Members Present:Councillor M. Nolan, Councillor P. Power,
Councillor J. O’Neill, Councillor M. French Coghlan, Councillor T. Conway, Councillor A. Lawlor,
Councillor JJ Power
Also Present:Mr. M. Kenny, Senior Executive Planner,
Mr. Liam Shine, Executive Engineer,
Ms. A. Aspell, Acting Staff Officer,
Ms. B. Houlihan, Assistant Staff Officer,
Mr. S. Stokes, Administrative Officer,
Mr. D. O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer,
Mr, J. Gavigan, Executive Engineer,
Ms. C. O’Grady, Acting Staff Officer.
NS1/599 Minutes
The minutes of the Naas Area Meeting of the 10th March, 1999 and the Special Naas Area Meeting of the 13th April, 1999 were adopted on the proposal of Councillor Conway seconded by Councillor Nolan and agreed by the Members.
NS2/599 Matters Arising from the Minutes
A progress report was circulated and the following issues were raised:
T-junction at the Industrial Estate in Newbridge.
Councillor O’Neill confirmed that he was not happy that a report is not yet available in relation to this matter and asked that a report would be made available as soon as possible.
Staff Shortages
He proposed again that a statement be made to the public in relation to the extent of the staff shortages and the effects that these are having on the provision of services by Kildare County Council. Mr. S. Stokes, Administrative Officer, confirmed that the staff review is still in progress and the total extent of staff shortages will be ascertained and the content of the report and its recommendations will be brought before the full Council in due course.
Sewerage connection to McDermotts and Bohans , Walshestown
Councillor O’Neill again proposed that these people be included in the sewerage scheme. It was confirmed that Mr. J. Murphy, Senior Engineer, was unable to attend today’s meeting but that he is looking at this proposal again. A technical solution will be found however funding is not available in the present scheme. Mr. S. Stokes, Administrative Officer, confirmed that Mr. J. Murphy will write to all the Members in relation to this issue. On the proposal of Councillor O’Neill seconded by Councillor Conway it was agreed that this work should be carried out.
Pedestrianisation in Newbridge
Councillor O’Neill raised this issue and stated that George’s Street, Francis Street, Ann Street and John Street are now closed off and as these are public roads they should not be closed off without first taking a plebiscite.
NS3/599 Planning Files
(a)M & B Fennell, Planning File 1802/98
Councillor Conway confirmed that M & B Fennell were seeking permission to erect a dormer type bungalow and install a small waste water treatment unit at Blacktrench, Naas on a site owned by P. Byrne. The Fennells have been asked to freeze eight acreas of land which is on the opposite side of the road. Councillor Conway asked if the condition to freeze the eight acres could be rescinded and that permission be granted. He was supported in this by Councillor Nolan who also stated that the planning permission should contain a condition to preserve the right of way to Clancys, Curleys and Taafes property. It was confirmed that the area that the Council have requested to be sterilised has been put aside for family residences in the future.
(b)J. Kinsella - Two-storey house, double garage, septic tank, stable block and ancillary works at Bluebell, Killashee, Naas.
Councillor P. Power raised this issue and confirmed that he would talk to Mr. M. Kenny, Executive Planner, about this application. The committee supported a positive decision in this case.
NS4/599 Receipt of Deputations - Athgarvan Residents Associations
Athgarvan Residents Association
J. Williams, M Foley and P. Leahey attended on behalf of the Athgarvan Residents Association. The Association requested that Kildare County Council would carry out various works in the area of the village and set out their priorities as follows:
(a)The provision of a footpath from the old National School to Mallocks Corner, Athgarvan. They confirmed that there is no footpath for 600-700 yards. This is very dangerous especially for children who are exiting from the Montessori School which is now occupying the old National School House near Mountain View. That particular area is on a dangerous bend and it is necessary for people to walk out on the roadway.
(b)In relation to Mallocks Corner they requested a mini roundabout as traffic is speeding past the new school and past the very dangerous turn up through the village.
(c)They requested that sheep grids be provided at various points around the area. (d) They were also seeking the provision of a sewerage scheme as the village is growing rapidly and asked what plans had the Council in relation to this.
They confirmed that there is a lack of sporting facilities and that they would appreciate a contact by the Leisure Officer in relation to this. They asked that they be made aware of any funding that they can avail of. The only facilities currently in the area are the G.A.A. and the Pitch and Putt. They requested that the Leisure Officer would contact the Secretary of the Pitch and Putt Club in relation to the Council’s amenity grant. They last correspondence with they had received was in November 1998. The deputation then left the meeting.
The Members discussed the various issues that had been raised by them. It was confirmed that in relation to sheep grids, all roads would have to have sheep grids placed on them and that this would not be feasible. It was further confirmed that a roundabout is only suitable in urban areas and it would not be feasible to install one at this location. It was suggested that improvements could be made in relation to signing and lining and that writing should be placed on the road near the corner to confirm that there is a school ahead and that the traffic should slow down. The Area Engineer undertook to look at this matter.
Cutlery Road Traders
Mr. B. Fitzsimons, Mr. P. Deasy, Mr. D. O’Neill and Ms. A. Clarke attended on behalf of the Cutlery Road Traders. The issues they raised were as follows:
1.There are no litter bins at all on the street known as Cutlery Road. Traders would consider sponsoring a number of bins and they asked that the Council would provide the necessary finance and make the arrangements to have these bins installed.
2.They requested improved footpaths and parking facilities particularly on a Friday. They asked if the rumours that Kildare County Council were considering the implementation of one-way traffic system were in fact correct. 3. They confirmed that they wanted to nominate a street name, Cutlery Road applies only to part of the street and they are anxious that a street name be put in place as soon as possible.
4.They raised their concern at the height of the footpath on the Tarmel side of the street. The kerb is so high that you cannot open a car door, they would like to see parking on one side of the street only and the narrowing or eliminating of the footpath on the right hand side. They confirmed that some traders are not in favour of a one-way system.
5.They also asked if anything could be done about the water tower at the end of the street as it is an eyesore.
The Members discussed the various issues that had been raised by the Cutlery Road Traders Association. It was confirmed that a parking study is being carried out in Newbridge and the recommendations of the study are being awaited. It will also be necessary to ascertain what work or what development will be carried out on the Irish Ropes site which recently burnt down before a decision could be made in relation to the footpath on the right hand side of Cutlery Road.
Castlesize Residents Association
Mr. P. Daly, Ms. F. Sutton and Ms. M. Jackson attended on behalf of the Castlesize residents. They raised their objections and concerns to the proposed Sallins By-Pass and stated that they believe that the road would be built behind their estate. They asked the engineers to investigate the possibility of another route and that a reply would issue to Mr. Denis O’Connor, 8 Castlesize Walk, Sallins.
Mr. S. Stokes, Administrative Officer, read a report to the meeting confirming that a number of routes were selected for the proposed Sallins relief road. This is the only remaining available route within the area of the Sallins Development Plan that diverts traffic from Sallins village and provides access to zoned land in Sallins. Similar relief road- distributor roads have been constructed or form part of residential and commercial developments for which permissions have recently been granted. In all these cases the roads run through land zoned for residential development and access is taken from both sides of the roads.
In relation to the residential development in Castlesize and the proposed relief road the following points should be made:
1.The relief road will be governed by a 30mph speed limit throughout.
2.The residential developments on either side of the relief road were designed specifically to take access off the road by means of staggered junctions ( the road currently providing access to the houses to the west of the proposed relief road was only ever intended to be a temporary access)
3.On construction of the relief road boundary walls and rails similar to those provided at Celbridge and Sallins Road, Naas will be provided to screen all residential lands at either side of the road. In addition to this the Council will implement traffic calming measures in the section of this estate to the east of the relief road to ensure that it is not used as a ratrun.
4.Two separate green areas have been provided either side of the proposed relief road.
5.If the relief road were to be relocated to the west of the River Liffey it would require two additional bridges and would add a minimum of £2.5 million to the cost of the relief road.
In relation to the part of the route that passes through Castlesize Estate, Councillor Conway proposed that Kildare County Council would look for an alternative route for this particular part of road and perhaps it would be feasible to run the road parallel to the Liffey at this point. This was seconded by Councillor Nolan and agreed by the meeting. A report on this matter is to be prepared for the next meeting.
Newbridge Hackney Owners
Mr. B. Kinsella, Mr. Walsh and Mr. M.O’Brien attended on behalf of the Newbridge Hackney Owners. They asked that a sub committee be established to deal with the issues of taxis/hackneys in the Newbridge area. They asked that hackney licences be stopped or restrictions be put on them and they confirmed that they were seeking the establishment of taxi rank. They voiced their opposition to the provision of a shuttle bus service in the Newbridge area.
Following receipt of the deputation the Members discussed the issues that had been raised by them. Councillor Nolan advised the committee that Newbridge Town Commission have put forward a motion to Kildare County Council regarding provision of a of taxi meter area for Newbridge. The provision of such a taxi meter area was supported by the Naas Area Committee.
NS5/599 Public Lighting Replacement Programme 1998
A report on the current situation was circulated to the Members.
NS6/599 Public Lighting Allocation 1999.
Councillor Power raised the issue of two lights for Clongorey which had still not been erected and asked that this work be carried out as soon as possible. A list of the current requests were also circulated to the Members. Costings have been received in relation to all requests that were carried over from 1998. Three additional requests have been made in 1999 and no costs were yet available.
NS7/599 Councillors Queries
(a)Refuse collection for Patricia Green, Stephenstown, Two Mile House
(Councillor Power)
Councillor Power was informed that the matter had been investigated. The lane on which Ms. Green lives is not suitable for the refuse collection service as there is no suitable turning point for a large refuse vehicle. In relation to the possibility of refunding any refuse collection charges paid it was confirmed that no charges were paid by Ms. Green as the service could not be provided, therefore no refund was due to her.
(b)The connection of Kilteel village to the main water supply 1999
(Councillor P. Power)
Mr. S. Stokes, Administrative Officer, read a report to the meeting confirming that the funds allocated for the rural water programme include group schemes, taking in charge grants for group schemes, remedial work for group schemes as well as a small schemes programme. The amount allocated for the programme is £257,000 and the bulk of this money will be used to clear commitments on existing schemes, consequently it will not be possible to carry out any work in Kilteel this year.
Councillor Power proposed that this report is unacceptable and the Members of the committee agreed. Councillor Lawlor seconded by Councillor Power proposed that £75,000 be allocated for provision of a water supply at Kilteel to be brought from Rathmore to Kilteel village. This was agreed by the committee.
(c)To repair the Slieverue Road, Ballymore Eustace above Tipperkevin
(Councillor P. Power)
It was confirmed that these repairs would be carried out as soon as possible.
(d)The possibility of Local Improvement Scheme Grant for the road at Castlekealy starting at the homes of Larry Hogarty and Paddy Broe leading over the new railway bridge down to the house of Tom Kenny
(Councillor P. Power)
It was confirmed that no application had been made for this Local Improvement Scheme. An application form has been issued.
(e)Sewerage connection for Angela Dunne Digby Bridge at Dunore
(Councillor P. Power)
It was confirmed that an application had been sent to Ms. Dunne in relation to this matter.
NS8/599 Proposal for extinguishment of right of way at
Arthurstown Road, Kill
It was confirmed that following the advertisement of the proposed extinguishment of public right of way, the roads administration office did not receive any submissions from members of the public. The request for extinguishment of public right of way at Arthurstown, Kill was agreed by the area committee and will be brought before full Council.
NS9/599 Proposal for Extinguishment of right of way at
Lakeside Park, Newbridge
It was confirmed that following the full Council meeting of 26th April, 1999, it was agreed that the above right of way should be extinguished. Public notice will be advertised in the coming weeks. This was noted by the Members of the committee.
NS10/599 Consideration for extinguishment of
right of way at Kill village
It was confirmed that an objection had been received and a request for an oral hearing had been made. It was agreed that this matter would be deferred to the next meeting.
NS11/599 Briefing on Community Development
Work in the County
It was confirmed that the community worker Ms. M. Johnston could not attend today’s meeting. She asked that if anyone wanted to contact her in relation to this item that they should do so directly. It was agreed that this matter would be deferred to the next meeting.
Adjourned Motions
NS12/599 Motion - Councillor O’Neill
“That the surface water drainage system in Borehard, Old Connell/
Little Connell, Newbridge be upgraded”
A report was circulated on this matter confirming that the motion refers to the defective road surface water drainage system on the old N7 dual carriageway exiting Newbridge towards Naas direction. Routine maintenance has failed to rectify the surface water drainage problem. The problem is directly along the road frontage of Old Connell Stud. It will be necessary to excavate about six trial holes in the roads hard margin to determine where the problem is. Investigation shall proceed until the matter is resolved. It may be necessary to provide a new surface water drainage system.
NS 13/599 Motion - Councillor McGinley
“That the County Engineer be instructed to bring forward alternative proposals for the route of the Sallins Southern By-pass and in so doing to exclude consideration
of routes through housing estates”
As this motion was not raised by a Member of the Naas Area Committee, it was not dealt with at this meeting.
NS14/599Motion - Councillor P. Power
“To install the traffic calming measures in Caragh Village”
It was confirmed that this work has commenced and is on-going.
Current Motions
NS15/599 Motion - Councillor O’Neill
“That Newbridge graveyard at Kilbelin be retained as at present and in particular that the access to cars be allowed to continue as here to fore to enable easy access to visiting graves”
It was confirmed that this motion had also been raised at the full Council meeting in April and had been answered at that meeting.
NS16/599 Motion - Councillor O’Neill
“That Kildare County Council proceed immediately to regularise the use of the Council’s recreational lands at Rickardstown, Newbridge at Sarsfields G.A.A.”