world both a safer and a better place for all. Please Submit; No Later than September 15, 2015 the following in a Narrative Report:

  • Name Of The OregonSchool:
  • Teacher & School Contact Information:
  • Teacher/Counselor Name & School Address:
  • Teacher/Counselor Phone: Work Phone; Cell Phone; FAX
  • Teacher/Counselor Email:
  • Name of the Student Peace Leader and Names of Peace Club Members:
  • What Your Project Intends To Accomplish (Goals):
  • Budget for Your Project (Specify General Categories Such As Printing, Event Costs (what type); etc.
  • What Will Be Your Final Product/Program/Report Or Event:
  • How Will You Evaluate Whether You Accomplished Your Goals?
  • If your Program Is Existing - When Did It Start? How Many Students Are Involved? Please provide some photos.
  • If Your Program Is A New Program: How Many Students Will Be Involved? Will It Last More Than OneSchool Year?
  • Nominations Will Also Be accepted For a Oregon Peace Educator of the year; please follow above format when submitting a name for this.
  • Submit to ; cell: 503-314-5955
  • Please Note: Award Recipients Must Be A School. However church Religious Education classes do qualify; also program associated with schools also would apply but if selected the Award check will be written to the school. No individual students will be eligible; this is for school peace education efforts.
  • Winners must attend and describe their project at a fall, 2015 Student Peace Summit where a Nobel Peace Laureate will present the award.

FREE - Also Available From the Wholistic Peace Institute: “A BOOK OF PEACE” - This 200+ page book is for middle and high school faculty who wish to teach about Nobel Peace Laureates and contains a two hour DVD of the 12 Nobel Peace Laureates the WPI has brought to Oregon. The book is emailed free – as a PDF - to any school or teacher for this purpose. Also a two hour DVD of Nobel Peace Laureates addressing peace can be mailed for $10 to cover mailing and duplication – the DVD brings alive the Nobel Peace Laureates and the importance of peace education.