Program Name: ______
What is my purpose?What goal or mission do I want to accomplish with this?
How will this goal be measured?
What information do I already collect that will help measure my goal?
What additional data will we collect to gauge if the program is working?
Who at my school should I collaborate with?
Media Coordinator
How can I encourage support from administration, media coordinator and teachers?
● What will get my colleagues excited about this project?
What resources does our school currently have that would support this project?Reading Materials
If I don’t know the answer to the above question who do I need to ask to get the answer?
What Does My Program Look Like?
ParticipantsWho will attend our program?
● Grade levels?
● Specific Students?
● Enrollment?
How many students are expected to attend?
How many students will be in each group?
What types of texts interest our students?
What choices from materials we currently have would interest our students?
Is there a location available to set up a Guys Read section?
If materials need to be purchased, what is the order deadline?
How many mentors will I need?
What requirements do we have of our mentors?
What are the expectations of the mentors?
Will the mentors be paid? (If yes, how much)
Where will I find mentors?
What training will be provided to the mentors prior to the program?
How much space will we need?
Where will this program meet?
When will this program meet?
● How many days per week?
● How long will each meeting be?
● What span of time will this program continue over?
If the program meets after school how will participants get home?
How will potential behavior issues be addressed?
● What type of warnings will be given?
● What consequences?
● Who is in charge of discipline?
What activities will the participants be doing?
● Will the participants be doing the same activities each meeting?
● Will you include a technology component?
Will each group be completing the same activities?
Will you bring in guest speakers?
● What is the purpose for bringing in guest speakers?
● Where will you find the guest speakers?
List any potential guest speakers to contact
● Will they be offered?
● Where will we get them?
● What will appeal to our participants?
● Short term and long term incentives?
What materials will we have to purchase?
What grant opportunities are available for this program?
Budget Proposal:
Item / Cost Per Item / Quantity Needed / Total Cost / CommentsEX:
Bus Transportation / $85.00 / 9 / $765.00 / After school sessions require a bus to ensure access for all
Total Costs
Grant Proposal Template: Needs Assessment
In this section write a paragraph about what data your individual school has collected that supports the need for a Guys Read program in your school. The more detailed you can be the better
According to results from the 2013-2014 school year End of Grade Reading Assessment (EOG) the male students at Baldwin are performing at a proficiency that is, on average, 13 points lower than the female students. This achievement gap is significantly higher than the Cumberland County School average. A brief survey was given to a group of 5th grade male students. From this survey, we discovered that our male students have a desire to read for enjoyment, however feel put off by the lack of non-traditional reading materials such as graphic novels, sports star biographies, newspapers and magazines available for checkout in the Media Center.
Our Needs Assessment Paragraph:
Grant Proposal Template: Objectives to be Attained
In this section you list 1-4 objectives you have for the program. Think back to your goals for this section.
1.) Foster a love of reading in male students in grades 3-5
2.) Increase reading stamina
3.) Close the gap between the male and female students on the Reading End of Grade
(EOG) assessment.
4.) An increase in circulation of items in the Media Center from boys in grades 3-5.
Our Program Objectives:
Grant Proposal Template: Program Outline
In this section write 2-3 paragraphs about how your program will operate. (Think back to everything you have completed in this packet so far)
Students will decompress for 15 min after school (2:15-2:30). During this time students will eat a snack and participate in team building with our mentors. This time will give students and mentors and opportunity to build trust, as well as help students relax and feel refreshed for their book club .
In small groups of no more than 10 students male mentors will read the text and students will have a relaxed and honest discussion about the book. Each group of boys will be given a selection that appeals to their interest. The genre and length of texts will vary.During the hour long sessions, students will have the option to create an illustration inspired by the text or create a video journal entry to interact with the text on a deeper level. At the end of each book, students will work together to create a book trailer, commercial, etc, about the book to share with the other boys in the club.
To help male students with book selection during school hours, a “boys” section will be placed in the media center that highlights texts that male students at Baldwin find interest in. Boys will be encouraged by classroom teachers to visit the media center to learn more about this section.
The Guys Read at Baldwin program will not only provide reading materials of genres that interest male students, but also will provide strong male role models to lead meaningful and riveting discussions about these types of texts.
Our Program Outline:
Grant Proposal Template: Progress Monitoring
In this section restate your objectives from section two. Underneath each objective give a brief description of how you will keep a record of progress of each of the program objectives.
1.) Fostering a love for reading
- Student entrance and exit surveys (Could be done via video blog or done using smart response)
Attendance of participants will show excitement of program.
Increased book checkout in the media center.
2.) Increase reading stamina
- Student surveys
- Teacher/parent observation survey
- Increased participation in “40 Book Challenge” that is required of all students in grades 3-5.
3.) Close the achievement gap between male and female students
- benchmark testing results in school
- EOG results
4.) An increase in circulation of items in the Media Center from boys in grades 3-5.
- Book circulation statistics
Our Program Progress Monitoring:
Grant Proposal Template: Program Evaluation
Explain using paragraphs the process you have chosen to evaluate the effectiveness of your program.
Both formal and informal evaluations will be collected that outline current classroom progress every six weeks to be evaluated by the Guys Read at Baldwin team. The gathered data will be used to develop a program improvement plan that will target the areas needing improvement. Data will also be used to determine which aspects of the program are successful to keep all mentors and school staff focused on the program goals.
The program improvement plan will show progress toward goals, timelines and who will be responsible for making changes or improvements. The program improvement plan will be utilized throughout the year. This plan will be a working document that tracks improvement and assist the staff in ongoing evaluations and program enhancement. Each quarter the previous program improvement plans will be analyzed for on-going program enhancement and new plans will be developed. This system of monthly collection of data and quarterly strategic planning meetings will ensure that the program is making necessary improvements in order to reach end of the year goals and objectives.
Our Program Evaluation:
Grant Proposal Template: Operations and Programming
Explain in a brief paragraph who your participants are, where they will meet, what days and times they will meet. (Look back at the logistics/participants/mentor sections to help you)
The Guys Read at Baldwin will be held twice per week in the Ed V.Baldwin Elementary school media center from 2:00 - 3:30pm. This program will provide a book club for between 100-120 male students who attend Baldwin in grades 3-5. Transportation home will be provided for those in need. Male mentor volunteers will go through a training course to ensure that expectations of the program are met.
Our Operations and Programming:
Grant Proposal Template: Proposed Budget
In this section copy and paste your proposed budget from above. Then write a brief synopsis about how each line item will be used.
Item / Cost Per Item / Quantity Needed / TotalBooks and other reading materials / $20 / 240 / $4800
Snacks for book club sessions / $3 / 120 / $360
Honorarium for mentors / $10 / 25 / $250
The bulk of the budget for the Guys Read at Baldwin program is needed for high interest books and other reading materials. These materials will be used for the book club and to be placed in the “boys” section of the media center for checkout. The genre of the books and magazines will be selected based on a survey given to all boys in grades 3-5. Several magazine subscriptions have already been purchased.
Snacks and drinks for the book club are a necessity to curb the after school appetite of many upper elementary age boys. Finally, the mentors of the Guys Read at Baldwin are volunteers and it is important to thank them for their commitment and service to the program.
Our Proposed Budget Narrative: