Saturday night 80s Night

Before dinner and Dinner

Order of Events
1. Send 80s escorts to seminar locations

2. Escorts direct campers to center of camp

3. campers see 80s walking mini-tableau

Music outside Chalet

Program and others dressed up


Center of camp-front of Chalet

Participants: Garrett, Matt, work crew

4. Send campers back to dress up

5. Campers return to outside Chalet-in 80s clothes

6. Music outside for pictures

7. Welcome in to Chalet

Pass out glow necklaces to campers as they walk in to Chalet

After prayer campers can sign up to Stump Jora

8. During dinner-do not rush

Decorations-The Nac sign on power point is not on Arnold’s Diner sign

80s music--Itunes-New Wave

80s movies on Chalet screen-Saved By The Bell

During dessert--Stump Jora-Saved By the Bell trivia

Program-cue Saved By The Bell intro

During dessert we call competitors up to stage to battle

Prize-coupon for snack shop

9. Program sends campers to Club room

After Dinner/Club Room—Totally Awesome 80s

-in Club room Totally Awesome 80s slide on power point

Format: Teams of 4 from each area (18 areas max) for game show

·  3 teams in round 1 on stage at a time, 3 teams in round 2 in the bullpen

Power point slide with Rounds 1-6

·  First team in each round to answer 3 questions correctly advances, other 2 teams eliminated

·  Top 6 teams from trivia round move on to Pictionary semi-finals

·  3 teams get one Pictionary clue (1 team on stage, 2 teams outside)

·  Other 3 teams in Club room get another Pictionary clue

·  fastest team from each group of 3 advance to finals (2)

·  Top 2 teams karaoke for championship-each group picks their song

·  Crowd chooses winner-prize coupon for store


80s commercials in between rounds-youtube

Whiteboard, erasers, markers

Karaoke set up before campers come in

Bullpen set up in corner near stage

Power point slides set up

3 Covered tables, “buzzers” spoons, pots

Pictionary timer-watch

Prizes-store coupons

Freetime-optional karaoke