

Catalogue of Innovative technologies


With the present letter the undersigned organization declares its willingness to sub-scribe the attached Framework Agreement:

Dissemination of innovative agrofood technologies

The Framework Agreement is the result of the activities implemented and initiatives promoted within the PACMAn Project (2593 / 2G‐MED09‐331), co-funded by Med Programme of the European Union, and coordinated by ERVET, Emilia Romagna Regional Development Agency.










Framework agreement

Dissemination of innovative agrofood technologies

Component 4 Task 4.2




Within the framework of developing and establishing better relations, cooperation and actions between actors of the food supply chain, as specified below,

Business Associations

Chamer of Commerce of Kilkis

Research Institutions


Cyprus University of Technology

under the PACMAn Project (2593 / 2G‐MED09‐331),and in an effort to strengthen the strategic cooperation between economic development actors and public authorities to promote the attractiveness, competitiveness and internationalization of the Agro-food Clusters of the MED area andsupport the idea of entrepreneurship among agents, the above named partiesagree to broaden theirsynergies with the conclusion of the current Agreement under the nameDissemination of innovative agrofood technologies

Article 1: Scope of agreement

The cooperation to be implemented with this Agreement covers the following:

  1. Promotion of innovative and applied technologies among partners
  2. Joint participation in research and development programs (European - National - International)
  3. Exchange of information and expertise on matters of common interest
  4. Organizing educationalconferencesand informative events.

Article 2: Objectives

The broad objectives of the cooperation agreement are defined and specified as general and specific and are hereby noted:

General objective(s):

  • To promote innovative technological solutions to companies in Crete, Cyprus and Kilkis with activities in the AGROFOOD sector and through the whole range of the value chain.
  • Improve the competitiveness and sustainability of SMEs.

Specific Objectives:

  • Inform SMEs on innovative technological solutions available from the whole EU in their mother language – Greek.
  • Inform them on the possible ways that these can be used in order to make them more competitive.
  • Assist them in linking with new suppliers in other markets (internationalization).

Article 3: Action Plan

In order to systematically develop the above said cooperation between them, the Parties agree on an Action Plan with specific activitiesthat will be implemented for 3 months:

  • Inform partners on innovative technologies
  • Discuss on potential participation in R&D proposal.

Article 4: Obligations & Commitments

In order to supportthe implementation ofthe above specified project and the associated action plan, the parties agree to disseminate among partners information deemed necessary for achieving the general and specific objectives.

Article 5: Terms & Conditions

The partners at the completion of the project and by signing this agreement are not expected to incur any additional costs or resources but they are encouraged if they can, at no extra burden to their organisation, to follow the specific objectives described above.


Name and signature of legal representatives


Party 1


Party 2


Party 3