Term 4 General Planning Notes and Home work Task Year 5 Integrated unit HSIE +S/T

HSIE – Social Systems and Structures – Resources -Global Connections


SSS3.7 Describes how Australian people, systems and communities are globally interconnected and recognises global responsibilities.

Science and Technology

Earth and its Surroundings


ESS3.6 Recognises that the Earth is the source of most materials and resources, and describes phenomena and processes both natural and human that form and change the Earth over time.


1.  Compete economically in the global economic market.

2.  Reach out as citizens to show responsibility to others.


Trade - Look at what/how we export natural resource(s).

Integrated Task – Look at the District Committee – Overseas Aid - What organisations are involved?

Task: Exposition to support choices

Possibility of Guest Speaker – see


Week 1: Lesson 1-2: Teacher Input – Background;

Pull apart Australia; Map (simple) World Map (International); Eg name; location in the Southern Pacific; world; climate

Economic Market; What is it? Eg Look at Youtube clips

Week 2: Lesson 2: Whole Class - Concepts of import and export e.g. what did you do today? What did you use need? Where did it come from?

Lesson 3-4: Research as a whole class - Create a back wall display with this information to cover these areas. What does Australia sell to the rest of the world? What does Australia buy from the rest of the world? Why do we sell and buy? As a class want to create a final table that identifies - Imports and Exports - 5 major products - Who involved? - Dollar Value involved. Allow time to REVIEW as a whole class to share results for different questions.

Week 3 and 4: Science with focus on exports. Create a product that is individual choice.


Research – differentiate x3 options for an activity with no labels.

S = What are Australia’s natural resources that are exported?

C= Identify two natural resources that Australia exports overseas. Compare and contrast these resources.

E= Choose an animal product that Australia exports. Compare and Contrast to a mineral resource that Australia exports overseas. Identify the impact on the Australian environment. (Look at short and long term as they research e.g. coal, wool, and gas)

Week 5 -10: How Does Australia Reach out as a country to the rest of the world?

Week 5:

A. Global Citizens – Teacher Input - Look at the needs of people in other countries e.g. as citizens, economically. Look at how we respond/ reach out to the needs of these people in other countries. Talk about overseas economic aid through various organisations e.g. United Nations humanitarian rights. Revise who they are and the different kinds of needs and causes e.g. poverty, chn’s rights. Also how these can be different to crisis situations e.g. Natural disasters.

Week 6-8:

Assessment task:

S= Look at x1 aid project overseas (individual or in pairs) Identify the organisation, needs it is responding too.

C= Look at more than one aid group. Compare findings. Complete the cost to Australia. How effective the aid is.

E= As above but identify and compare this aid organisation to local organisations. Include how groups respond to the needs of people in Australia. Eg school, local community, state wide, nationally.

Week 9-10:

Presentation weeks

Science and Technology / Topics / Global Connections
Earth and its Surroundings / Duration
11 weeks / Stage 3 / Year 5 / Term 4 / 2012
Big Idea
This unit provides opportunities for students to investigate and explore how Australian people, systems and communities are globally interconnected and interdependent through trade, communication, international human rights agreements and organisations. That Australian and global citizens have local and global rights and responsibilities for each other. / Foundation Statement
Students identify examples of Australia’s global role in social and economic interconnections and make judgements about their own, and Australia’s, contribution to global society and it’s environment.
Outcomes / Assessment
Week 1- Pre assessment
Inquiry Question Research Task.
Ongoing assessment tasks throughout unit of work involving group work, cooperative research tasks and oral presentations.
Week 6-8Formal Post assessment.
Anecdotal Notes and pupil self-evaluation during research tasks.
Knowledge / SSS3.7 Describes how Australian people, systems and communities are globally interconnected and recognises global responsibilities.
ESS3.6 Develop understandings about roles, rights and responsibilities of people within social systems and structures.
Skills / Develop skills in acquiring information, using an inquiry process.
Values / Identify, clarify and evaluate their own values and those of others to how people interact with each other and the environment. / Learning Framework
Difference (green) Do I provide flexible, unique lessons that relate to my students experiences and prior knowledge?
Intellectual Quality (pink) Does the program engage students in higher order thinking and provide opportunity for use of different media?
Significance (blue) How can the students apply their learning to real situations?
Quality Learning Environment (yellow) Does my learning environment promote ‘safe risk taking’?
ICT / Research activities and presentation
Wiki activities
Smart Board
Lap top computers / Resources
Incursion – Guest speaker from Australian United Nations Representative.
(To confirm with Kim Peck)
HSIE and Science and Technology Syllabus
Internet – websites documented in teaching programs.
Library Resources
Links to other KLAs / Literacy, Mathematics, Creative and Practical Arts, Religion
Cross Curricula Perspectives / Asia; Values Education; Consumer and Financial Literacy; Human Rights; Indigenous Perspectives; Multiculturalism; Sustainability
Year 5 / Stage 3 / HSIE
Science & Technology / Global Connections
Earth and its Surroundings / Term 4 / 2012
SSS3.7 Describes how Australian people, systems and communities are globally interconnected and recognises global responsibilities.
ESS3.6 Recognises that the Earth is the source of most materials and resources, and describes phenomena and processes both natural and human that form and change the Earth over time.
Knowledge and comprehension
Application / Week 1
Learning Sequence 1
Preassessment - Pose questions to determine what prior knowledge chn have of Australia, its geography, people and economics using the What I know; What I want to find out; What I have Learnt chart
1.  What do you know about the geography of Australia and how Australia’s location compares to other countries in the world?
2.  What do the words economic, trade, global, resources, natural, man-made, imports and exports mean? Can you think of other words that are similes or mean the same?
3.  Can you describe what a citizen is?
4.  What are some of the reasons people give aid or assistance to others overseas?
5.  Can you name any groups or organisations that do this?
Learning Sequence 2
Focus Question: How does Australia Compete in the International Economic Market?
Teacher Input: Background information about Australia.
·  Location – Only place that is country, continent and an island; Southern hemisphere; Great Barrier Reef (x1 seven wonders of the world); surrounded by water; South Pacific Region; ‘Lucky Country’ = abundance of natural resources
·  Climate -
·  Population - High density population on the coastal of the
·  Economics – local and global market (’World Economic Market’); imports / exports; metric system; trade; trade partners
Week 2
Learning Sequence 3
Concept of Imports and Exports: Whole class lessons
a.  What do we need and use?
b.  Where did it come from?
c.  Chn recount a typical day (or routine for part of the day) and record all natural and man-made items used or consumed – brainstorm and record on a mind map, discuss connections with the rest of the world. Eg I got out of my bed that was made in Mexico. I had a breakfast of oats that was made in (country)
d.  Record data using diagrams, graphs and tables (retrieval chart) to identify and analyse patterns - links, quantity and repetition
e.  Extension: Home survey complete – discover items and their places of origin. Display on world map to indicate links of imported goods between world and Australia. Interdependence with other nations.
Week 3 and 4
Science unit with focus on exports.
Focus Statement: Australia Exports Natural Resources to the Rest of the World.
Chn create a product that is individual choice. No labelling of tasks as S, C and E.
Look at short and long term effects as they research e.g. coal, wool, gas etc / Australia
Asia Pacific Region
Global Links
Interdependent / KWL Chart
YouTube clips
Homework task
Study of an Industry
Task 1
What are Australia’s natural resources that are exported? / Task 2
Identify two natural resources that Australia exports overseas. Compare and contrast these resources. / Task 3
Choose an animal product that Australia exports. Compare and contrast to a mineral resource that Australia exports overseas. Identify the impact on the Australian environment.
Analysis and Application / Weeks 5 -10
Learning Sequence 4
Focus Statement: How does Australia reach out as a country to the rest of the world?
Week 5
A.  Global Citizens – Teacher Input
Look at the needs of people in other countries; Childrens rights; Education; Environment; Food Security; Globalisation; Governance; Health; Human Rights; Peace Building; Poverty Reduction; Refugees; Rural Development; Water etc
Talk about overseas economic aid through various organisations e.g. United Nations humanitarian rights. Revise who they are and the different kinds of needs and causes e.g. poverty, chn’s rights. Also how these can be different to crisis situations e.g. Natural disasters.
Week 6-8
Assessment task – Research (tasks mixed 1= E, 2=S, 3=C)
Chn choose from one of the following: Complete as an individual task or in pairs. / Australian Aid Programs
Australia’s Obligations
Human rights
Human Needs
Aid relief
International Treaties
Global Responsibilities
Natural Disasters
Volunteering / SB
Global Education;
AusAID; Globaled;
Task 1
·  Identify and list at least three aid projects overseas. Choose at least one of these.
·  Name the location. Identify and describe the type of project the organization is supporting eg education, health, agriculture, child labour, environment etc. Who is helped by the project? What is the expected outcome of the project? What are the costs of the project(s)? Are there signs of it being effective?
·  Compare this aid organisation to a local aid organisation. Describe some of the needs of people in Australia. Eg school, local community, state wide, nationally.
·  Do you think the aid groups are doing enough to meet the needs of Australians with poor living conditions? / Task 1
·  Identify and list at least three aid projects overseas. Choose one of these.
·  Name the location. Identify and describe the type of project the organization is supporting eg education, health, agriculture, child labour, environment etc. Who is helped by the project? What is the expected outcome of the project? What is the cost of the project(s)? Are there signs of it being effective? / Task 3
·  Identify and list at least three aid projects overseas. Choose at least two of these to compare the following findings.
·  Name the location. Identify and describe the type of project the organization is supporting eg education, health, agriculture, child labour, environment etc. Who is helped by the project? What is the expected outcome of the project? What is the cost of the project(s)? Are there signs of it being effective?
·  You have $20, 000 that was raised for overseas aid. Which organization would you choose to support and why? / Assessment Task sheet
Week 9 and 10
Presentation of Research
Self Assessment and Evaluation
Week 11
Chn review the original questions given in the preasessment at the beginning of the unit. They are asked to evaluate their understanding by discussing what they now know. Pose questions such as - Did they cover what they wanted to learn? Chn discuss findings in groups and individually complete their ‘What I have learnt’ column from the preassessment sheet.
1.  What do you know about the geography of Australia and how Australia’s location compares to other countries in the world?
2.  What do the words economic, trade, global, resources, natural, man-made, imports and exports mean? Can you think of other words that are similes or mean the same?
3.  Can you describe what a citizen is?
4.  What are some of the reasons people give aid or assistance to others overseas?
5.  Can you name any groups or organisations that do this ?
Review and complete Preassessment sheet .
Complete column ‘What I Have learnt’ for chn to self evaluate their understandings. Discuss in groups. Report to teacher.