Minutes of the RNSA (P) Annual General Meeting held at Hornet Services’ Sailing Club on 27 November 2013
Capt P Warwick RNBranch Captain/Chairman
LtCdr G Adams RN Acting AGM Secretary and Offshore Sec
Mrs T OakleyTreasurer
Mr H ChappellCruising Group Sec
No apologies were received.
The meeting opened at 1830.
Branch Chairman’s Address
Capt Warwick opened the meeting by welcoming those in attendance. He stated that he wished to formalise the process of AGMs now and into the future. The meeting timescale was re-iterated due the evening’s later Prize Giving. The Chairman went on to express his thanks to the RNSA(P) committee and those sitting on sub-committees, to the RNSC staff and the General Secretary and office staff, all of whom have contributed to a successful season on and off the water. He also wished to thank all the RNSA members who have turned out in support of the many and varied events throughout the year. There has been good attendance for yacht racing, dinghies and cruising. He emphasised that the effort put in needs to continue and the momentum needs to be maintained. The RNSA website is being overhauled and the General Secretary and Vice Cdre are both working to make it more user friendly.
Previous Minutes
These were accepted.
Reports From Sub-Committees
Offshore/Racing. Lt Cdr Adams reported that there had been a good deal of activity in the racing fraternity with numbers of boats in the Wednesday evening series exceeding double figures on many occasions. Ric Hanslip has agreed to take on the role of Wed Night Race Co-ordinator and will operate both IRC and RYA NHS systems.The Yarmouth Race weekend was hit by bad weather with only a few plucky crews making the finish. The 3 race offshore series was not run due to extremes of weather (no wind, or too much), but would be organised again for 2014. Race dates will be announced Dec/Jan. This year’s ILEX Trophy was a draw with RNSA(P) winning the yacht race and the REYC winning the dinghy race (both singular due to lack of wind). Dates for all 2014 events will be on the web site soon.
Cruising Group.The Cruisers have enjoyed another good year, this being Haydn Chappell’s first year at the tiller. There have been 10 port visits (2 of which were in France) and several well attended social gatherings. There will be another packed programme for 2014 and details will be on the web site. All the usuals (Yarmouth, Big Buoys Challenge, Osbourne – TBC & mini-cruises) will be happening. The notable addition to 2014 will be D-Day 70 in Ouistreham, more details as plans form.
Dinghies. Capt Warwick gave the dinghy report as the Dinghy Sec, CPO Dave Sargent, is deployed. This has been a largely successful season with strong support from the RNSC. A particular highlight was seeing more than 30 Bosuns on the water for the Fleet Commander’s Cup. Equally pleasing was the cruise to PrioryBay and meeting up with the Yacht cruisers for lunch on the beach. A dedicated effort this year has been made to better integrate dinghies and yachts with the prize giving that follows the AGM awarding dinghy cups and glassware alongside the yachties for the first time in many years. Next year will see a better advertised racing programme and increasing use of the BBQ/bar facilities that the RNSC can now offer.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reported that the branch is currently a balance creditor, although we run at a loss each year. Subject to sensible ‘business cases’ funding is available from Central usually through individual group RCdres. The cruising group have made good use of this funding route and it is incumbent on other sub-group Secs to do the same.
The financial report was proposed for acceptance by Haydn Chappell and seconded by Nick Fletcher.
New Committee Posts
The Chairman reported that we are currently without a Branch Secretary as Iain Wallace is now at sea (although he has kindly taken on the role of communications officer). A willing volunteer will be most welcome. In the interests of Branch development, Capt Warwick would like to introduce some new posts onto the committee. On the dinghy front, with Dave Sargent expecting to be deployed for periods next season, Lt Cdr Andy Woods has stepped up to assist. Windsurfing has not been well represented in recent months and Cdr Tom Joyce has agreed to take on the role as Branch Windsurfing Sec. The 2 most significant changes are the introduction of a Recruiting and Development Officer (Lt Cdr Russ Clark has volunteered his services for this) and a Special Rep for the power boating fraternity (Mike Waddleton).
The Chairman asked for a proposer and seconder for these new posts to be agreed.
Proposed by Cdr Richard Tarr and seconded byRic Hanslip.
RNSA Merchandise
The RNSA VCdre, Capt Richard Spalding, was in attendance and gave a brief overview of RNSA merchandise (battle flags, hats, stickers, etc) that is available through the RNSA Office. This information will be on the revamped website in due course.
1. Ric Hanslip brought the subject of publicly funded Sultan Yachts being removed. This will have an impact on CLM and giving young trainees a chance to get on the water. JSASTC Vic 34s will be available for establishments to book for CLM training. A possibility of having 2 or 3 for Wednesday evenings will be investigated.
Action – Offshore Sec
2. Cdr Andy Phenna stated that there are still enough non-publicly funded boats for successful Wednesday evening racing. He regularly encourages 8 or so trainees from HMS COLLINGWOOD (CWD) to sail. He thanked other members for making space on their boats for novices as well as RNSC for supporting CWD’s OP NILE in the spring of this year. CWD have had >100 trainees on the water on Wednesday evenings.
3. Ralph Budden (Sultan Sailing Officer) offered up places in his boats for Wednesday evening racing. Hopefully this will encourage ME trainees to join their WE colleagues and get involved.
4. Haydn Chappell asked if the establishment yachts could join the cruising group and will encourage their participation for more relaxed ways to enjoy time on the water. He also mentioned prizes for the cruising group. There was general agreement that this was a good idea and Haydn has been actioned with identifying suitable awards.
Action – Cruising Sec/Establishment Yacht Officers
5. The Chairman wrapped things up with a plea to the assembled members that any ideas for activities should be forwarded to the relevant committee member. There being no other business the meeting was formally closed at 1925.
Date of next meeting
The next RNSA(P) AGM will be held at 1830 on 26 Nov 2014 at HSSC.