Tampa, Florida – February 9-10, 2006
Meeting held at Tampa International Airport (TIA), in the HCAA Board Room
OPENING: Tom McGean opened the meeting at 9 am on Thursday, February 9, 2006 and welcomed new attendees and asked the group to briefly identify themselves. Al Illustrato, Senior Director of Maintenance, HCAA, welcomed the group to Tampa. Meeting site logistic items were presented by Gary Houts and the evening dinner plans presented by Larry Smith. Later in the meeting, Louis Miller, Executive Director of the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, welcomed the committee. He commented on the value and importance of the committee’s work formulating and refining a worldwide APM standard.
The committee was saddened to hear of the passing of Dennis Reed, who was our newest member in the Regulator category and Andrew Jakes, a longtime member. Our condolences to their family and friends.
Tom McGean Chairman
Larry Smith Secretary
Jon Esslinger Director, T&DI (part) Douglas Baird DIA
Mike Riseborough, GTAA Tedd Snyder, Booz Allen Hamilton
Alex Klimmer, DDC John Dexter, Quoua System
Al Hartkorn, Transit Safety Pat Campbell, TPA
Tony Garcia, Clark County Gary Houts, TPA
Bob Griebenow, Berger/Abam Mike Shumack, MCO
John Champ, APM consultant Ray Warner, Walt Disney
David Mountford Bombardier Frank Culver, Washington Group, (part)
Chuck Elm, Consultant (part) Rod Falvey, L+E
Lloyd Welch, Las Vegas Mono Kenny Williams, JTA Skyway
Joe Abbas URS Mike Johnson, Fl. DOT, (part)
Alex Inserto, Conductix USA Chris Smith, ATL
Jim Fletcher, Parametrix Redjean Clerc, Siemens Trans.
Victor Howe, SFO
Approval of minutes from Toronto meeting:
A motion was made by Frank Culver to accept the minutes and seconded by Al Hartkorn and motion carried.
Location/date of next two meetings:
David Mountford presented a brochure concerning the next meeting to be held in NYC and hosted by Bombardier and Booz Allen. The dates of May 18&19, 2006 were selected for this meeting by show of hands.
A motion was made by Lloyd Welch to hold a meeting in October, 2006 in Singapore hosted by Mitsubishi. The motion was seconded by John Dexter and passed by unanimous vote. The Chairman suggested a winter 06/07meeting at DFW and inquiries will be made regarding potential host and tours.
There will be a meeting in Vienna in conjunction with the ASCE APM Conference now scheduled for April 22-26, 2007. The Standards committee would meet before the conference on April 19&20, 2006.
Website status report:
Mike Shumack updated the committee on website activities and offered that he would establish a retention plan in order to eliminate accumulating outdated material. The group agreed with continuing to retain all minutes and Mike will clean out other material as needed. Old ballots should be deleted soon after resolution to avoid confusion. Mike stated that anyone wanting a unique password can contact him and he can set them up.
Configuration Control:
Mike Shumack asked that task leaders and other authors of material requiring posting, give him the electronic format and he will post it appropriately. Having only Mike post material to our website will enable him to maintain the retention life of documents.
Database Report:
Bob Griebenow is converting the station database file from Word to Excel and will attempt to send out a form for users and others to update all systems. The update request should be out by the end of February, 2006
Inspector Qualification Issue:
After considerable discussion on the topic, a motion to not include inspector qualifications in Part 4 was made by Frank Culver, seconded by Mike Shumack, and carried.
Jon Esslinger will research the possibility and process of having the committee develop and publish a Recommended Practice on APM inspector/personnel qualifications and inform the Chairman.
A motion to commence work on a Part 5 dealing with qualifications of Inspectors for APM’s was made by Mike Shumack, seconded by Gary Houts and carried.
The Chairman requested that the task force continue to work on harmonizing the versions of drafts on Qualifications. The task force members at the meeting were Al Hartkorn, Gary Houts, Mike Shumack, and Tony Garcia.
Resolution of comments from Ballot of Part 4, Chapter 14, Section 14.5 and Appendix A
All comments received from the ballot of part 4, Chapter 14, Section 14.5 and Appendix A were distributed. There were no negative comments. All comments were resolved and no substantive changes were required to resolve them. The Chair will prepare and submit a ballot report on this material to ASCE staff. All of Part 4 has now been successfully balloted.
A motion to proceed with the final editing and publishing of Part 4 was made by Gary Houts, seconded by Mike Shumack and carried. It was noted that the material proposed as chapter 17 is now in Appendix A so Chapter 17 will be deleted from the Table of Contents for Part 4.
Final Changes to Part 2 for Reaffirmation:
Frank Culver led the committee review of Part 2. All changes made by the Task Force since the Miami meeting were approved by the committee. A motion to have Frank prepare the revised Part 2 showing the original with all revisions agreed upon by the committee for ballot was made by Al Hartkorn, seconded by Ray Warner and carried. The Chairman appointed a task force of Redjean Clerc, Paul Didrikson, Frank Culver, Tedd Snyder and Rod Falvey to further investigate some critical structural issues in anticipation of possible negative ballots, based on concerns voiced by Redjean Clerc.
Report of T&DI:
Jon Esslinger reported that Part 1 Reaffirmation is complete and will be republished with an ANSI accreditation. Committee members should receive a complementary copy.
1. Jon distributed three documents and briefly discussed the highlights of each.
2. T&DI Director’s Report of Jan. 18, 2006
3. Information on ASCE Standards Comm. Operating Rules, Feb. 10,2006
4. DRAFT copy of ASCE 21-05 Part 1 The Chairman asked that all members review this draft for grammatical or format errors and send emails to Mike Shumack who will be preparing the final “blue line” copy prior to printing.
Jon requested that members notify him of all changes of status and contact information as ASCE is the official keeper of all contacts and documents. Jon gave an update of membership activities and pending applications and ASCE rules concerning membership. ASCE needs to review the categories of members who have had status changes as revised balances could allow new members in some categories.
Jon reported that of the 40 standards committees in ASCE, our APM Standards Committee is recognized as an example of best practices in standards making and Chairman McGean could perhaps offer a workshop to other committees. Jon will prepare a report summarizing the high regard bestowed upon this committee’s effectiveness. This report should help justify member travel and activities also recruiting new members especially from the regulator community.
Presentation of Distinguished Service Awards:
The Chairman will coordinate with recipients and plan for a presentation ceremony at the NYC meeting.
Status of Part 1 Public Comment and Decisions for Republishing of Part 1
As noted above Mike Shumack will perform a final edit of the draft material before it is processed by ASCE and also a final review of the actual copy prior to publishing. The Chair will do the same. ASCE has all necessary approvals and we are now in the publishing cycle. As noted above a draft of the reaffirmed Part 1 was given to all members at the meeting. Any editing errors found should be reported to Mike Shumack via email.
Model Elevator Code Discussion – Larry Smith presented a brief overview of activities related to the Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund’s, (EIWPF), Model Elevator Code, (MEC). Pertinent developments are:
San Francisco Airport and California PUC are still awaiting a proposed MOU, (Memorandum of Understanding), to be issued by State Govt. that should attempt to resolve the conflict caused by the adoption of the MEC. Vic Howe, SFO, relates that they are continuing to recognize the APM safety criteria and regulatory oversight of CPUC rather than an inadvertently created dual oversight paired with the elevator oriented Cal. Dept of Occupational Safety and Health that was created when the State adopted the MEC. Victor will follow-up on the status of resolution within the State.
Larry Smith reported on the results of his briefing to the Bridge Builder committee at the joint NAEC Elevator conference, on the conflicts with the MEC. The Bridge Builder Committee was sympathetic. The next annual conference of NAEC will be in Orlando September 10-14, 2006 and the advance Conference announcement still refers to the “largest North American exposition devoted exclusively to the needs of the elevator, escalator, and people mover industry”.
The Chairman sent a letter to EIWPF with our Toronto meeting resolution attached asking for EIWPF to delete reference to APM’s however, no response was given to date.
Jon Esslinger announced that Gregg Rodgers, EIWPF has submitted an application to join the APM Standards Committee. Gregg could be added as the committee balance would not be affected if Gregg qualified under the Producer category.
Gary Houts prepared a letter that was sent from ASCE to ASME informing ASME that the ASME Qualified Elevator Inspector, (QEI), qualification standard would not suffice to perform APM work. ASME officially responded in agreement affirming that QEI is not intended for APM applications.
After considerable discussion, the Task Leader, Larry Smith and the Chairman, formulated an action plan to:
Compile a comprehensive regulatory contact list to include the appropriate State transportation, Elevator or APM agencies and the State Professional Engineering Boards, (The Chairman offered that Bill Hathaway regulatory contact list be included). Mike Shumack will compile the list.
Gary Houts will draft a letter similar to the letter sent to ASME with appropriate attachments, (the original letter to ASME and the ASME response), specifically to alert the State governments and Boards of conflicts created by adopting the MEC and the safety implications of attempting to enforce bad law. Gary will send the draft to Larry Smith and Tom McGean for review and the Chairman will send the final draft to Jon Esslinger for ASCE distribution to the comprehensive regulatory contact mailing list.
A motion to proceed with the above action plan was made by Al Hartkorn, seconded by Joe Abbas and motion carried.
IEC Working Group 39 &40: Alex Klimmer said that the next meeting would be in Barcelona in spring 2006
Organization for reaffirmation of Part 3: The Chairman discussed plans for the reaffirmation of Part 3 and appointed the following:
Task Leaders: General – Mike Shumack
Definitions – Mike Shumack
Electrical – Joe Abbas, Alex Inserto
Stations – Jim Fletcher, Sam Lott, Bill Hathaway
Guideway – Bob Griebenow, (Bill Hathaway for NFPA issues)
Mike Riseborough offered to work with Jim Fletcher on the Station area.
Note: Leaders may find other experts inside or outside the committee willing to participate.
Schedule: The Chairman will send out a call for comments on the reaffirmation of Part 3 requesting that comments be sent to the respective Task Leader by April 1, 2006.
The Task Leaders will consolidate the comments and send out proposed revisions by April 15, 2006
May 18, 2006, Proposed revisions will be discussed as an agenda item at the next meeting in NYC
Adjournment: The Chairman acknowledged the excellent support and contributions of the Host, Tampa International Airport providing lunches, breaks and transportation, especially Gary Houts for the first class meeting accommodations and support which led to a most productive meeting. The committee also presented a dinner certificate to Becky Perry in recognition of her excellent Lake Keystone BBQ dinner and social event on Thursday evening.
The Chairman recapped the committee’s accomplishments in completing the agenda and resolving directions for future work. The meeting adjourned at 2:45pm, Friday, February 10, 2006
Respectfully submitted,
Lawrence L. Smith, P.E., F. ASCE
Secretary, APM Standards Committee