Minutes October 2009

Salford Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at

Salford Village Hall

on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 at 7.30pm


Cllrs N. Hill (Chairman), N. Colston, H. McGlynn and D. Stickley, and Mrs C Ross (Clerk).

1.  Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Edmunds who was attending a course.

2.  Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3.  Minutes of the last meeting held on 15 September 2009

The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes:

(a)  Village Hall Flooding: Cllr Stickley had been in discussions with WODC[1] to see whether grants could be obtained for the landowners concerned. Unfortunately it appeared that public money for flooding was tightly controlled and unavailable for privately-owned land, so it looked unlikely. The Chairman would informally approach the landowners most directly involved to see if matters could go forward and some exploratory work done. Action: DS/NH

(b)  Little Rollright footpath: The Chairman had spoken to Mr Weeks who was aware that the footpath was not where it should be. There was some discussion about how the right of way to the church could be safeguarded, and the Chairman would discuss this with Mr. Weeks during the following week. Action: NH

(c)  Villager Bus Service: The Villager Bus Service to and from Chipping Norton on Tuesdays had now been made permanent.

(d)  Grassmowing: It was agreed that the Parish Council should buy protective clothing for Mr Bayliss. Action: CR

(e)  Local dog: The Clerk had been in touch with the Environmental Health Manager, Community Services, WODC. There were no grounds on which to take action, although in any case the Council was not convinced that any action was necessary. (There is no dog warden at present).

(f)  Website: There was discussion about the long-term direction of the website. The Clerk would draft a questionnaire about computer usage to be sent out to villagers. Action: CR

5.  Finance

(a)  Current situation: There was £3590 in the current account and £1930 in the deposit account. The second half of the precept had just been received and the second PWLB[2] payment would shortly be going out. The financial situation was in line with the planned budget.

(b)  External audit: The external auditor’s report for the year ended 31 March 2009 was approved and accepted. There was only one minor issue arising from a £1 discrepancy in the preceding years’ accounts.

(c) External audit fee: It was agreed to pay the external auditor’s

fee of £155.25. Action: CR

(d) The Clerk was working on the budget for 2010-11 and this would be emailed to the Council before the next meeting. Action: CR

(e) It was agreed that the Clerk could buy a reasonably priced stiff broom in order to sweep the playground surfaces. Action: CR

6.  Planning

There were no planning issues.

7.  Road to Little Rollight

Concern had been expressed at the last meeting about a dangerous junction on this road. The Clerk had been in touch with the WODC Planning Department about the current situation regarding the proposed new access at Rollright Quarry, which would add up to 60 HGV movements per day to and from the site on the road in question. The routeing agreement for the new access was still in draft form but when finalised would be sent to Warwickshire County Council for approval.

It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Planning Department expressing the Council’s great regret that this application was going ahead, explaining that there had been a serious accident in the summer and that the road was hazardous even with its present usage. Copies of the letter should go to both Oxfordshire and Warwickshire Highways Departments. Action: CR

8.  Local highways survey

A letter had been received from Oxfordshire County Council asking the Parish Council to complete a questionnaire on many aspects of roads and public transport. The Clerk was asked to reply stating that the questions asked were not appropriate for a collective Parish response.Action: CR

9.  Playground

It was agreed that the broken seat should be removed. Cllr Stickley would further investigate a replacement. Details of a wet pour repair kit was being circulated in the Correspondence file. Action: NH/DS

10. Village hall report

Tim Dowling had asked when the Council might be in a position to reinstate the Parish Council’s contributions to the Village Hall. The Clerk would reply saying this would be considered once the PWLB had been repaid at the end of the financial year 2010-11. Action: CR

11. Correspondence

(a) Circulated correspondence was noted (see list at end of Minutes).

(b) Correspondence not circulated was noted (see list at end of Minutes).

A letter had been received enquiring about the Parish’s views on the future funding of a volunteer car scheme which had been subsidised by Oxfordshire County Council for one year. The Clerk was asked to obtain more information. Action: CR

(c) Emailed correspondence was noted (see list at end of Minutes).

12. Any other business

The Clerk was asked to remind Oxfordshire Highways to provide grit for the village. Action: CR

The Clerk would organise an A4-sized map of village footpaths to be circulated to all villagers with either Centrepoint or the Newsletter.

Action: CR

13. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 17 November, 2009.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.


Already circulated:

·  Oxfordshire Highways Annual Report 2008/9

·  Forest Update Summer 2009

·  Standards Committee: 30 July 2009

·  Stratford on Avon District LDF Core Strategy Housing Growth

·  Speed Limits Review of “A” and “B” roads in Oxfordshire

·  NHS Oxfordshire PCT newsletter July 2009

·  Cotswolds Conservation Board Annual Review 2008-9

·  Countryside Service Annual Report and Survey

·  Clerks & Councils Direct Sept 2009


·  Speed Limits Review of “A” and “B” roads in Oxfordshire (28.07.09)

·  OALC July edition of Update

·  NALC Leadership Academy 15-18 September

·  OALC August edition of Update

·  Local Transport Plan3 Consultation

Not circulated:

·  Citizens Advice Bureau Annual Report 2008/9 and letter

·  Agenda, Standards Committee: 15 October 2009

·  Health News: Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust: Issue 3 2009

·  Oxfordshire Waste Partnership fly-tipping information pack

·  ORCC Annual General Meeting 7 October 2009

·  OCC letter re Road Safety Team’s Mobile Information Unit

·  Local Works letter campaigning to implement Sustainable Communities Act

·  Oxfordshire Playing Fields Assn AGM 21 October 2009

·  Cotswold Lion Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2009

·  The Playing Field newsletter

·  Details of a wet pour repair kit


·  AGM Oxfordshire Playing Fields Assn. 21 October

·  Cotswold Conservation Board: Summer Update

·  Who’s My Bobby Update

·  NALC Quality Council Seminars

·  Events for OALC members

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Signed Date


[1] West Oxfordshire District Council

[2] Public Works Loan Board