MINUTES of the MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 5 March2012 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley, R Leech, Mrs M Liddell, P Smith and R Stier.

In attendance: 1 resident, Ward Councillor J Wilson, Jim Ritchie (Roggins Local History Group), Alex Dobbin (Shindig Festival) and the Parish Clerk.


A resident wished to thank the Parish Council and their handy man for cutting back the branches from Conroyd Wood that were overhanging Cone Lane. He also wished to thank Dean Evans the road sweeper from Barnsley MBC who has done a good job of sweeping Cone Lane.

Cllr Wilson suggested that the Parish Council consider ways in which they could offer services currently supplied by Barnsley MBC. He suggested grass cutting and litter bin emptying may be considered locally to relieve pressure on Barnsley MBC. He advised that funding may be available through the community support fund to assist in the cost of taking on additional services. Cllr Liddell stated that as a Quality Parish Council, Silkstone Parish Council should look at ways of ensuring levels of service in the villages are maintained. This will be discussed as an agenda item at the next Parish Council meeting.

Cllr Wilson advised that a Council officer is to work with the Penistone East and West wards to work with Parish Council’s and Community Groups; to assist with sourcing funding for local initiatives. He also advised that since BARNSLEY MBC are reducing their number of grass cuts that Parish Council consider if any areas in the Parish Council could be made over to wildflower meadow. Cllr Gallamore advised that CARE is already in the process of planting up wildflower areas in the Parish.

Cllr Wilson noted members concerns relating to the devolving of services from the principal authority and acknowledged the need to avoid doubling rating on services.

Jim Ritchie from the Roggins Group addressed Members on the progress of the Stocks improvement works. The contractor is on site building the wall and has nearly exhausted the stone supply. Since the project is on Parish Council land, Members agreed that the invoices for materials should be paid by Parish Council to enable the Vat to be reclaimed. The nett cost of the materials will then be invoiced to Roggins to pay out of their grant funding for the scheme. A date stone is to be supplied at a cost of £400 to read Silkstone Parish Council Diamond Jubilee 2012. The Parish Council will consider how the cost of this can be met at their next meeting.

The street light on the pavement next to the Stocks Area was discussed and Cllr Wilson agreed to contact the Clerk regarding the level of funding that could be provided by Barnsley MBC. He will also speak with Martin Keeling regarding the cabling required for any new light and how this may impact on the area.

Cllr Stier reported that a quad bike is using Footpath 8 between Ben bank Road and Hall Royd Walk churning it up. The Clerk will report to the police and the footpaths officer at Barnsley MBC.

Cllr Stier asked that the Parish Council thanks Colin Thompson from the Silkstone Luncheon Club for his assistance in distributing the winter warmer packs from Voluntary Action Barnsley to elderly residents in Silkstone. In total 33 packs have been distributed to elderly residents in Silkstone and Silkstone Common.


RESOLVED to accept apologies Cllr Charlesworth. Also from Cllr Brocklehurst who may be late.


RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in the payment to the Parish Council’s handyman under agenda item 8 (this item was approved on mass with other payments).


Alex Dobbin from the organisers of the Shindig Festival addressed Parish Council. He handed the Clerk a copy of their licence application for a festival at Silverwood Scout Camp to run from August to August. Should the licence application be successful the festival will run from 6pm to midnight on Friday, 2pm til midnight on Saturday and 2pm to 10pm on Sunday. There will be no overnight camping. The licence is limited to 2,000 people on site per day. All tickets to be sold before the event. The last Shindig festival was held in Penistone in 2004.

When Cllr Wilson was asked about his knowledge of licensing, he declared an interest as he is on the Licensing panel that will consider the Shindig Festival’s licence application. He did not participate in the discussion.

A proposed site plan was also supplied which was passed around Members. The intention is to use Tom Horsfield’s field for access, taxi drop off and parking. The existing access to Silverwood will be restricted for use by site vehicles and emergency access. Professional security will be on site.

The licence application will be published in local press later this week. Alex Dobbin will return to the next Parish Council meeting to address any concerns from residents or Members.

Cllr Brocklehurst joined the meeting

11-177 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 6 February 2012 as a true and accurate record.

Matters arising from the minutes and not on this agenda:

Public Question Time

Jubilee Beacon -The Clerk has heard from All Saints Church that they are involved with the Jubilee Beacon at Stainborough Castle and will therefore not be having a Beacon at All Saints Church.

Silkstone Pharmacy newsletter advert – It was noted that Cllr Gallamore has chased up the new owners of the Pharmacy on a number of occasions for a replacement advert. The deadline for articles and adverts has now passed so the Clerk will contact the first group on the waiting list to offer them the advert space. – The Newsletter will go to the printers by the end of this week.

Towngate Wood quad bikes – The wood to the rear of Towngate is part owned by Noblethorpe Estates and Barnsley MBC. Both landowners have been advised about quad bikes and the Police have also been advised.

Ivy cut from trees in Conroyd Wood and Towngate wood - It is still a mystery who is cutting the ivy from the trees, an article has been included in the current newsletter to highlight the problem.

11-159 Hall Royd Wood – NPS Barnsley Ltd are still unable to provide a timetable as to when the proposal from Silkstone Parish Council to lease the wood will be discussed by Barnsley MBC cabinet.

11-163 Councillor Training – Police Commissioners Training Day is fully booked therefore Cllr Liddell and Cllr Stier will not be attending this training day.

Silkstone Playing Fields Committee – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on Monday 27 February 2012.

Matters arising from the minutes and not on this agenda:

RESOLVED that since the grounds man’s contract expires on 31 March 12, the Clerk will write to him to extend the contract to 31 April 12 to allow time to tender the grounds man’s role. The job description and contract terms to be agreed by committee members on the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee. It was agreed that contractors be asked to quote for per cut and per hour as well as for an annual lump sum.



RESOLVED to approve the following comments on planning applications received since the last Parish Council meeting:

2012/0072 Crown thin, lift and removal of overhanging branches to Ash tree (T1), crown thin and list to Ash tree (T2) within TPO 2/1992 at All Saints Church, Silkstone
Consultation in between meetings with members of planning committee Cllrs Mrs P Gallamore and Cllr P Smith. Response of ‘No comment’ e-mailed to Planning officer on 8 Feb 12.
2012/0135 Erection of single storey front extension & internal alterations to dwelling at 8 The Meadows, Silkstone Common – No comment
2012/0112 Erection of single storey agricultural machinery store at Ben Croft Farm, Blacker Green Lane, Silkstone – No comment
2012/0161 Display of 11No non-illuminated signs at The Petrol Station, The Cross, Silkstone – No comment
2012/0223 Installation of new shop front, entrance door, ramp and shutters, siting of outside refrigeration unit and removal of car washing area and replace with additional car parking bays at The Petrol Station, The Cross, Silkstone – No comment

RESOLVED to note that the leaflets Planning Explained and How to respond to planning applications, have been distributed to all Councillors.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will arrange a meeting with Paul Clifford, Improvement Officer in Barnsley MBC’s planning department to discuss the way forward for a pilot scheme to display Planning applications electronically at Parish Council meetings.



RESOLVED to note that the application for funding for the proposed Parish Plan to Awards for All has been unsuccessful.

RESOLVED that the Clerk and Cllr Brocklehurst will draft a one page poll for residents to be approved at the next Council meeting and included in the summer newsletter. This will provide evidence for any future grant application. Upon completion of the poll a decision will be taken as to whether to progress the Parish Plan in 2012/2013 or to hold until 2013/2014. Cllr Wilson advised that it may be prudent to wait until the Localism Bill is finalised and the guidelines for new Neighbourhood Plans are known.


RESOLVED to note with thanks the internal auditors report on Parish Council procedures and policies. Cllr Liddell advised that the new power of general competence may be linked with Quality Council Status once legislation is completed.

11-181 GRANT APPLICATIONS 2011/2012

This item was inadvertently omitted during the meeting. The item was to agree how to allocate the remaining £191.67 of the 11/12 grants budget. This decision will now be taken by the members Grants Working Party to enable the allocation to be paid out before the end of this financial year.



RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 5 March 2012. Payments listed below. Full details available from the Clerk on request.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
British Telecom / 59.21 / 11.84 / 71.05 / DD
Yorkshire Water / 68.54 / 0.00 / 68.54 / DD
Salaries (incl Tax & NI and Pensions) / 1,677.04 / 0.00 / 1,677.04 / SO, 300352,300353,
Silkstone Common Methodist Church / 250.00 / 0.00 / 250.00 / 300356
Penistone Line Partnership / 25.00 / 0.00 / 25.00 / 300357
Blackford Sports / 112.00 / 0.00 / 112.00 / 300358
Groundsman / 240.00 / 0.00 / 240.00 / 300359
Blackford Sports / 63.00 / 0.00 / 63.00 / 300360
Handy man / 888.68 / 0.00 / 888.68 / 300361
Mad Mix / 8.80 / 0.00 / 8.80 / 300362
5 March 2012 Schedule totals / 3,392.27 / 11.84 / 3,404.11



RESOLVED to agree that the Clerk accepts the Grounds Maintenance contract from Barnsley MBC for the Chestnuts in Silkstone and Orchard Meadow in Silkstone Common. FURTHER RESOLVED that Barnsley MBC be asked to remove the word approximately before the number of cuts.


RESOLVED that the Parish Council will order 14No hanging baskets from Barnsley MBC to be watered by them throughout the summer. The Clerk will also send a copy of a plan showing the proposedlocation of the baskets to Silkstone In Bloom. It was agreed that the proposed basket on High street at the corner of Martin Croft be taken out and moved to The Cross. It is not possible for the baskets to be planted red, white and blue (Jubilee theme) since the baskets all over the borough are planted the same and all plants have already been pre-ordered by Barnsley MBC.


RESOLVED to note that Network Rail have inspected the Foot Tunnel at Silkstone Common and found it to be structurally sound. The handy man has removed the leaves from the footpath under the tunnel since BARNSLEY MBC did not have the capacity to clear the footpath.


  • MUGA

RESOLVED to note that PPL’s tarmac subcontractor will return to site in the spring to re-lay an area of tarmac after remedial works have failed to improve the water puddling on the tarmac surface.

RESOLVED to note that PPL have returned to site to remove stones level and seed the areas around the MUGA. The Clerk will meet with Cllr Stier in the daylight to inspect the area and will contact Tom Markham at BARNSLEY MBC if the standard of work is unsatisfactory.

RESOLVED to note that the Clerk met with Tom Markham and signed the next stage of grant funding application which if successful will provide sports days during the summer holidays at the MUGA for children.

  • Rockin the Rec Agreement

RESOLVED to approve the Rockin the Rec agreement.

  • Request to hire part of the Recreation Ground

RESOLVED to approve the private hire agreement for the Recreation Ground.

  • Health and Safety issues

RESOLVED to note that the Silkstone Utd sign at the exit to the Petrol station has been damaged by a lorry. The co-op noted the licence plate number and the Clerk obtained the address of the haulage company from the police. Premier Engineering has repaired the sign and their invoice along with photographs of the damage will be sent to the haulage company.


RESOLVED to note the crime figures as follows:

Silkstone / Silkstone Common
February 2012 / 5 / 2



Cllr Handley – Bowling Club

Cllr Handley outlined the Bowling Club’s concerns relating to their lease with Silkstone Lodge. It was agreed that the Parish Council will support the Bowling Club to ensure that a bowling green facility is maintained in the village.

Cllr Smith – Silkstone in Bloom

The Clerk will contact Highways again (and copy to Cllr Wilson) relating to the overhanging branches on Ben Bank Road near the village entrance planter and daffodil planting on the verge heading towards Dodworth.

Cllr Leech – Twinning Committee

Cllr Leech attending the social evening/meeting of the Twinning Committee on 23 February 2012. The group discussed a number of ideas for the Bastille day fair. The Clerk will contact the user groups of the Scout hut and the representatives of the Twinning Committee to arrange a meeting to discuss the arrangements for the fair. Broad Close farm have agreed to host the fair at the farm. It is envisaged that the fair will be held at the farm and also at the Scout hut in a similar way to the Christmas Fair. It was also noted that the Band contest is to go ahead on the same day 14 July 12.


Cllr Liddell attended the Policy committee meeting of the NALC. A key topic was the number of electors required to call an election which currently stands at 10. Discussions are ongoing to propose a change to a stated number of residents or a percentage of residents, depending on the number of residents in the parish. Also the South Yorkshire branch of YLCA are hoping to arrange a meeting with the police to discuss what can be done when an illegal travellers camp is set up in a community.

Cllr Stier attended a meeting at Penistone Paramount and advised that it is still intended for the cinema to go digital as attendance is high.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence

Danny Clarke has offered two of his allotments at South Yorkshire Buildings to people on the allotments waiting list. The Clerk will contact the top two people on the waiting list and put them in touch with Mr Clarke. This will be a private arrangement.
Resident of bungalow next to Recreation Ground – e-mail regarding fence line between bungalow garden and recreation ground. A response will be sent once the plan is received from the solicitor (solicitor has located the plan and has promised to post it to the Clerk).
Silkstone Church re Jubilee beacon – noted that Silkstone Church will not have a beacon as they are involved with Stainborough Castle who are having a beacon.
Local Government Pension Scheme – confirmation of pension rates for forthcoming financial year – unchanged – noted.
YLCA advice regarding no increase in pay for local authority staff for third year – noted
Silkstone in Bloom – list of areas for handyman to water this summer – noted and also response to request to consider planting at war memorial – no spare capacity to plant up more areas – Clerk will liaise with handyman regarding proposals to improve soft landscaping area around war memorial.
Open door brochure from BARNSLEY MBC – copy given to all Councillors.
CPRE Planning training day – information given to all Councillors prior to meeting. 4 places booked for Cllrs Gallamore, Leech and Stier and the Clerk.
Audit briefing brochure from External auditor – noted
Old Silkstone Band – requesting support to run the Band contest in Silkstone on 14 July – Clerk will contact band to discuss.
Rural payments agency – confirmation that all Parish Council woodland now registered – noted.
Clerk & Councils direct magazine – passed to Cllr Liddell
CARE – e-mail from Colin Bower with update on CARE’s work so far this season.
Plans of Silkstone and Silkstone Common showing BARNSLEY MBC land holdings – noted with thanks.