Hazard / Risk / Risk Level / Control measuresMobile Phone reception can be poor / No reception / med / Reception checked on 08.03.2015 three networks working including vodaphone.
The dark / Not being able to see and tripping over / med / Bring a torch if arriving, leaving or plan to walk around outside in the dark. Light at front door stays on for 10 minutes after switching off.
Traffic on road and in car park / Injury / med / Keep gates shut when children on site and supervise car park during arrival and departure
Intruders / Attack / low / Keep gates shut to deter others from coming into centre. Security /intruder alarm installed. Front door alarm sounds when door opened.
Dogs / Bites / low / Dogs not allowed on site unless specific permission given. Keep all gates shut as public footpath runs alongside the centre.
Use of electrical equipment / Electric shock / low / All Stoke ash Centre owned equipment to be PAT tested every two years
Vehicles on site
Cars parked in road way/across gateway / Emergency vehicles will not be able to gain access to the building and camp site / med / Remove vehicle to parking space as soon as possible. Instruct parents to take care when parkingParking area space on road side for several cars when parked considerately / Injury to people or vehicles / low / Be aware of people and vehicle movements. Consider having a parking marshal if expecting a lot of vehicles entering or leaving at the same time.Additional parking ,if required, on playground
Access to and from potentially busy A140 road / Injury to people or vehicles / med / Stagger start and finish times if a lot of cars expected. Alert parents of potential issue.
The Building
Fuse trips out / No electricity, no alarms / low / Fuse boards in general store, kitchen, library cupboard,boiler room. Call one of the contacts listed on notice board in office. Have emergency light available.Water leak / Damage to building / low / Call one of the contacts listed on notice board in office. The water stop cock is in the road near the A140
Trailing electrical leads and adaptors / Trip injuries / low / Keep areas clear of clutter on floor and do not trail electrical leads
Personal electrical equipment / Electrical problems/fire / low / Any appliance brought into the building must safe to use and in good working order to comply with Electricity at work regulations 1989
Fuse boards/ meter / Turning something off by mistake / low / All fuseboards high on the wall. Electric meter in general store cupboard, no access for children
Kitchen / Burns and scalds / med / Use oven, cooker, water heater and kettles under adult supervision
Sharp knives / Cuts / med / Supervision of children when using
Collison with doors to and from hall / injury / low / Adult supervision of children. Finger guards fitted some to doors to prevent trapped fingers
Chairs and tables , camp beds / Injury, trapped fingers / low / Adult supervision when stacking and moving. Stack chairs in suitable numbers. Supervise when erecting campbeds
Slippery floors in washrooms/toilets when wet / Slipping over / low / Check regularly
Sleep walkers / Escape from building / low / Use door alarm on external door
Toilets / Sewage treatment plant system, not on main drainage, risk of blockage/overflow / low / Use water sparingly in sinks . Do not leave taps running. Call emergency if in doubt. Nothing except P,Pand P down toilets
Falling objects from cupboards / Injury / low / Keep storage areas tidy. Take care when removing objects from high shelves. Monthly check of storage cupboards
Smoking / Fire / med / No smoking on premises or in grounds
Fire evacuation / Blocked exits / low / Keep all fire exits clear
Around the outside of the building
Tripping over in the dark / injury / low / Bring a torch. Outside light in porch stays on after door shut for limited time.Windows opening over paths / Banging into them / low / Most windows do not allow opening of lower windows. Kitchen window will open. Instruct children of hazard
Slippery paths / Slipping or falling / medium / Instruct children not to run , everyone to take care
Outside tap area wet / Slipping or falling / medium / Supervise collection of water and ensure tap is turned off.
Fire exits / Blocked exits / low / Keep fire exits clear
Outside area /playing field
Falling into water / Injury and shock / low / Supervise children in the area. Keep gate shutNettles/brambles / Stings and scratches / medium / Regular maintenance of wild life area. Wear long trousers and sleeves
Fruit and berries / Potentially poisonous / low / Instruct girls not to pick and eat anything unless under supervision
Tree safety / Crushing injuries / low / Stay out of wooded areas in high winds, Regular maintenance by contractors
Tree climbing / falling / low / Trees are not to be climbed
Uneven surfaces / Trips and falls / low / Supervise children in the area.
Camp site
Wood piles / Logs falling / low / Not to be climbed on and children supervisedTent pegs / injury / medium / Do not wear open toed footwear on camp site
Fires and barbeques / Burns and fire / low / Keep fire bucket of cold water available at all times. Use only alter fires, barbeques or paved areas provided. Supervise children and fires,
Chemical toilet disposal area lid / Trapping fingers / low / Adults only to lift
Chemical toilet disposal / Damage to sewage treatment system / low / Use only provided toilet fluid
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