Job Descriptions of the Management Committee posts for election at the AGM on 3rdFebruary 2018

Woodcraft Folk Scotland shall at each AGM elect 6 members to form a Management Committee of Woodcraft Folk Scotland who shall determine their office bearer roles at their first meeting, including having a named treasurer. One of these positions is also the Scottish Rep on General Council – see the role and duties of General Council document for further info. These posts shall all be for a period of one year.All full members, including Venturers and DF’s, can stand for any of these positions.


Committee member
Roles and Responsibilities of ALL Voluntary Management Committee members

In a word, the role of the voluntary management committee is leadership. Leadership means setting the vision for the organisation and running it in a way that will achieve these aims. There are many different tasks associated with this role and many different ways that it can be fulfilled. Rarely will the committee undertake this role totally alone without help or support but it is important for committee members to be clear that they are in charge of Woodcraft Folk in Scotland. Woodcraft Folk General Council are ultimately responsible in law (i.e. legally liable) for what it does. Committee members must understand what they are responsible for and the memorandum of understanding attempts to explain this relationship between General Council and the Scottish management committee.

The committee should make sure that:

  • the organisation is clear in its purpose and direction (strategic planning is recommended)
  • all decisions taken are in line with and safeguard the ideals and purpose of the organisation as laid out in our constitution
  • assets are safeguarded and used efficiently for those for whom the organisation exists
  • the organisation fulfils all its legal obligations
  • the organisation is effectively managed, operates efficiently and works within its policies and budgets, any relevant good practice guidance and the law
  • the organisation is accountable financially and in other ways
  • there is a proper procedure for the recruitment and supervision of staff
  • the committee itself is representative and functions effectively

The committee member should attend and participate in committee and Woodcraft Folk Scotland face-to-face meetings and teleconferences as required.

It is usually the case that voluntary organisations work for the benefit of others and this often puts them in a position of trust. In other words someone else trusts them to do a certain thing. This is always true with respect to any money given to the organisation in furtherance of its aims. Formally established organisations may have specific responsibilities in law based on the concept of trust (e.g. trustees of a trust) but in general all committees should bear it in mind when conducting their business.

In fulfilling its roles and responsibilities the committee may work with and seek help from voluntary sector infrastructure and intermediary bodies, the public or private sector, its own staff, volunteers - in fact anyone it chooses to ask.



The role of a Chair or Convener of a voluntary management committee bears all the general responsibilities of management committee officers, and also includes tasks related to voluntary management committee meetings and those associated with broader issues concerning the organisation, in conjunction with staff.

The Chair/Convener has particular responsibilities in relation to management committee meetings including:

  • acting on behalf of the Woodcraft Folk Scotland / it’s committee where urgent decisions need to be made and it is not possible to consult others
  • ensuring meetings are run competently
  • ensuring discussion and decision-making is democratic and everyone is able to participate fully in meetings
  • holding the casting vote in the event of a split decision
  • preparing agendas for meetings of Woodcraft Folk Scotland and committee (in consultation with the staff and other management committee officers)
  • ensuring relevant matters are discussed and appropriate decisions made
  • line managing (in collaboration with London office) workers employed by Woodcraft Folk in Scotland

Chairing the twice-yearly meetings of Woodcraft Folk Scotland, the annual AGM, and meetings of the committee, and ensuring that annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings are carried out according to the constitution of the organisation


Vice Chair

The role of the vice chair is to support the chair as and when necessary, and to take the role of the chair at meetings in the absence of the chair.



As well as bearing all the general responsibilities of a voluntary management committee officer, the Treasurer is the person specifically entrusted with the funds of the organisation. In an organisation that employs paid staff they will deal with much of the day-to-day financial business. However, the Treasurer is still responsible for overseeing this and keeping account of the finances. In smaller organisations where there are no paid staff the Treasurer will often deal with the financial transactions and bookkeeping.

The tasks associated with this post are:

  • To advise the committee on financial matters, both positive and negative
  • To control and account for the organisation's finances
  • To issue receipts for all cash received and keep records of that paid out
  • To be a counter signatory to any major banking transaction
  • To attend meetings of the finance sub-committee (if there is one)
  • To oversee bookkeeping
  • To prepare the Treasurer's report for the annual general meeting
  • To liaise with the appointed Auditor or Independent Examiner for the annual review of accounts
  • To advise the organisation's management committee of its financial requirements for the year ahead

For complicated accounting it may be advisable to seek professional advice



As well as bearing all the general responsibilities of voluntary management committee officers, there are many specific tasks for which the Secretary of an organisation has responsibility. Many of these are the regular practical administrative duties that will be done by staff where the organisation employs paid members of staff. In this sense the secretary is delegating their duties to staff.

The tasks of the Secretary for voluntary management committee meetings can include:

  • convening meetings
  • booking rooms
  • dealing with correspondence according to the will of Woodcraft Folk Scotland and committee
  • preparing agendas for meetings (in consultation with the Chair)
  • taking the minutes of meetings of Woodcraft Folk Scotland and committee (including teleconferences) and ensuring they are made available to staff, other committee members and all Woodcraft Folk Scotland members
  • ensuring back-up information is available at meetings where the topics to be discussed require it