To access the PeopleAdminSelectSuite Portal please use the following link and login with your 96 Banner Number:

To begin the process to create new TEMPORARY / STUDENT EMPLOYMENT posting:

Make sure you are logged in using the correct user group (Originator / Business Officer, Hiring Manager / Dean / Department Head; etc.) You must also make sure you are logged in using the Applicant Tracking Module (blue screen).

  1. While in the Applicant Tracking Module Home Screen, click the link to Create New TEMPORARY/STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Posting.
  1. A “Create New” Take Action box will appear. Choose to Create from Position Type.
  1. Enter the proposed Position Title (30 character limit) and be sure the Organizational Unit is filled out (Cabinet Level, Department, & Divisional Level). At the bottom of this screen you will see “Supporting Documents” with a check mark beside it; Please make sure this box is checked so applicants can attach required documents for this posting. Then select, “Create New Posting”.
  1. For Position Details, review to make sure position information is correct, and enter the following:
  2. Posting Type (Non-Student or Student)
  3. Note: If posting for a position where both can apply, please select Non-Student
  4. Position Number
  5. Working Title (30 character limit)
  6. Full Time / Part Time Status
  7. School Department Information
  8. Work Schedules and Hours
  9. Description of Responsibilities and Duties
  10. Minimum Qualifications
  11. FTE
  12. Proposed Effective Date (Start Date)
  13. Position End Date
  14. Hiring Manager / Dean / Department Head
  15. Originator
  16. Open Date
  17. Close Date
  18. If choosing Open until filled option, do not insert close date. Just be sure you have chosen “YES” to leave open until filled.
  19. Terms of Employment
  20. Should always be “Terms of Contract”
  1. Enter Budget Summary Information
  2. Salary Range
  3. If hourly, please indicate hourly rate.
  4. If monthly, please indicate monthly rate.
  5. Enter Fund Code(s), Account Code(s), and Amount.
  6. Select theDocuments Needed to Apply for the position you are posting.
  7. We normally require Cover Letter and Resume for temporary positions. If you have any questions, please contact HR.
  1. Select theSupplemental Questions you would like to attach to your posting.
  2. Remember, if a question is not available that you would like to ask, you can create your own. (Please see Training Guide Manual for further assistance or contact HR).
  1. Attach the Posting Documents for this Position such as: Justification, Recruitment Plan, and Print Ad Text.
  2. To add documents, go to Actions and you can Upload New , Create New, or choose existing (By selecting the “choose existing” option it will allow you to choose any previously upload documents)
  1. Review Summary Page. Please review all information to make sure everything is valid. To submit to the next person in the routing queue select the orange “Take Action on Posting to submit.
  2. Routing Process is as follows:
  3. Originator / Business Officer > Hiring Manager / Dean / Department Head > Initial HR Review > Summer Intensive Budget / Budget > Final HR Review
  1. Once HR has approved for Final Review, HR will post the position (a notice & link will be sent out to Hiring Manager / Dean / Department Head saying the position has been posted).
  2. Note: A Temporary position must be posted for a minimum of 5 business days.
  1. Once the position has closed:
  2. Qualified applicants are forwarded to the Hiring Manager / Dean / Department Head, who is required to screen applicants and select the most qualified from this group as required by state policy.
  1. Appropriate Interviews are conducted – A set of core questions should be utilized during the interview process to ensure all candidates are evaluated equitably. Core questions should be provide to HR prior to interviews. If position requires an internal test, the test must be provided to HR prior to use.
  1. Once the interviews are completed and a candidate is selected, the hiring supervisor may make a conditional offer to the preferred applicant contingent upon Human Resources’ final approval and completion of the criminal background check (not required for student positions). Prior to making a conditional offer of employment please contact Budget to discuss salary amount and HR to confirm official hire date prior to starting the Hiring Proposal.
  1. Hiring supervisor or Search Committee Chair will enter the non-selection codes into People Admin for all candidates who applied for the position (candidates will not know the specific code given them). WE CAN NOT COMPLETE THE HIRING PROCESS UNTIL THIS STEP IS COMPLETE. Please select the codes that accurately defines the reason for non-selection. All codes selected are subjected to auditing by The Office of State Human Resources.
  2. Be sure the selected candidate is in the “Recommend for Hire” state to begin the hiring proposal.
  1. Route the completed Hiring Proposal for approval.
  2. Routing Process is as follows:
  3. Originator / Business Officer > Hiring Manager / Dean / Department Head > Initial HR Review > Summer Intensive Budget / Budget > Final HR Review
  1. If the applicant is a new hire, please be sure to submit the following documents:
  2. Temporary Employee Contract
  3. I-9
  4. W4
  5. NC4 or NC4EZ
  6. Direct Deposit
  7. Criminal Background (only for non-students)
  8. Race and Ethnicity Sheet
  1. Human Resources will send email login (if the Hiring Supervisor has put in a request for email account) and timesheet instructions (If hourly employee) to Hiring Supervisor for the temporary employee.