Subject:NSSP-CoP SeptemberSteering Committee Meeting

Date and Time:Monday, September 11, 2017 1pm-2:30pm


Krystal Collier / Teresa Hamby / Deborah Gould, CDC*
Harold Gill / Robert Mathes / Nimi Idaikkadar, CDC*
Rosa Ergas / Caleb Wiedeman / Aaron Kite-Powell, CDC*
Amanda Morse / Kristen Soto
Anikah Salim / Zachary Faigen
Amy Ising** / Emilie Lamb**
Catherine Tong** / Shandy Dearth**

*non-voting member

**ISDS Liaison, non-voting member

Time / Agenda Item / Notes/ Actions to Take
1:00 /
  1. Administrative Items: (Emilie)
-Approval of August Meeting Minutes / Previous Call Agenda, Notes, and Recordings can be found here.
1:05 /
  1. CoP Cooperative Agreement Update (Emilie)
-Surveillance CoP Call:
  • Agenda development for September Call
-Knowledge Repository
  • Syndrome Definition Library
-Code Sharing Library
1:30 /
  1. SC Charter/ Policy Updates
-Updates to the Charter: Mission, Vision, Goals
-SC Chair duties, term, & election process
-SC Officers
-SC member duties & rotation schedule / Review the current charter here.
2:00 /
  1. SC Year 1 Evaluation and Sustainability Plan Review

2:15 /
  1. SC Liaison Updates
  2. Research Committee (Harold)
  3. Analytic Solutions Committee (Teresa)
  4. Data Quality Committee (Krystal)
  5. BGG (Caleb)
  6. Overdose Surveillance Committee (Kristen)
  7. Syndrome Definition Committee (Amanda)

2:25 /
  1. Outstanding Action Items

2:30 / Adjourn

Meeting Notes:

1)Administrative Items

  1. August Meeting Minutes have five approved votes (one with additional changes that have been made) so if we could get one more that would give us a majority.

2)CoP Cooperative Agreement Update

  1. Surveillance CoP Monthly Call Topic
  2. September Call Planning:
  3. Surveillance CoP Planning Call series was moved to the Monday prior to the call. If you would like to be on those calls and did not receive and updated calendar invite, please let me know.
  4. For September Call, titled “Syndromic Surveillance Data Briefs”, presenters include:
  5. Amanda (Flu Reports),
  6. Meredith and Laurel (OR),
  7. Yushiuan Chen
  8. Aaronpresenting eclipse/hurricane follow-up
  9. Public Agenda will include:
  10. Questions to think about (to be included in the public agenda):
  11. What audience are the reports being created for?
  12. What kind of data is being included?
  13. How are the reports being shared and used?
  14. Successes/outcomes based on the report.
  15. Additional past resources on the topic of reports
  16. R group presentation on reports
  17. Topic for October Call?
  18. Reports follow up “Nuts and Bolts of Reports”?
  19. Rosa – is this too specific for the CoP call since not everyone would be creating reports?
  20. Kristen – this should be a separate training/ webinar that can be referenced.
  21. Harold agrees
  22. Rosa – suggests a call around Chapter Activity updates, success stories, challenges
  23. Teresa – likes the idea because it would draw attention to the chapters and their work
  24. Deborah – agrees
  25. Krystal – success stories is a broad topic. She recommends a focus on how the chapters were set up, goals determine, projects outlined
  26. Teresa – recommends also addressing challenges of engagement, data sharing challenges among regions
  27. Possible Title: What is a Chapter? Initial formation, activity updates, and challenges
  28. Hurricane/Disaster follow-up –Possible topic for November
  29. Knowledge Repository
  30. Success Stories – Action Item: submit your feedback on the success story submission form to Emilie.
  31. Syndrome Definition Library
  32. Emilie presented the syndrome submission form created by ISDS and the Syndrome Definition Committee Chairs to the SDC on the 9/6/17 call and the form was well received.
  33. ISDS has submitted a funding request to CDC to support development that would be required to support the bulk upload of syndromes.
  34. Code Sharing Library - GitHub
  35. ISDS has created an organizational account on GitHub with multiple public repositories that can be found here. ISDS changed this to be an organizational account to allow for additional “owners” who can create and administer additional repositories.GitHub allows for unlimited collaborators at no cost, so this should allow for all community members to use and contribute to the code library.
  36. Planning on presenting this tool to the Group Admins during the quarterly call on September 15th.
  37. Action Item: follow up with Harold re: presenting to the Group Admins how to upload code, create folders, etc. on GitHub.

3)SC Charter/Policy Updates

  1. Review Mission, Vision, Goals
  2. Mission:
  3. Teresa – should we add “including but not limited to the BioSense platform” to the statement of “advancing SyS practice and the utilization of Sys Platforms”?
  4. Harold – this language is inclusive enough
  5. Deborah – we want to make sure that the charter follows the terms of the CoAg
  6. Decision: no change
  7. Vision
  8. Emilie: ISDS is currently we are moving forward with the short term goals and is also starting to work on the mid-term goals
  9. Harold –suggestion to include language about partnering with other public health areas and finding new data streams in the long-term outcomes
  10. Teresa – it is the NSSP CoP so it does have that focus on just syndromic surveillance
  11. Agreement from Krystal and Rosa. The work of the SC is to identify and document examples of these long-term outcomes.
  12. Goals:
  13. ISDS would like to expand on the peer-to-peer process and is currently evaluating ways/tools to develop this process.
  14. Teresa – recommends including an additional field on folks profiles identifying them as a mentor.
  15. Rosa - Not all of these goals have to be addressed now as we are still moving forward with the CoP.
  16. Zach – what is the difference between a goal and an outcome? How are the goals different from the vision?
  17. Kristen – recommendation to remove the first two paragraphs under Vision that describe the “theory of managing a group” while the actual list of goals is really specific.
  18. Rosa – maybe the specific goals should be moved under Vision
  19. Decision: reverse the Vision and Goals section with the outcomes becoming goals and the goals being broadened to become the “vision” of the CoP (end goal).
  20. Update SC Member Responsibilities
  21. Include attendance requirement?
  22. Harold and Teresa – yes
  23. Teresa – need to make sure we define a timeframe
  24. What happens when folks are missing meetings – meet with the Chair to discuss the reason for missing meetings
  25. ISDS will need a way to record the reasons for missing meetings and thus there will be some administrative burden to tracking attendance.
  26. Representation requirement?
  27. Changes employment, should there be a qualification criteria?
  28. Rosa – the charter shouldn’t have language that discourages engagement and participation
  29. Kristen – the challenge might be if the change employment takes them away from the subject area of syndromic surveillance. Language about “self-evaluation” about if they should still participate.
  30. Krystal – we also left the membership open to data sharing partners
  31. Include requirement to act as a liaison or an officer?
  32. Teresa and Krystal agree
  33. Selection of NSSP CoP SC Members
  34. Cap the number of members at 11
  35. SC Chair
  36. Definition of duties:
  37. Provides leadership and ensures progress on overall long- and short-term goals, objectives, and priorities for SC
  38. Provides leadership and direction to the SC
  39. Represent the SC to other external groups (BGG, NSSP, CSTE, ASTHO) on calls and meetings, conferences and advocate for the needs of the CoP
  40. SC monthly meetings: assist with agenda development (with ISDS) andmoderate the meetings
  41. Surveillance CoP Call: assist with agenda development,reach out to invited presenters, attend planning calls, moderate the call
  42. BGG – what if no one volunteers or is nominated?
  43. Teresa –need to be able to make sure that folks can nominate themselves as well as being nominated by someone else
  44. Krystal – it should be someone who is on the SC, not to be selected from somewhere else.
  45. Closed vote or community vote?
  46. Maximum number of terms? Non-consecutive terms
  47. Other officers:
  48. SC Secretary
  49. Duties
  50. agenda development (with ISDS)
  51. SC meeting notes (ISDS)
  52. Term - 1 year term
  53. Past SC Chair
  54. Duties
  55. Moderation of the SC meetings if the chair is not able to join
  56. Moderation of the CoP Calls (alternated with the SC Chair)
  57. Term - 1 year term
  58. Liaisons
  59. Duties
  60. Attend workgroup/committee calls and serve as an ambassador of the SC on the workgroup/committee call (provide a SC update)
  61. Provide a monthly/bi-monthly update on workgroup/committee activities during the SC meetings
  62. Guide collaborative projects among the various groups
  63. Identify needs of the workgroup/committees and share those with the SC members
  64. Encourage workgroup/committees to utilize the CoP tools available (KR, website Group areas, success story library, code sharing library, syndrome definition library, trainings, webinars, etc.)
  65. Terms of SC members
  66. Teresa – should we consider extending the terms to three years instead of two
  67. Rosa agrees
  68. Language to support staggering of member terms
  69. Kristen – membership shouldn’t be indefinite. Maybe a cap of two term (3years each) would be a maximum.
  70. Teresa – possibility of becoming a mentor/advisor to other community members to encourage SC mentors

Adjourn –3:03pm

Action Items:

  1. Any SC member that has submitted a success story using the CDC template (or knows someone who has) is encouraged to provide feedback on ways that the form could be improved.
  2. Emilie will follow up with Harold re: presenting to the Group Admins how to upload code, create folders, etc. on GitHub.

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