Councillors present: / Mr I Standing(Chair)
Mr A Griffiths
Mr G Parker
Mr T Fawcitt
Mr P Watkins
Mr P Fox
Mr P Collins
Mr P Nurcombe

Public Meeting

The caretaker asked the clerk to request more orange bags from Monmouthshire County Council. Action BY


The girls explained that they were part of a group of guides from all over Wales. In order to get on the trips they had to attend 2 selection weekends, firstly at County level and then at a National level. They carried out lots of activities to raise funds to go on the trips. Emma went busking, they bag packed at a local supermarket and they put on an afternoon tea.

Libby told the council that she had been to Greece. On arrival they met up with Girl Guides in Athens. They moved on to Oropos for 2 weeks. While they were there they carried out litter picking and painted out graffiti on buildings, to clear the area up ready for an important festival. They also cleaned up and painted a children’s play park, and painted the street kerbs white. They helped to clean up and paint an old prison which was being turned into an exhibition centre. The group visited a school and learned Greek dancing. Before returning home they visited Athens, where they saw the athletics stadium and visited a museum.

Emma visited Estonia on her trip. They stayed in a log cabin in a remote area, where they went berry picking and harvested vegetables. They helped to paint a sauna, saunas being very important to the culture there. They also carried out forestry work. Visits were made to lots of villages and their youth centres. Youth are very important in Estonia. They helped to set up part of a youth centre. Emma told the council that guiding in Estonia is more military style. The group also visited a desert and went caving, before visiting the capital Tallinn and returning home


The Attendance Book was duly signed.


Apologies were received from CouncillorWhiteleyand CouncillorHubbard. .


The police representative was not able to attend the meeting. No report had been received.


It was proposed by CouncillorStandingand seconded by CouncillorGriffithsand agreed that the minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.



The IP address had been unlocked by Hart Internet and Mr Weaver has changed to the new provider and is currently dual running for a period to ensure that there are no problems. Once he has confirmed that it is acceptable he will notify the clerk to close down the old host. It has transpired that although the two versions of the website are running without any problems, Hart Internet are causing problems with relinquishing the old website. Mr Weaver reported that he had been pursuing the transfer of the web hosting to the new provider, but he had received no response from the company currently providing the web hosting, despite contacting them numerous times. The new provider has offered to try and resolve the issue. The clerk informed Mr Weaver that Tengo Media has now been acquired by Unlimitedhosting, which further complicates the issue. Action MW

Portskewett and Sudbrook leaflet printing

Clerk took a copy of the two leaflets to the printers in Caldicot to establish the cost of reprinting them. They didn’t think they had produced them originally, so would have to start from scratch. It would cost £100 to do the set up of the leaflets, and a further £350 to print 500 of each leaflet. Councillor Collins asked Liam Collins if he still has the original artwork. Liam has responded that he does not have the originals but has presented a cost of £200 to redesign the two leaflets. An estimate of printing costs is £130 for 500 leaflets so £260 for 500 of each.

Councillor Griffiths will obtain another quote for printing the leaflets. Clerk to inform Liam that we would like him to redesign the leaflets once the additional information has been decided.

Two subgroups will be established to look at the two leafletsto establish what needs changing on them. The Portskewett Committee agreed that no changes are to be made to the leaflet. Whilst it has been agreed that changes are required to the Sudbrook leaflet, as there is currently a supply of these available, the clerk was asked to let Liam know that this issue will not be progressed further at this time. Action BY

Community Defibrillators

It was brought to the council’s attention that a number of communities in the area are installing defibrillators within the community. The question was asked whether the Community council should be considering the same for Portskewett and Sudbrook. There were a number of issues that were discussed e.g. Where would it go? How would people know it was available to use?

It is believed that Devauden have one. Clerk contacted their council clerk to try and find information about them but received no response. Councillor Standing volunteered to pursue this issue.

Councillor Standing reported that the Community Heartbeat Trust supply equipment, do training and advise on the location of the defibrillators. The cost is £2,500 in total and they will donate £500 of that meaning the Community Council would have to find £2,000. Potentially £4,000 if one was sited in Portskewett and one in Sudbrook. It was also reported that the Police Commissioner is giving communities money from the proceeds of crime fund. The meeting agreed that we should apply for a grant from that, which must be done by 6.3.2015. Councillor Standing will obtain and complete the form on behalf of the Council. Councillor Standing circulated a file of information to the other council members for consideration. Given the volume of information to digest he felt it inappropriate to apply for the grant at this time. He will contact other suppliers to see what alternatives are available, and requested that the councillors give some consideration as to where the defibrillator should be located. The Councillors had considered locations and proposed the Chemist in Portskewett and the Gate House at the pumping station in Sudbrook. Portskewett Pharmacy has agreed to a defibrillator being located at their premises.

An application has been submitted to Welsh Hearts for two defibrillators at a cost of £1,000 for the two. It was agreed that the cabinets would not be locked, but would be fitted with a 2 minute time out alarm to deter vandals.

The question was raised as to whether the cabinets should be heated as mixed advice has been received. Councillor Standing will seek advice from Welsh Hearts.

It was agreed to delegate authority to the Chairman and Vice Chairman to make any future decisions relating to this matter.

Welsh Hearts have now confirmed that 2 defibrillators are available to the Council, the appropriate payment now needs to be forwarded to them. They have advised that the cabinets should be heated. The Chairman is obtaining a quote for 2 heated cabinets with alarms. Action IS

Overgrown Ivy on Wall in Sudbrook

The ivy on the wall adjacent to Old Row, Sudbrook is still overgrown. Network Rail had previously agreed to clear it away. Clerk contacted Network Rail who confirmed the job would be carried out week commencing 1st June. Councillor Parker reported that the work had still not been done. Clerk contacted Network Rail again and they responded that they would look at it again on 14th July and then give a date for the work to be carried out. Councillor Watkins reported that the ivy has been trimmed, but it has not been removed as requested so will continue to undermine the wall. Clerk followed up with Network Rail who have advised that the issue is being looked into and they will formally respond soon.

Notice Board on Station Road

The clerk reported that the noticeboard on Station Road, Portskewett is falling apart. It was agreed that the clerk should contact Kevin Rees-Davies at Monmouthshire County Council to source a replacement. A quote was received amounting to £420 plus vat for supply and installation of a hardwood notice board. Councillors requested that a recycled plastic one be sourced as it would last longer. Clerk has received a revised quote, amounting to £810 plus VAT and installation costs. It was decided to go with the original quote for a hardwood replacement. Clerk contacted MCC who have advised that they are trying to locate the original quote and will progress this matter as soon as they can. Blocked Drains behind Manor Way

It was reported that there are two drains in the field behind Manor Way that need draining. They are blocked and if left untouched the field will flood. Councillor Griffiths has a key to the gate and knows where the drains are. Clerk to contact Monmouthshire County Council and arrange for them to carry out the work. The drains have now been cleared.

Working Party

It was reported that there is still rubbish on the green by the Barn development. It was suggested that the Community Council forms a working party to clear it. It was agreed that Councillor Parker should arrange this. Action GP

Bus Shelter Roof

It was reported that the roof on the bus shelter opposite the Spar shop in Portskewett is loose and flapping. Clerk reported to Newport Bus Company who replied that it was not their responsibility but that of MCC. Clerk contacted Richard Cope at MCC who advised that some repairs had been carried out in July, but that he had requested further work to be done.

ROSPA Reports

The two old swings and the slide at the Quest play park are recurrently reported to be below standard, although they are reported as low level issues.

The roundabout at the Quest is also reported to be below standard, but it is not explained as to why. Clerk contacted the inspectors to establish what the issue is. They responded that the gap between the static ring and the moving main body of the unit is too narrow. However this is a very common failure which does not affect the use of the roundabout. They advised that no action needs to be taken as it is very difficult to rectify, and the risk is assessed and monitored annually.

Councillor Watkins will look at the Sudbrook report with the play park committee and progress issues there. Action PW

Clerk contacted Playdale to get the following issues resolved:

Bolt missing on the swing

Rope clamps damaged on the multiplay

Mr Darren Moore responded that he had forwarded the request to the after sales team and they would progress these issues.

Councillor Fawcitt advised that he had inspected the site within the last week and nothing had been done. Clerk to follow up with Playdale. Action BY

Best Kept Garden

Following the recommendation, that 11 St Mary’s Place be the winner in Portskewett, the Chairman inspected it and recommended to the council that this should be the winner. When the resident, Mr C Williams, was told of his success he was overjoyed. The winner in Sudbrook was Mrs A Stanistreet, from 8 The Terrace.

Footpath Sign Sudbrook

It was reported that the footpath sign at the far end of Sudbrook, where the bus turns, has rotted off. Clerk requested a replacement from MCC and was informed that they were already in the process of replacing it.

Information Boards Black Rock

The three information boards at Black Rock have completely disappeared. Clerk requested replacements from MCC who informed her that they had taken the boards away as they had deteriorated so badly. They were in the process of obtaining new ones which should be more robust. It was reported that these have now been put in place.

Electoral Rolls

None of the Councillors have received electoral rolls, or updates, this year. Clerk followed up with John Pearson who forwarded an electronic copy for her to pass on to the councillors. He advised that the new registers would be available from December.

Number 6 Station Road

Residents of Main Road, Station Road and Sunnycroft in Portskewett have complained about the state of the rear garden of number 6 Station Road. Clerk was asked to contact environmental health. Their response was that unless there was an infestation of pests they could not take any action.

Harrow Estates, Sudbrook

A request was made for the clerk to contact Harrow Estates regarding Sudbrook. It is generally overgrown through the village and the conifer trees are too high. Harrow responded that the information given was too vague for them to act upon, and they requested more detail. Councillor Watkins to inspect and forward information to the clerk to pass on to Harrow.

Action PW and BY

Network Rail, Sudbrook

It was also reported that the area from five mile four in Sudbrook to the next gate, opposite Sea View, needs clearing. Clerk reported to Network Rail who have advised that the issue is being looked into and they will formally respond soon.

Damage to Sea Defence Wall, Black Rock

Clerk was asked to follow up on the damage to the sea defence wall at Black Rock. MCC had previously said they would look at it. Clerk contacted Matthew Lewis who confirmed that work was due to be carried out. The councillors were able to confirm that this has now been done.

Fencing in Sudbrook

It was reported that the fence on the right hand side as you approach the bridge into Sudbrook, has all come down. Clerk contacted Network Railwho have advised that the issue is being looked into and they will formally respond soon.

Holy Trinity Church, Sudbrook

There is a little church in Sudbrook that has recently burned down. The question was asked as to who is responsible for it, and what will happen to it now? Clerk contacted CADW and the Welsh Assembly who both responded that it was not in their area of responsibility. Councillor Watkins reported that he had seen a representative from Harrow Estates visiting the site. They informed him that they had a contractor who was responsible for repairing historic buildings who had inspected the site, and they were putting in place a plan for it to be repaired, with an ongoing maintenance plan. Harrow’s representative also said they were looking at the Camp too.

Portable Hearing Loop

Over the summer the clerk had contacted MCC to see if a portable hearing loop could be provided for council meetings. She was told that they did not supply them but could help in sourcing one if the council wished to buy one. Some discussion took place as to their effectiveness. It was thought that there may already be one within ARW school, Councillor Hubbard to establish whether this is the case. Action CH


This year remembrance day falls on the 8th November. The service will be at 3pm at St Mary’s Church, Portskewett.

Councillor Griffiths will arrange for the wreaths and the bugler.Action AG


Councillor Fox reported that he had been contacted by the secretary of the Cornfield Project asking whether the Community Council would be interested in holding a joint event for bonfire night at the recreation hall. He explained that the council had already arranged an event, to be held at Richard’s Quest, and were well underway with their arrangements, so he felt it was too late for this year.

Discussions took place as to whether a combined event could be held in the future, but concerns were raised over issues regarding insurance liabilities. It was therefore felt that the Community Council would prefer to continue to organise the village event. Councillor Fox to feedback the comments to the Cornfield Project. Action PF


The representative was not present at the meeting.


The County Councillor reminded the meeting that Monmouthshire is due to host the eisteddfod. He explained that there is an expectation for local community groups to raise funds to support it financially. Costs are expected to be in the region of £300,000 and to date £80,000 has been raised, so there is a long way to go.

The County Councillor informed the meeting that the One Stop Shop has now moved into the library premises in Caldicot, with a view to making savings on the running costs of two buildings.

One of the councillors asked why several advertising signs had appeared in the area, along roadsides where flowers had been planted. It was explained that part of Monmouthshire County Council had established a scheme whereby business could pay to advertise in certain sites. It was also reported that due to problems with the scheme the signs have now been removed.