Minutes of the meeting of Carnaby Parish Council, held at Woldgate Community Centre
On Monday,11 November 2013 at 7.00pm.
In Attendance / Councillor D Kitching / Councillor P JacksonCouncillor K Taylor / CouncillorJ Daniels
CouncillorA Clark
Jody Nightingale from ERYC briefed the Parish Council about the “No Cold Calling” scheme. This service is free of charge at the moment. The aim of the scheme is to prevent door salesman and other organisations from calling unannounced or uninvited in the neighbourhood. If this scheme is adopted residents will be issued with a sticker to put on their doors/windows advertising the fact that they live in a no cold calling area and do not want organisations or businesses calling them unless they have been invited. Street signs will also be displayed once the scheme has been adopted. Jody suggested that to start the scheme individual roads and streets should be asked if they want to join the scheme. Everyone must be in agreement to the scheme before it will be introduced. A petition sheet will be distributed and if they agree to sign the document. Once a scheme is introduced if cold callers do call there is a complaints phone number to the Council who will then contact the organisation to inform that there should not be entering that particular area any longer. The council is hoping that this scheme will one day be made into an Act of Parliament. Jody also warned of several scams that are operating at the moment and for people to be vigilant.
1. APOLOGIES:Cllr J Evison, Cllr J Owen, Cllr Burtoon, Cllr Langham
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Kitching informed the Parish Council that a complaint had been received about him and that whilst the complaint was being read out to the PC, he would step down until the matter was discussed. He then resumed the meeting to discuss other matters. Cllr Daniels took over the meeting during this time.
3. NOTICE OF MEETING / Resolved that notice has been given in accordance with Schedule 12 para (10) 2 of the Local Government Act 1972Date
Proposed:CllrTaylor / Seconded:Cllr Daniels 5113
4 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING / Resolved to be a true and correct record
Proposed:Cllr Clarke / Seconded:Cllr Taylor 52 /13
Letter of complaint from Mr Pease – Cllr Daniels read out the letter to the Parish Council. Cllr Kitching stood down whilst this was being discussed. This matter has been referred to ERYC and Mathew Buckley will be looking into this matter. Mr Pease has been informed that Mr Buckley will be leading the enquiry.
Code of Conduct – all Parish Councillors were issued with a copy of the new Code of Conduct proposed by ERYC. This was discussed at the meeting and all Parish Councillors agreed to adopt the new code with immediate effect. RESOLVED: Cllr Jackson proposed to adopt the code and this seconded by Cllr Clarke. The new Code of Conduct as adopted by ERYC , has been adopted on the 11 November 2013 by Carnaby Parish Council with immediate effect.
Heritage Project – The Constitution documents have been received in readiness for the new committee which will soon be formed. Notices have been displayed at the Church, Manor Court, Ferns Farm, Notice Boards and on the web. There has been interest shown by members of the Parish. The notices will remain until the 30th November 2013. The names of those who are interested in forming a committee will be contacted. A meeting will be held at Haisthorpe in the community centre with the interested parties. A separate committee will then be formed.53/13
Community Emergency Plan – this was discussed in more details. All Parish Councillors present were happy to be involved. The plan will be completed and a copy will be presented to ERYC. Residents will be informed via the website and notice boards that we are adopting an emergency plan should the need ever arise.
Salt – salt is needed to refill the bins for the coming winter. The clerk will contact ERYC to enquire about supplies.
Seating for the Parish – the Parish Council is in the process of buying seats for the parish.
A. Applications
13/03329/PLF Change of use of existing area for use as an overflow car park in connection with farmer’s market at Park Rose Limited Carnaby Covert Lane, Carnaby, East Riding of Yorkshire YO15 3QH for James Horsley – Application Type – Full planning permission.
RESOLVED: We feel strongly about this application and request that, if the planning officer is recommending a different decision, it should be referred to the appropriate Committee/Sub committee. A site visit is requested.
Proposed:CllrJackson / Seconded:Cllr Daniels 54/13B. Notices of Decision
13/02822/PLF Erection of an additional enclosure (GRP valve kiosk) 150m3 underground storage tank, installation of 2m high vent stack, site fencing, improved vehicle access from Moor Lane and associated earth bunds/landscaping RESOLVED: to grant planning permission subject to 4 conditions.
7: FINANCE: Balances and payments
Balances / £30/09/13 (Nat West Bonus Saver) / 4,222.53
01/11/13 (Nat West Current Account) / 3,972.00
Cheques / £
(353 ) Clerks salary / 120.00
(354) Gayna Wallis (stationery and computer supplies) / 36.15
(355) ERYC) street lighting / 76.70
(356) The ParochialChurch Council (donation) / 300.00
Proposed: Cllr Kitching / Seconded: CllrJackson55/13
- Election of Community Partnership Chair - Parish Councillors were asked if they wish to nominate a chair person – no interest declared.
- An email from North Ferriby Action Group was circulated – they are asking for Parish support in their objection to a proposal by ERYC to hold planning inquiries at County Hall. This could mean that residents in that Parish are being discouraged and prevented from attending an inquiry which directly affects. Carnaby Parish Council have pledged to support North Ferriby.
- Rough sleepers survey for 12.11.13 will be undertaken by Cllr Clarke.
- Village Task Force survey – PC has completed a survey by the Village Task Force
- Pecuniary interests forms have been completed by Cllrs Langahm, Kitching and Jackson.
- Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Consultation was announced – if any councillor wishes to attend the nearest meeting will be in Beverley on the 10th December 2013-11-12
- A copy of the bathing season water quality results were distributed for councillors to view.
- Pegasus have invited the Parish Council to attend a drop in day regarding the proposal for a wind farm on Cottam Airfield on Saturday, 30th November 2013
- Antisocial behaviour – statistics were circulated about antisocial behaviour in local parishes
- Notice boards – the hinges on the notice board require attention as it is difficult to close and the cork notice board at Haisthorpe needs attention as the cork has dried out and pins fall out of the board.
- Xmas – Sunday 8th December the Xmas lights will be lit, food and drink will be available and Father Christmas will visit the Parish at 6pm. Christmas trees for the parish will be bought – Cllr Jackson will organise. Food will be ordered by the clerk from Milners. Gifts will be bought for the children of the parish.
- Speed sign lights problem – the lights appear to be set at the wrong speed and are not always activated by speeding traffic – clerk will chase this up with ERYC
- Cllr Clark has received 3 three complaints from residents about the footings on land on Main Street opposite Ferns Farm Hotel. Any resident wishing to complain about planning should write to the Planning Dept at County Hall, Beverley.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING:Monday, 9th December 2013
Venue: Woldgate Community Centre.
Time: 7.00pm