English 20 Lord of the Flies Assignment
This assignment is to be done after reading the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. It is important that Teachers have discussed the meaning and use of motif and symbols in Literature with their students throughout the novel study. Have students listen to the interview with William Golding on the CKUA Sound Archives site before going on to the essay question.
This interview is a valuable primary resource, and it includes a discussion of the novel that students and teachers should find insightful. The interview should compliment previous class discussions regarding motif, symbol, and theme.
William Golding's interview runs from the 6:35 min. mark to the 16:21 min. mark.
Question-Discuss the motifs and symbols in Lord of the Flies. What does the presence of motifs and symbols add to the story? How does it help tie the novel together? How does it help convey the novel's theme, or central insight about life?
Present your answer in a short essay of two to three pages. You'll be marked according to the following criteria:
Content-the degree of understanding your response shows of the novel/task
Organization/Structure-how well you structure and organize your response
Style-how well you present your ideas and structure your response
Mechanics-spelling, grammar, punctuation.
Sample Rubric Criteria
1 = basic understanding of theme/motif/symbol
2 = satisfactory understanding of theme/motif/symbol
3 = good understanding of theme/motif/symbol
4 = unique and insightful understanding of theme/motif/symbol
Content-Proof (quotes, supporting detail)
1 = limited support offered
2 = some support offered
3 = effective support offered
4 = highly effective support offered
Structure/Organization-Topic Sentence (main idea)
1 = unclear main idea
2 = limited main idea
3 = clear and concise main idea
4 = insightful main idea
1 = ideas rarely connected
2 = ideas sometimes connect
3 = ideas frequently connect
4 = ideas always connect
1 = conclusion is unclear
2 = conclusion is evident
3 = conclusion is clear and related to the main idea
4 = conclusion very clear and thoughtful
Style-Sentences (variety, length, structure)
1 = little attention to sentence variety
2 = some attention to sentence variety
3 = attention to sentence variety
4 = attention to sentence variety for appropriate effect
Style-Words Choice (audience)
1 = limited effectiveness in word choice
2 = moderately effective word choice
3 = effective word choice
4 = sophisticated word choice
1 = several errors several errors several errors
2 = some errors some errors some errors
3 = few errors few errors few errors
4 = no errors no errors no errors
Teachers please feel free to add or change the criteria/weighting as you see fit to meet the needs of your program and students, or use one of your own writing rubrics!
ELA 20-1 Curriculum Objectives
This assignment was created with the following curriculum path in mind.
General Outcome 2-Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively.
2.2-Understand and appreciate textual forms, elements and techniques
2.2.2-Relate elements, devices and techniques to created effects
e-Explain the contribution of motif and symbol to the controlling idea and theme
Other Web Resources (Teachers and Students)
Warning to Teacher: Many of the above websites contains links to essays written on the same or similar topics as the assignment question. You may want to use these sites to guide prewriting discussions with your class rather than letting them navigate them. It's your call!