Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Monday, 11th February 2008

At 7.00 p.m. in the Preston-on-Tees Primary School

Present Cllr. Miss M. Galloway (Chairman)

Cllrs. K. Browell, M. Cherrett and R. Cockburn.

Apologies were received from Cllr. Miss R. E. Stafford.

Mr. T. Bowman representing Stockton BC Standards Committee.


Cllr. Cockburn declared an interest in items relating to the allotment gardens, on which he holds a tenancy, and was informed by the Clerk that it did not constitute a prejudicial interest.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

The Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Monday, 14th January 2008, copies of which had been circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed as a true record.

Matters Arising out of the Minutes

1. Laburnum Road – grassed area

The Clerk was reported that the assistant arborist had promised the planting of a suitable tree in March. The Clerk was asked to mention to Stockton BC that the bollard had been kicked down.

2. Cemetery Boundary

The Clerk reported that he has arranged a meeting for 28th February.

3. Bus Shelter

The Clerk was asked to pass on the Stockton BC the survey Cllr. Cherrett had carried out on the bus shelters.

4. Allotment Gate

It was agreed to accept a quotation of £86.90 for a new gate but to leave ordering until the spring.

5. Flats Development at Service Station

The Clerk reported that the comments had been acknowledged. Members expressed the hope that they would be informed when the matter would be raised in Council.

6. Rubbish Bins

The Chairman reported that the problem seemed to have abated somewhat.

7. Traffic Calming and vehicle parking bays

The Clerk reported that the Borough Councillors had now ended their support for the provision of parking bays on Oak Road.


1.  The following accounts were approved and payment authorised: -

101122 / P. R. Joiner - clerk's salary & expenses (Jan) / £ 164.94
101123 / Society of Local Council Clerks – annual subscription / £59.00
101124 / Cleveland Local Councils Association – Local Council Review (6m) / £ 6.75
101125 / Northumbrian Water – allotments metered water / £ 18.25


1. Kirklands, The Avenue

The Chairman reported that this plan was a renewal of an existing plan so that no comment had been lodged with Stockton BC.

2. Future of Villages in Stockton Borough

The Clerk was asked to contact Stockton BC about the absence of the parish in the survey of villages.


The Meeting was adjourned by the Chairman to allow a discussion to take place with representatives of the Association.

1. Meeting with Association

The following points were agreed during a frank meeting with the newly elected Association:-

a. The Clerk would check on the need for planning permission for the placement of a hut for the Association on a spare garden. The Association to provide the hut and pay rental for the garden;

b. The Association would seek to bring gardens back into use to reduce the waiting list;

c. The Council, initially, would pursue the provision of improved drainage for the allotments;

d. The Council would send copies of the approved Minutes to the Association via e-mail to their Chairman;

e. The Council would supply a waste skip for placement from Maundy Thursday until Easter Tuesday to help the Association remove rubbish;

f. The Association would provide a plan for provision of infill for the rutted pathways and the Council would seek to provide the requested material which the Association would spread.

2. Collection of Rents

It was agreed to collect rents on Sunday, 6th April 2008 between 11:00 and 12:00. The Clerk would be assisted by Cllrs. Cherrett and Cockburn.


1.  Correspondence received was noted as listed.

2.  Tees Valley Rural Community Council – Open Space & Recreation Facilities in Stockton BC

The Clerk agreed to complete the survey document.

3.  Parish Council Liaison Forum

Members noted the date of the next meeting on 25th March 2008.

4. Stockton Borough Council- Survey of Allotments

The Clerk agreed to complete the survey document.

5. Regional Spatial Strategy

Cllr. Cherrett took possession of the disk in order to consider the document.

Any Other Business

1. Cemetery Bin

The Clerk was asked follow up the request to empty the bin as it was overflowing.

2. Smokers in Cemetery Entrance

The Chairman reported on recent problems encountered with car mechanics from local garages using the cemetery entrance as a smoking area. The problems appeared to have been resolved but Members were asked to keep an eye on the problem.

3. Cemetery Boundary

The Clerk was asked to approach the contractor to provide some hawthorn whips to fill in the gap in the fence.

4. Application for Memorial

The Clerk was asked to compare the dimensions of the planned stone to the more usual sizes.

5. Standards Committee visit

The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Council to Mr. Bowman and hoped that the meeting had been a positive experience for him.

Dated this 10th day of March 2008

