Minutes of the Methodist Council held on 18-19 October 2012 at the Ramada Hotel, Sutton Coldfield

Present:The President, Vice-President and 42voting members

Apologies:Mr Ted Awty(Observer),the RevdNigel Barton, Deacon Sue Culver, the Revd Rachel Deigh, Ms Emma Hunter, Ms Alison Jackson, the Revd Loraine Mellor,

the Revd Dr Peter Phillips (Observer), Mr Richard Saunders-Hindley,the Revd Paul Smith, the Revd Gillian Newton, Mr Arfon Williams

Observers:Mr John Chastney, RevdSylvester Deigh [in place of Revd Rachel Deigh], the Revd Gareth Hill, the Revd John Howard [in place of the Revd Loraine Mellor],

Mr Nick Moore, Mr Doug Swanney, Mrs Louise Wilkins

In attendance:Mr Ben Bradley, Ms Anna Drew, Ms Ann McGovern (Minutes), Ms Sharon Hassanali

The Council shared in a service of morningprayer with members of the United Reformed Church Mission Council.

The Revd David Gamble was welcomed as the new Chair of the Methodist Council.

The Council agreed to send a letter of condolence to the Revd Gillian Newton on the death of her father.

12.3.1Appointment of new members of the Council under the delegated authority of the Conference [MC/12/69]

Pursuant to its delegated powers from the Conference the Council passed the following


69/1.The Council appointed The Reverend Susan J Wigham, as a member of the Council for the Connexional Year 2012/13.

69/2.The Council appointed The Reverend Peter J Pillinger as a member of the Council for the Connexional Year 2012/13 as a representative of the Chairs meeting.

12.3.2The Minutes of the Methodist Council held on 24-26March 2012 were agreed and signed as a correct record.

12.3.3Matters arising [MC/12/70]

Gareth Powell presented MC/12/70. The Council noted the report.

Gareth Powell reported to the Council that 12.2.16 Working Group on diversity of representatives to the Council and the Conference required further work which would tie in with the report on Belonging Together and the Equality and Diversity Architecture paper in April.

12.3.4Minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 24 April and 17 September 2012

Peter Howdle presented the minutes of the meetings held on 24 April and the draft minutes of 17 September 2012, which were noted.

12.3.5Matters Arising from the SRC Minutes

(i) Southlands update – Mount Clare – the Council noted thatwork was proceeding and a further report from the scrutiny group will be submitted to the Council in January.The scrutiny group is a group of the SRC and will be reporting to the SRC in November, therefore this report will come to the Council through the SRC.

(ii) Methodist Diaconal Order – Managing Trusteeship of Centre and management of funds.

The Council passedthe following Resolutions:

72/1. The Council, pursuant to Model Trust 16(k), delegated to the Methodist Diaconal Centre Management Committee its responsibilities in respect of 26 and 27 St James Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2NX and directed the Committee to make an annual report to the Council.

72/2.The Council delegated to the Methodist Diaconal Centre Management Committee managing trusteeship of the Benevolent Fund Deaconesses (Trust Fund 6890) and directed the Committee to make an annual report to the Council on the state of the Fund.

(iii) Methodist Church House.

Paper MC/12/93 was withdrawn. The Council noted that a report will be made to the January meeting.

12.3.6Report from Review Group

Peter Howdle presented MC/12/94 which had been prepared by David Walton, Chair of the Review Group on the Senior Leadership of the Connexional Team.

The Council passed the following Resolutions:

94/1. The Council received the Report.

94/2. The Council expressed its appreciation to the members of the Review Group.

Pursuant to its delegated powers from the Conference the Council passed the following


94/3The Council thanked Christine Elliott for her work as Secretary for External Relationships and wishes her well in her future life and ministry.

94/4The Council thanked Mark Wakelin for his work as Secretary for Internal Relationships and wisheshim well in his future life and ministry.

94/5The Council thanked John Ellis for his work as Secretary for Team Operations and wishes him wellin his future life and ministry.

12.3.7Report from Senior Leadership Group [MC/12/94]

(i) Update regarding the appointment of the Connexional Secretary

Pursuant to its delegated powers from the Conference the Council passed the following


69/3The Council appointed Mr Doug Swanney, Connexional Secretary, as a member of the Council from 1 November 2012.

(ii)Work of the Clusters

The Council heard presentations from Nick Moore, Head of Support Services, and Gareth Hill, Head of Mission and Advocacy, on the work of their clusters.

12.3.8Report from the September Connexional Leaders’ Forum

Martyn Atkins reported that the September meeting of the CLF had:

reflected on the decisions of the 2012 Conference particularly in reference to leadership roles;

heard a report from Methodist Women in Britain;

received and commented on plans for the Discipleship and Ministries Network

reflected on issues relating to Core Costs and reformulating the Methodist Church Fund assessment, updating immigration rules and policies, and Fresh Expressions initiatives;

and spent time sharing in small groups.

12.3.9Ways of Working

The Council engaged in a discussion about the moving of motions by members of the Council at the Conference, the challenges that arise because of the lack of continuity between Council and Conference, whether we have sufficient coherence in membership of Council and Conference and what is the appropriate level of dual membership.

The Council agreed that a paper should be prepared for the next meeting rehearsing

the recent history of how the Methodist Council Executive later became the SRC, work on the Council and the Conference constitution,and formulating possibilities on how to take this work further with stronger relations between the SRC and Council.

It was noted that this might cross reference with the work of the working party appointed to review the membership of the Conference.

12.3.10Update on Methodist Ministers Pension Scheme (MMPS) and Pension and Assurance Scheme for Lay Employees of the Methodist Church {PASLEMC) FRS17 Investment Strategy

Andrew Gibbs, Connexional Treasurer, informed the Council that, standing in as 'Employer' for the two Pension Funds, it was required formally to approve the investment strategies adopted by the Trustees of the Fundsas a basis for makingassumptions regarding the long term expected returnsused in preparing the statement known as Financial Reporting Standard 17. The investment strategies remained broadly unchanged from earlier years. The Council approved the investment strategies.

12.3.11Special Resolutions referred to the Council [MC/12/75]

The Council passed the following Resolutions:

  1. President’s Inquiry (Safeguarding) 2011 – Implementation of Recommendations

75/1. The Council approved the Resolution as set out in the report.

  1. Suspension of Standing Orders.

75/2.The Council approved the Resolution as set out in the report.

  1. Invitations to other churches and Christian bodies to the Conference

75/3. The Council approved the Resolution as set out in the report.

12.3.12Formulating the Connexional Budget

Martyn Atkins gave a short presentation recounting the recent history including “Our Calling”,which gives an authoritative summary of what the Methodist Church is about (worship, learning and caring, service, evangelism) and the General Secretary’s Report 2011, quoting that “Our resolve to be a discipleship movement shaped for mission today, and our intention to move to longer-term and better budgeting processes requires, I believe, a further commitment. Namely that the whole Connexion chooses deliberately to use our giving, budgeting and spending processes to facilitate what we feel God is calling us to become as the priority, rather than simply choose to sustain what we have. “

The Council then spent time in groups considering four questions

i)What is your guidance about a balanced or a deficit budget?

ii)Inrespect of a balanced budget, what would you be most prepared to lose?

iii)In order to bring about what outcomes or focus on which activities would you agreea deficit budget?

iv)What else is needed, if anything, to produce a planned longer term budget?

The Council heard brief reportsfrom the groups and directed that the deliberations of the groups should be consulted by those formulating the first draft of the Connexional Budget for 2013-2014.

Nick Moore gave a presentation on some of the key issues to consider when planning the budget, including what targets had alreadybeen agreed by the SRC, the current status of the Mission in Britain Fund and the Connexional Grants Committee budget,Connexional Priority Fund (CPF) income, the Pensions auto enrolment commitment, general standard of living increases in pay, District Assessments. A broad range of budget issues were discussed in small groups followed byfurther discussion in a plenary session.

12.3.13Connexional Team Workplan 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 [MC/12/74]

The Council agreed the following Resolution.

74/1. The Council noted the Work Plan of the Connexional Team for 2012-13.

12.3.14Date and Venue for the 2014 Conference [MC/12/78]

The Council passed the following Resolution.

78/1.The Council

(i)welcomed the identification of Birmingham as the venue for the 2014 Conference;

(ii)authorised the relevant officers to negotiate and sign suitable contracts;

(iii)recommended to the 2013 Conference that the 2014 Conference meet in Birmingham from 26 June 2014 to 3 July 2014.

12.3.15Modified Circuit Constitutions [MC/12/76]

The Council agreed the following Resolution.

76/1. The Council recommended to the Conference that Standing Orders be amended to limit the number of presbyters, presbyteral probationers, deacons and diaconal probationers who are managing trustees of Local Churches.

The Council further agreed the principle that those ministers stationed in a Circuit but not appointed to it may, on an individual basis, choose to be members of a Circuit meeting.

12.3.16Notice of Motion 207 – Complaints and Discipline Process [MC/12/77]

The Council passed the following Resolutions.

77/1.The Council authorised the President and Vice President to appoint the Chair of the panel to undertake the review directed by the Conference.

77/2.The Council appointed Mr Robert Gaitskell and Mrs Ann Willey to the panel.

77/3.The Council directed the panel to report to the Council in 2014.

12.3.17Ministers being received into Full Connexion [MC/12/79]

The Council passedthe following Resolution.

79/1. The Methodist Council recommends that the invitation to attend the Representative Session of the Conference be extended to those being received into Full Connexion by transfer or reinstatement (but not being ordained) with the cost of doing so being covered by the budget relating to the Conference.

12.3.18Appointments, reinvitations [MC/12/80]

Pursuant to SO 315 and SO315(2)the Council passed the following Resolutions.


80/1.The Methodist Council recommended that Deacon Eunice Attwood be appointed to serve in a full-time appointment as a member of staff at the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham with immediate effect for an initial period of two years.

80/2.The Methodist Council recommended that the Revd Dr Andrew J Lunn be appointed to serve in a full-time appointment as a member of staff at the Wesley Study Centre, Durham for an initial period of one year (2013/2014).


80/3.The Methodist Council recommended that the Revd Sean C C Adair’s appointment as a full-time member of staff at the York Institute for Community Theology be extended for a further period of one year (2013/2014).

80/4.The Methodist Council recommended that the Revd Piers G J Lane’s appointment as a full-time member of staff at Cliff College be extended for a further period of five years (2013/2014-2017/2018).

80/5.The Methodist Council recommended that the Revd Richard M Andrew’s appointment as Director of the York Institute for Community Theology be extended for a further period of five years (2013/2014-2017/18).

12.3.19Reinvitation of ordained members of the Connexional team [MC/12/80a]

The Council agreed the following Resolutions.

80a/1.Under Standing Order 315(2), the Council recommended the extension of the Revd Jennifer M Ellis’s appointment as Evangelism, Spirituality and Discipleship Coordinator for up to four years from 1 September 2013.

80a/2.Under Standing Order 315(2), the Council recommended the extension of the Revd Robert Jones’s appointment as Chaplaincies Coordinator for a period of two years from 1 September 2013.

12.3.20Actions undertaken by the Council under the delegated authority of the Conference [MC/12/82]

The Council passed the following Resolutions.

82/1.The Council amended the figure quoted in the Conference Agenda and Minutes of the Conference in relation to the planned expenditure from the World Mission Fund, from £5.6m to £8.8m.

Appointment of Oversight Tutors

82/2.The Methodist Council appointed the Revd John P Henry as Oversight Tutor at the South-West Ministry Training Course (SWMTC).

82/3.The Methodist Council appointed Deacon Eunice Attwood as an Oversight Tutor at The Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham.

82/4.The Methodist Council appointed The Revd Dr Hillary Nyika as Oversight Tutor for the Eastern Region Ministry Course (in place of Ms Cathy Michell).

En Bloc Items

12.3.21Pensions Auto-enrolment [MC/12/83]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolutions.

83/1.The Methodist Council directed that the staging date for the Methodist Council should be brought forward to 1 September 2013.

83/2.The Methodist Council directed that the staging dates for all local lay employers who utilise the central payroll should be deferred until 1 April 2016.

12.3.22Methodist Ministers Pension Scheme consultation document[MC/12/84]

The Council received the report.

12.3.23Re-appointment of Methodist Lay Employees Pension Trust Limited Directors[MC/12/85]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolution.

85/1.The Methodist Council confirmed that Mr Colin Pearson, Mr Graham Danbury and Mr Keith Woodley had been duly reappointed to MLEPTL following expiry of their respective terms and further re-appointed them with immediate effect as directors of MLEPTL for a period of three years.

12.3.24World Methodist Council report[MC/12/86]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolution.

86/1.The Council received the report of the World Methodist Committee.

12.3.25Committee appointments[MC/12/87]

The Council received the report.

12.3.26Report of actions undertaken since the last meeting of the Council[MC/12/88]

The Council received the report.

12.3.27Singing the Faith reference group – appointment and terms of reference[MC/12/89]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolutions.

89/1.The Council approved the revised Terms of Reference for the Singing the Faith Reference Group.

89/2. The Council appointed the membership of the Group as follows:

Paul Wood (Chair), Adrian Burdon, Andrew Murphy, Rob Newton, Anna Howes, Laurence Wareing.

Members of the Connexional Team: Sarah Bennison, Suzanne Johnson, Dave Webster, Steve Pearce, Anne-Marie Holloman

12.3.28Appeals policy for employees of the Council[MC/12/90]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolution.

90/1. The Methodist Council adopted the Appeals Policy with immediate effect.

12.3.29Authorisations and Delegations[MC/12/91]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolutions.

91/1.The Council received this report.

91/2. The Council made the authorisations and delegations as set out in the report and resolved that they shall be effective from 22 October 2012.

12.3.30Connexional Grants Committee – monitoring and evaluation[MC/12/92]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolution.

92/1. The Council agreed to the creation of a Monitoring, Evaluating, Learning and Disseminating Learning group under the aegis of the Connexional Grants Committee and directed that the group shall report to the Council at least annually.

12.3.31Hope in God’s Future – appointment of monitoring group [MC/12/95]

The Council received the report and passed the following Resolutions.

95/1.The Council approved the creation of a monitoring group as set out and authorised the Chair of the Council to appoint the members of the group.

End of En Bloc Items

12.3.32Fruitful Field update [MC/12/81]

Leo Osborn (Chair of the Ministries Committee) presented the report, described the deliberations of the Conference in July and made some observations on the work to be undertaken during the course of the next year.

Doug Swanney presented the four core commitments and theproposals outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7 of the report and noted the thirteen development strategies involved in this significant and sensitive process. Council members discussed the strengths and weakness of the proposed implementation mechanisms and expressed their hopes for what the Network will deliver in the future. The Council noted that there will be reports to all meetings of the SRC, Ministries Committee and Council during this year.The Council were asked to consider the following questions in groups.

i)What key contributions to the life of the Methodist Church do you want the Network to make by 2017?

Ii)What are the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation mechanisms outlined in Section G of the report and where should we particularly focus our attention?

The Council divided into small groups to discuss these questions.

The Council passed the following Resolutions.

81/1.The Methodist Council directed the Discipleship and Ministries Network Implementation Executive to oversee the work required to implement the Network’s development strategies, reporting on its work to each meeting of the Methodist Council during 2012/2013, and bringing further recommendations to the Council as necessary.

81/2.The Methodist Council, from 1 December 2012, delegated to the Discipleship and Ministries Network Implementation Executive those responsibilities currently delegated to the Hartley Victoria College Executive Committee, the Methodist International Centre Management Committee, and the York Institute for Community Theology Governing Body.

81/3.The Methodist Council recorded its gratitude to those who have served faithfully as members and officers of the Hartley Victoria College Executive Committee, the Methodist International Centre Management Committee and the York Institute for Community Theology Governing Body.

81/4.The Methodist Council appointedthe Revd Ruth Goodland and the Revd Rachel Deigh as members of the Discipleship and Ministries Network Implementation Executive.

The Council adopted the following Motion

The Methodist Council directed the Ministries Committee to ensure that the Implementation Management Team seeks the input and views of Circuits when undertaking work to implement the Network’s development strategies.