Members Present
Councillors A. Bailey,M Harriman,J Holmes, J. Dutton, M. Lloyd-Roberts,J. Macdonald, J. Jones, B Watson, B Blackmore, M. Lightwood, J. Hughes
Chair: Councillor S. Cleaver
Clerk: Serena Baxter
Apologies given and accepted: CouncillorsG. Frank-Keyes, M. J. Edwards
Members were reminded that they should declare the existence and nature of any personal and or prejudicial interest on the form provided for this purpose.
Mrs Janet Fletcher made a representation to the Council concerning a lighting matter at Pont Y Capel lane, Gresford, highlighting dark spots and increased footfall as the main issues.
The Minutes of the Council meeting held on the 5th January 2017 were agreed as a true record. (proposed by Councillor Holmes and seconded by Councillor Lloyd Roberts)
PCSO Lisa Davies had forwarded a crime report for the month of January 2017, and this was received.
634.Telephone Kiosk Project.
A presentation was given by Sarah Jones, Natural Resources Officer of Cadwyn Clwyd. She explained her role and that there is funding for the purchase from BT of 6 traditional telephone boxes due to be decommissioned in each of the counties she covers, to enable communities to find new uses for the telephone boxes that will be of benefit to the community. Defibrillator sites and information points are some of the potential uses. The Chair thanked Sarah Jones for her report.
- Car Parking Rofft school- TheClerk advisedon the current position as advised previously by WCBC. ACTION: Clerk to continue to liaise with WCBC
- 7 Chester Road: The Clerk advisedon a response she had received from the Planning Department concerning progress in this matter. The department were advising that they had made several attempts to try to contact the landowner to set up a meeting, to no avail.
ACTION: Clerk to continue to liaise with the Planning Department concerning progress.
- Broken Bollard on parking area close to Allington Park: The Clerk advised that the order has been placed with Northalls and she is liaising with them concerning dates for installation.
- Tree by Texaco Garage: The Clerk advised that she has liaised with WCBC but no further progress on the matter.
- High Street Gresford. The Clerk advised that a site meeting went ahead with Graham Lloyd of WCBC. A number of members attended and Costings had been given for various sign options.
ACTION: Clerk to agenda an item at next meeting of the Council with options and costings.
Finance Committee
- The Chair of the Committee Councillor Macdonald advised of the record of the meeting held on the16th January2017, for the main purpose of considering the Applications for Grants that had been received. The draft minutes were duly noted.Councillor Macdonald also advised that a further extraordinary meeting of the Finance Committee was held on the 30th January 2017 to consider the request made by the Allotment Association.
General Amenities Committee
- The Chair of the Committee Councillor Macdonald advised of the record of the meeting held on the 25th January 2016 and the draft minutes were duly noted.
- It was stated that the Committee had considered an approach from WCBC to continue with the Service Level Agreement for the Inspection and Maintenance of the Play areas 2017-18,
AGREED : To continue with the Service Level Agreement with WCBC as recommended.
- Council were advised that an approach had been received from WCBC concerning the continuation of the Service Level Agreement for maintenance of Street Lighting in 2017-18. Committee recommended it be continued with.
AGREED: To continue with the Service Level Agreement with WCBC as recommended.
- The Committee had considered the request made for additional lighting on Pont Y Capel Lane. Councillor Dutton declared an interest in this matter and took no further part in discussions. The Clerk advised she had previously obtained costings from WCBC for an additional light, and their records had been checked but they could find no record of a light previously being decommissioned. A discussion took place and it was agreed that the matter should return to the General Amenities Committee for further investigation and consideration.
ACTION: Clerk to progress costings with WCBC.
- The Council heard a request from IMAGE to plant five additional replacement Cherry trees on Allington Park. It was recommended by the Committee that this be approved. AGREED: Approval granted for IMAGE to go ahead with the planting of additional Cherry trees.
637. Grants to be awarded- Recommendations from Finance Committee.
A tabled report was presented highlighting the recommendations from the Finance committee concerning the award of grants from the budget set for 2016-17. A number of Councillors declared interest in this item as follows:
Councillor Holmes-Application of Gresford Trust, Councillor Harriman-Application from Gresford Bowling Club, Councillor J. Jones- Application of Gresford Community Library, Councillor Bailey- Applicationsfrom Gresford Trust, and Gresford Community Library. Where applicable, the relevant member took no part in discussions pertaining to the body with which they had declared interest.
Councillor Dutton enquired whether receipts and proof of purchase should be obtained. It was noted that this issue is to be addressed in the revision of the grant form and procedure which Finance Committee will consider at their next meeting. Councillor Cleaver advised that the amount of grants awarded are within the budget set for 2016-17 for the purpose of grant awards. Explanations were given in respect of the non-award of grant to two applications.
APPROVED: The award of grants as detailed in the report and recommended by Finance Committee were approved by Council.
638. Consideration of the request for financial support from Gresford Allotment Association- Recommendations from Finance Committee.
Councillor Macdonald advised Council that the extraordinary meeting of the Finance Committee held on the 30th January 2017 had concluded and recommended that the allotments should be retained for the community and that, in principle, the Community Councilshould support this through a financial solution recommended by a task and finish group. Councillor Bailey proposed that the Council does financially support the purchase of the allotment site. Councillor Harriman seconded this and further proposed that the Council write to the University of Wales to setout the proposal, and in the meantime to look at any other means that might be available to raise grant funding towards costs. A vote was taken and all Councillors were in favour.
AGREED: The Community Councilis to look to purchase the land on which the Allotments are situated from the University of Wales.
ACTION: Clerk to write to the University of Wales and set up a Task and Finish group of interested members.
639. The Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales- Recommendations from Finance Committee. Councillor Harriman outlined a report that had previously been circulated, highlighting the purpose of the Remuneration Panel, and the recommendations of Welsh Government on the adoption of this policy by Community Councils, and made the point that even if adopted, members do not have to claim or receive any money if they so wish. He stated that people within the Community could be encouraged to become members of the Community Council if any costs or hardship arising could be overcome in this way. A discussion took place. Councillor Harriman outlined potential costs, and proposed adoption of the policy in entirety. This was seconded by Councillor Bailey. A vote took place. Eleven Councillors were in favour and one was against.
AGREED: Gresford Community Council will adopt the recommendations of the Remuneration Panel for Wales as set out, as policy. This is to be reviewed annually.
i)Chair’s Report: The Chair reported that she had been successfully drawn to attend a Buckingham Palace Garden Party, representing the Community Council.Councillor Cleaver had also represented the Council in attending the display of the Ceremonial Spades and the display of ‘the last one standing’ about Bersham Colliery, both at Wrexham Museum, which were very interesting. She also highlighted a celebration event for local volunteersfunded by a lottery grant that Mrs Heaton had obtained, to be held on February 11th at Llyndir Hall.
ii)Wrexham County Borough Council: Councillor Bailey advised that he has met the Managers of the SPAR, who are keen to be involved in community affairs so he will circulate details. The white lines requested at Clappers Lane junction may now be in progress following contact with Streetscene. Kingdom are due to be patrolling the area concerning dog fouling. The lollipop person Mr Sumner has now commenced in post; thanks go to the Community Council for funding for this post. Councillor Holmes enquired about the regulations on dog fouling, Councillor Bailey advised these are coming in during March/April and he will circulate.
iii)Gresford Trust: Councillor Dutton advised that a meeting has been held with Jon Brewin of WCBC concerning two trees needing attention and low branches over the path. Councillor Dutton also highlighted the flooding that is a regular occurrence on Clapper Lane, and suggested it was not simply a Trust issue; even though the Trust land is flooded, there are two grids on Clappers Lane that need clearing out. ACTION: The Clerk will write to the Highways department for an inspection.
iv)IMAGE: Councillor Bailey advised that a meeting is to be held to plan for a Scarecrow trail again this year following the success of last year. He has held a meeting about maintaining tubs at the rear of the SPAR.
v)Maes Y Pant: Councillor Edwards circulated a report, and highlighted that the Tree felling due to take place as part of the 5-year woodland management plan will commence in February. Work is progressing following the Tesco bags of help, hopefully commencing in February. Dog Fouling is becoming more of an issue and consideration is being given on how to address this.
vi)Website:.The Chair advised that the website continues to prove popular with 797unique visitors in January. In answer to a query she advised that information and activities are welcome to be added to the website, and invited Councillors to forward any items of interest for inclusion to her.
vii) Library: Councillor Jones advised that the average footfall is being maintained, with 361 users in January and the number of children using the library is higher than the same period last year.
- P/2017 /0030: Oak Tree on land at Myrtle Road Marford, Wrexham. Target Prune Oak tree 2.5 metres clear of Gable Wall and roof of 4 Myrtle Road, Crown raise branches to 4.5 metres approx. where overhanging garden of 45 Mayflower Drive Marford (protected by TPO No. DT44)- No comments to make as this is on the advice of the Arboricultural Officer.
ii.P/2017/.0034: Single Storey Front and Rear extensions and Two Storey side extension-17 Yew Tree Court, Gresford.- No comments or objections to make.
iii.P2917/0054: First Floor Side Extension, 2 Pant Cottages, Turnpike Lane, Marford Wrexham-No comments or objections to make.
iv.P/207/0059: Division of Station House into 2 Semi-detached houses. (Station House/ Temple Meade) in retrospect) Station House, Gresford Hill, Gresford, Wrexham-No comments or objections to make.
- The Following items were approved for Payment:
Date / Payment to / Cheque Number / Reason / Amount
2.2.17 / HMRC / 202332 / Contribution owed from previously / 13.27
2.2.17 / M Jones / 202333 / NJC Salary
2.2.17 / HMRC / 202334 / Contributions as usual / 59.47
2.2.17 / S Baxter / 202335 / NJC Salary
2.2.17 / Peter Wilkinson / 202336 / Reimbursement cost of grave plot / 516.00
2.2.17 / Wales Audit Office / 202337 / Fee for Audit / 241.50
2.2.17 / S Pugh / 202338 / Grave Making service December / 160.00
2.2.17 / Scottish Power / 202339 / Lighting supply monthly / 858.67
2.2.17 / S Cleaver / 202340 / Reimbursement payment of fee to website host / 60.37
2.2.17 / Encore Office Supplies / 202341 / Supply of toner / 126.00
2.2.18 / S Pugh / 202342 / Grave Making service January / 775.00
643. Member’s urgent announcements and requests for future meeting items.
- Councillor Blackmore highlighted an issue of overgrown hedges in the area of Hillock Lane. A discussion took place. ACTION: The Clerk will write to WCBC, Councillor Blackmore is to provide the addresses.
Items of Correspondence were tabled in a report from the Clerk, as received by the Council for the month of January, and these were noted.
645. DATE, VENUE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING.AGREED: The next meeting to be held on the 2ndMarch 2017at 7.15 pm at the Gresford Trust MemorialHall.
CHAIR...... Date......