Draft Minutes Subject to Confirmation at the meeting 2nd July 2012



HELD ON :-11th june 2012

At 7 pm at Saint Andrews Church

Present Councillors A Perrow, M Benson, J Tindale, A Lynch, T Solley and C Carter

In Attendance: A Mallinson clerk, 3 members of the public, PC Mark Brown and Cllr P Mulligan

09/703 Apologies

Accepted apologies from Cllr C Carter for lateness due to domestic issues

09/704 Disclosures of Interest

Cllr Benson a prejudicial interest in item 8, the Village Hall, as he is a member of that committee. Cllr Tindale a personal interest in planning item 22/2012/12621 as she is well know to the applicant.

09/705 Minutes

Resolved: That the draft minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd April 2012 were accepted as a true record subject to the following changes – 09/694 class 2 winners name is “Molly”. Planning item 22/2012/12526 should read “recommend refusal”. Notes to be added requesting a call in and reasons for objection and to be forwarded to CDC.

09/706 Clerk and Lengthsman Report

The clerk had attended another successful Middleton and Ickornshaw residents meeting where they have planned to have an activity weekend on the 30th June. Leaflets are going out looking for additional volunteers to help paint all the play equipment and carry out gardening work. They have applied for funds from the Craven Area Committee as well. Extra repair work is required to one of the slides which the contractor is going to attend to. The clerk has also requested quotes for a new gate and replacement of the stock fencing around the allotments which will be presented to the finance working group for discussion. Work to the Dawson shelter is now under way with the boundary wall already removed and stock proof fencing erected. The clerk has spoken to the contractor about concerns over the state of the grass in the main recreational field and he will try to accommodate some extra cuts especially leading up to the Gala.

The Lengthsman reported that the road sign for acre Meadow was hanging off, a wall has collapsed at Winkholme by the bridge and a stone blocking the footpath at the bottom of Collinge Road. Cllr’s Lynch and Perrow offered to photograph these and forward them to the clerk so that they could be dealt with.

09/707 Reports from invited guests

Cllr Mulligan reported that he had received an email from a resident requesting that a formal hard standing be installed at Nan Scarr Top. He had investigated this but there were no funds available to do it. Councillors agreed that they would get quotes for the work and see if it was possible to have the work done. Concerns were raised about the safety of the location of the bus stop. The highways officer Chris Craven is leaving NYCC and a restructured management will appoint a new person and he will let the clerk know. NYCC have looked at a policy for wind turbines and recommended a 2km distance from dwellings. This policy is still being looked at by the scrutiny committee before a final decision is made.

09/708 Footpath with BOAT status

Cllr Tindale has been to look at the condition of the path, which is in a very poor state due to water erosion and off road vehicles using it for recreational purposes. The lane is also used by the local farmer to access his fields. Councillors did not wish to see the path deteriorate further but recognised that farm vehicles need access down it.

Resolved: That the clerk write to NYCC regarding path number 50 and explore the possibilities of having it made into a formal bridleway with more restricted access.

09/709 2012 Jubilee event

Cllr Solley thanked all the Councillors for the hard work and support in putting on the Jubilee event and also the members of the public, including the children, who had also helped. The gun club had done an excellent job with the 10 gun salute. A huge crowd had enjoyed the fireworks display held in the recreational field. The Councillors thanked Cllr Solley for all her hard work in organising the event which had been done under budget. Cllr Perrow is going to produce a DVD with all the pictures that had been taken on the day. A resident has requested a commemorative mug and Councillors would see if any other residents required one via the newsletter. There would need to be at least 50 requests to make it viable having then done. The clerk will write to the gun club on behalf of the Council, thanking them for their assistance on the day.

09/710 Village Hall funding

This item was deferred to the next meeting as financial information from the committee had only just been received and the working group had not chance to look at them.

09/711 Village Newsletter

Cllr Perrow has had a meeting with the organisers of the newsletter and they were happy to be more independent. Concerns were raised about the on-going relationship between the Council and the production and content of the newsletter. The clerk raised concerns about the possible liability to the Council with regard to future maintenance of the equipment and the increased costs associated with producing the newsletter, as invoices just “appeared” in the name of the Council. All Councillors wished the newsletter to continue and would look favourably on funding applications that came forward in the future.

Resolved: That the Cowling newsletter becomes totally independent of the Parish Council and the organisers are encouraged to put forward a business plan and funding request to the Parish Council. That funding continues, as it has been, until the start of the next financial year. That the organisers be notified by the clerk as to the change in the working relationship.

09/712 Coronation Shelter

Cllr Tindale was concerned about the deteriorating condition of the shelter and its general appearance.

Resolved: That the clerk obtain a quote to have the rendering repaired, pointing done where necessary and to paint the structure with appropriate paint and report back to Council.

09/713 Acquiring land for allotments

The clerk read out an email that had been received from CDC which explained that there may be significant costs associated with pursuing a compulsory purchase. The Parish Council would have pay all the costs including a public enquiry if one was called for.

Resolved: That this item is deferred to next month to give Councillors time to consider the implications for the Council.

09/714 SLCC regional conference

The clerk was seeking permission to attend the regional conference on the 28th June, at a cost of £65 +vat, which includes discussions on legal matters and finance. The clerk will pay for all traveling costs.

Resolved: That the Parish Council fund the clerk to attend the conference.

09/715 Review of accounts for 2011/12

Resolved: That this item is deferred to allow the finance working group to view the accounts

09/716 Finance

Resolved: That the accounts presented for payment were agreed.

Payee / Cheque No. / Details / Amount
A Perrow Re imbursement / 201116 / prizes for school children for Jubilee competition (Chairs allowance) / £17.94
Cheque cancelled / 201117 / Cheque cancelled / £0.00
A Perrow Re imbursement / 201118 / Fireworks display for Jubilee event (Inv. missing, late payment) / £445.50
St Andrews Church / 201119 / Room Hire / £12.00
N Power / 201120 / Standing charge for toilet / £39.64
David Hitchcock (Lengthsman) / 201121 / April and May hours worked / £576.00
A Mallinson (Clerk) / 201122 / April and May hours worked / £1,094.16
HM Revenue and Customs / 201123 / £469.75 due less overpayment of £426.90 / £42.85
A Mallinson (Clerk) Re imbursement / 201124 / Stamps / £7.08
Copifax / 201125 / Inv. 234514 repair to printer / £78.00
A Mallinson Re imbursement / 201126 / Calor gas cylinder hire for Jubilee beacon / £70.00
Total / £2383.17

09/717 Planning

Resolved: That the following comments are sent to CDC planning department.

Planning Ref. / Site Location / Brief Description of Proposal / Comments to CDC
22/2012/12623 / 1 The Old Sawmill / Construction of porch and single story extension / None
22/2012/12490 / Stunstead, Long Lane / Lawful residential use of caravan / None
22/2012/12631 / Old village hall / Conversion to three dwellings / None
22/2012/12653 / Dean Laithe Farm, Old Oakworth road / Material alterations to extant approval / None
22/2012/12621 / Park Farm, Park Lane / Construction of dwelling for agricultural worker / Recommend refusal. Proposal is excessive in scale and proportion for an agricultural dwelling. There is no proven need for an additional dwelling on this site as a dwelling already exists.
22/2012/12651 / Beaushaw Well Farm / Change of use and extension of garage for residential use / Recommend refusal. Out of proportion and not in keeping with the intended use as an annex when tested against the 4 reasons for its use as an annex.

09/718 Verbal reports from working groups and committee reps

a.  Planning and environment: Having looked at the ROSPA report the Middleton section should be forwarded by the clerk to the residents group.

b.  Residents group: Nothing further to report

c.  Recreational grounds and play equipment: Walls close to the old tennis courts are damaged. Management group to deal with these.

d.  Mapping and Assets: Additional bench sites are being looked at.

e.  Finance and staffing: The working group will meet over the next few weeks.

09/719 Correspondence

The clerk read out the current correspondence.

09/720 Members community reports

The clerk was requested to contact district Councillor Ady Green to find out why he is not attending Parish Council meetings.

09/721 To agree and note the time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting

Resolved: That the next meeting is to be held on Monday 2nd July 2012 at 7pm at Saint Andrews Church.

Meeting closed at 10.20pm

Signed…………………………………. Page 4

Date 11th/ June/ 2012