Minutes of the meeting of Carbrooke Parish Council
held on Monday 22 June 2015 atBlenheim Grange Community Cabin
Present Cllr Muller (Chair), E Buscall, D Fishlock, J Nind, P Sampher, N Webster, M Wormall. In attendance N Hartley (Parish Clerk), Cllr J Rogers (Breckland Council). Two members of the public.
1. Apologies
2. To receive declarations of interests
Cllrs Nind, Sampher and Wormall in any matters relating to Blenheim Grange. Cllr Muller; grant application from Millennium Green. Cllr Fishlock in any matters relating to Maid Marian.
3. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2015
It was resolved to approve and sign these minutes as a true and correct record.
4. Matters arising
5. Suspension of meeting for public participation
A resident of Beech Tree Park asked if he could join the Parish Council. It was noted that there are currently no vacancies on the Parish Council.
6. Finance
Payments made and approved in accordance with the budget
Chq 100998 F Needham, clerk’s salary May 2015, £421.68
100999 F Needham, clerk’s expenses March – May 2015, £106.45
101000 F Needham, clerk’s backdated pay January – May 2015, £72.11
101001 D Harrow, fee for Internal Audit, £125
Direct Debit Veolia, bin collection, £45.72
Direct Debit Veoila, bin collection, £30.48
7. Planning
Application considered
Mr I Read, Manor Farm, Willow Corner
To construct a lean to equipment store adjoining grain store No objection
8. Appointment of Parish Clerk
The Council noted the appointment of Mr N Hartley as the new clerk.
9. Appointment of Internal Auditor
The Council noted the appointment of Mr D Harrow as its Internal Auditor
10. Internal Audit Report
It was noted that the Internal Audit has been completed. The Auditor noted a number of amendments that need to be made. It was agreed to appoint Cllr Nind as Internal Control Officer, checks to be carried out in June and December. The clerk to provide the Council with new Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and a Financial Risk Assessment.
11. Annual Return
The Annual Return was agreed and signed.
12. Grant Applications
It was agreed to prepare a new Application Form and to include a clause in it that any monies unspent after twelve months must be returned to the Parish Council. Evidence of where monies have been spent must also be provided.
It was agreed to seek quotes to cut the grass at Beech Tree and Carbrooke churchyard.
It was agreed not to make a grant to the Village Hall Committee this year, as monies from last year had not been spent, but to consider match funding up to £1,000.
It was agreed to make a grant of £1,000 to the Millenium Green to purchase new play equipment.
It was agreed to make a grant of £500 to Blenheim Grange Residents Association for a new sign and a strimmer.
13. Community Cabin
It was noted that no agreement has been reached regarding construction of a Community Centre or what will happen to the Community Cabin.
14. Blenheim Grange Play Area
It was noted that the land transfer is still moving slowly and that the maps provided by Taylor Wimpey are not sufficient for the purposes of a search of the Land Registry.
15. Potential Sale of Land at Hurricane Close
It was noted that there are three plots of land that might be for sale for residential purposes.
16. Village Hall Litter Bins
Two litter bins had been requested for outside the Village Hall. It was agreed that the price of the bins should be found out.
17. Bus Service
It was agreed to write to Norfolk County Council stating that the Parish Council holds the County Council legally responsible for any damage/loss of life that may occur on the road.
18. Future agenda items
To invite a representative of Action Play & Leisure to the meeting.
To consider flooding in land behind Beech Tree Park.
Next meeting: Monday 13th July 2015 at Carbrooke Village Hall.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.55pm.
Signed...... date......