Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Sofija Bogoje
Address(es) / Lapadska obala 7
HR-20000 Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Telephone(s) / + 385 20 445 912 / Mobile / + 385 98 880 890
E-mail(s) /
Nationality / Croatian
Date of birth / 02/01/1962
Gender / Female
Work experience
Dates / 01/03/2003
Occupation or position held / Head Librarian
Main activities and responsibilities / Library management
Name and address of employer / University of Dubrovnik
Tourism Documentation and Information Centre (TDIC)
Lapadska obala 7
Type of business or sector / University
Dates / 01/02/1999 - 28/02/2003
Occupation or position held / Head Librarian
Main activities and responsibilities / Library management
Name and address of employer / Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade - Library
Lapadska obala 7
Type of business or sector / University
Dates / 23/02/1993 - 31/01/1999
Occupation or position held / Librarian/Documentalist
Main activities and responsibilities / Cataloguing/ Classification
Name and address of employer / Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade - Library
Lapadska obala 7
Type of business or sector / University
Dates / 19/04/1989 - 22/02/1993
Occupation or position held / Librarian/Documentalist
Main activities and responsibilities / Cataloguing/ Classification
Name and address of employer / Fakulty of tourism and Foreign Trade - TDIC
Lapadska obala 7
Type of business or sector / University
Dates / 01/04/1988 - 30/03/1989
Occupation or position held / Librarian/Documentalist -Trainee
Main activities and responsibilities / Cataloguing/ Classification
Name and address of employer / Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade - TDIC
Lapadska obala 7
Type of business or sector / University
Education and training
Dates / 11/11/1988 →
Title of qualification awarded / Library Professional Certificate
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered / Librarianship
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / National Library of Serbia
Skerlićeva 1
Dates / 01/10/1980 - 13/02/1986
Title of qualification awarded / Faculty Diploma
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered / Economics and Tourism
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade
Lapadska obala 7
Level in national or international classification / Graduate degree
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) / Croatian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
English / C1 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user
German / B1 / Independent user / B1 / Independent user / B1 / Independent user / B1 / Independent user / B1 / Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences / Task assigning, team coordination, monitoring and reporting
Computer skills and competences / Word processing, spreadsheets and other office applications, database searching, Internet
Driving licence(s) / YES
Additional information / - 1999. Created the Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade Library Polices and Rulebook
- Journal Classification: Turizam = Tourism (ISSN 0494-2639) ; Revija za pravo i ekonomiju = Review for Low & Economies (ISSN 1512-6706) ; Poslovna izvrsnost = Business Excelence (ISSN 1846-3355)
-Member of the Voyager ILS implementation workgroup
- Member of the Committee for the New Standards for University Libraries
- Member of the University Library Managers Board



/ Upravljanje znanstvenim informacijama
24. i 25. listopad 2008., Zagreb
2007. / Knjižnice i korisnici: nazovi K za korisnika!
02. i 03. 03. 2007., Zagreb
2006. / Otvoreno ... kao knjižnica – Otvoreni kod i otvoreni pristup u hrvatskim knjižnicama
3. i 4. ožujak 2006., Zagreb
2004. / Pretraživanje znanstvenih informacija: što je u šeširu?
5. i 6. studeni 2004., Zagreb
2003. / Ne pucajte u knjižničara -Kako ulogu knjižnica vide korisnici, upravljači, financijeri, izdavači, urednici časopisa, dobavljači...
7.-8. studeni 2003., Zagreb
2002. / Nove usluge knjižnica: želite li sa šlagom ili u PDF-u? -
8.-9. studeni 2002., Zagreb
2001. / Nabava u hrvatskim knjižnicama
- jesmo li spremni na bungee jumping?Zagreb, 9.-10. studeni 2001.
2000. / Informacijska tehnologija u našim knjižnicama:
Vozimo li romobil ili formulu 1?
Zagreb, 10.-11. studenog 2000


2000 - Positioning libraries on the internet and using internet in librariesDubrovnik, May 25-28, 2000

2001 - The Internet: ethics and legal issues & Information services - practice and research Dubrovnik , May 23-27, 2001

2002 - Integrating information seeking and IR & Information services - practice and research, Dubrovnik, May 21-26, 2002.


9. dani specijalnih i visokoškolskih knjižnica: Iskorak prema novom knjižničnom softveru Voyager, Opatija, 13.-16. 5. 2007.

10. dani specijalnih i visokoškolskih knjižnica:Uspostava kvalitete u specijalnim i visokoškolskim knjižnicama – knjižnice u bolonjskom okruženju, Opatija, 24. - 26.04.2008.


1996. Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme : Library Visits/Attachments, Kuala Lumpur 1-28. 10. 1996.

Informacijska uloga knjižnice u mrežnom okruženju, Dubrovnik 12- 14. 11. 1998.

CoLIS3 – Digital Libraries : Interdisciplinary Concepts Challenges and Opportunities, Dubrovnik, 23-26. 5. 1999.

Management i marketing u knjižnicama, Bizovac, 19-24. 9. 1999.

CROINFO 2000 : Information Management in Industry & Science, Dubrovnik, 16-18 October 2000

Sadržajna obrada – područje društvenih znanosti – pretraživanje baza podataka, Zagreb, 4-6. lipnja 2003.

Baze podataka u podsustavu društvenih znanosti, Zagreb, 31. ožujka – 2. travnja 2004.

Knjižnice - riznice pisane i digitalne građe, Plitvice, 27-30. rujna 2006.

Iskorak prema novom knjižničnom softveru Voyager, Opatija, 13.-16. 5. 2007. – 9. dani specijalnih i visokoškolskih knjižnica

Okrugli stol: Knjižnice i suvremeni management, Osijek, 04. travnja 2008.

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