MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 4th February, 2008 at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.

PRESENT : Councillor K. Hall Chair

Councillor Mrs. P. Collins

Councillor E. Croft

Councillor C. Denslow

Councillor J. Eccles

Councillor D. Eldridge

Councillor B. Harris

Councillor R. Harwood

Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

1. Items raised by Members of the Public

a) Premises at the Tower Industrial Estate Mr. Paul Mabbott of Jennings of Garsington Ltd. attended the meeting in order to inform the Council of a proposal to submit a planning application to South Oxfordshire District Council for change of use of one of the properties that his company has purchased on the Tower Industrial Estate, Berinsfield. The planning application would involve change of use from storage to leisure and to fit it out as a gymnasium for the use of Abingdon Gymnastics Club.

Mr. Neil Moulster, Head Coach with Abingdon Gymnastics Club was also present at the meeting and informed the Council about the club and the reasons why it required permanent premises of its own. At the present time the Club train at the White Horse Leisure Centre in Abingdon and also hire additional time and space at Radley College. As the Club do not have a permanent base they are unable to leave their equipment out and do not have sufficient time at either location to provide gymnastics coaching for the large number of people who wish to join the club. At the present time the Club have 100 members and have a waiting list of four years for memberships. The Club have been looking for suitable premises for a permanent base for the last ten years.

The proposed new gymnasium would offer training mainly for children, but the Club do have links with adults as they already assist Oxford University Gymnastics Club. Courses may be offered during the day to pre-school children.

Councillor Hall informed the meeting that the Manager of the Abbey Sports Centre had contacted the Parish Council about the proposed planning application as he was concerned that it may take custom away from the Sports Centre. Mr. Mabbutt and Mr. Moulster indicated that they had considered this and felt that there was sufficient need for both facilities as many of the Abingdon Gymnastic Club members would come from out of the area.

Councillors enquired about car parking provision and Mr. Mabbutt informed the meeting that it was normal for the young people to be dropped off by adults who would then return to collect them at the end of the session. He also stated that there were 12 dedicated spaces with the unit that they were proposing to use and a further 12 would be available at the adjoining unit at evenings and weekends.

Councillor Hall thanked Mr. Mabbutt and Mr. Moulster for attending the meeting and explaining their proposals to the Parish Council.

b) Parish Plan Mr. Marc Hiles attended the meeting to give an update on the progress of the Parish Plan. A draft questionnaire has been prepared and several groups are now reviewing it prior to it being finalised and printed. Copies of the draft questionnaire were distributed to Councillors who requested them. Mr. Hiles informed the Parish Council that he would be pleased to include further questions in the questionnaire, but that the cut off date would be 20th February, 2008.

c) Church of St. Mary and St. Berin and Church Hall. Reverend Latham informed the meeting that the Church and Church Hall may be refurbished and extended and that residents will be consulted, by way of the Parish Plan, as to what facilities could be included and how it could be used. She emphasized that it was important that the community was involved in any future proposals for the premises.

d) Turning/parking area, Lay Avenue. It was reported that there was broken glass in the small turning/parking area to the right at the end of Lay Avenue. It was agreed that this would be reported to the relevant authority for action to be taken.

e) Surface water gullies – Lay Avenue. It was again reported that gullies in Lay Avenue were still blocked with leaves and grass growing from them. The Clerk informed the meeting that this had been reported to South Oxfordshire District Council who had agreed to issue an order for them to be cleared. A further request will be made in an attempt to get them cleared.

f) Hedges. It was reported that bramble hedges by Berinsfield Community Association’s premises and on Fane Drive near to the Water Tower required cutting back. It was agreed that this would be investigated and the relevant action taken.

g) Wetlands Garages It was reported that there was graffiti on the garage walls facing the footpath from Lay Avenue to Green Furlong. It was agreed that this would be reported to the relevant authority with a request that it be removed.

h) Police Surgery. The Council were informed that the Police would be holding a surgery in the Church Hall on 18th February, 2008 at 8 p.m.

i) Environmental Improvement Scheme – Sports Centre, Library, Family Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield. Councillor Hall informed the meeting that the work should start on 8th March, 2008. He also said that access for deliveries etc. would have to be maintained for all the premises during the construction period and it was agreed that South Oxfordshire District Council should be contacted to ask what arrangements will be put in place.

2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Corrigan

3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th January, 2008

The Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 7th January, 2008 were APPROVED by the Council and signed by the Chair.

4. Matters arising.

a) Street Lighting, Russell Jackson Close, Berinsfield. Councillor Mrs. Stockford referred to Minute No. 4 (b) and pointed out that the security lights on the front of the bungalows in Russell Jackson Close do not come on until somebody walks on the paths leading to the bungalows. She stated there is a dark area between the car park and the paths to the bungalows. This was noted by the Parish Council.

5. County Councillor’s Report. County Councillor John Howell reported on the following matters.

a) Berinsfield interchange. County Councillor Howell informed the Council that there had been publicity regarding the bus connections available from the interchange in the local press.

b) Pedestrian crossing over A 4074. County Councillor Howell has raised this matter again with the relevant Officers and will keep the Parish Council informed of any progress.

c) Libraries. County Councillor Howell wished to encourage residents from Berinsfield and the surrounding area to use the facilities offered in the Library. Berinsfield Library is one of the most expensive Library per head in the County at present and he suggested that perhaps the Parish Plan could be used to find out what would attract people to use the Library more.

d) Oxfordshire County Council budget. County Councillor Howell stated that the County Council have a substantial capital programme planned for facilities in addition to roads and schools, which will include £250,000 for improvements to Berinsfield Youth Centre which will be split over the next two years, (2008/09 and 2009/10). The Parish Council were very pleased to note this information and looked forward to receiving more information about the project. The County Council wish to ensure that its properties do not deteriorate and this will also include day centres in major areas, fire stations, youth centres etc.

Councillor Hall stated that the Parish Council have nominated representatives on the Berinsfield Youth Committee and Abbey Sports Centre Joint Use Committee, but have not been notified of meetings. It was agreed that this would be investigated.

e) Proposed works to bridge M40/A329 (Milton Common). Councillor Hall reported that it was proposed to carry out works to the bridge and he was concerned about the routing of any diverted traffic. County Councillor Howell agreed to obtain further information about this.

6. To consider planning applications and decisions received to date

a) Planning application P07/W1474/RET Two sheds located at front of property, one to the left hand side and one to the right hand side, 62 Colwell Road, Berinsfield. It was AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the Parish Council has no strong views on the application and that the District Council should determine it as it considers appropriate.

Councillor Mrs. Stockford abstained from taking part in the discussion about this application.

Planning decisions. The Parish Council noted that planning permission had been GRANTED in respect of the following applications :-

b) Planning Application No. P07/W1286. Single storey extension at the front and first floor extension to the rear (as amended by drawings accompanying letter from applicant dated 10th January, 2008.) 27 Windrush Road, Berinsfield, OX10 7PF

c) Planning Application No. P07/W1391. Extensions to form conservatory and utility room/shower room, 4 Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield, OX10 7NA

7. To receive the Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 28th January, 2008. the Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 28th January, 2008 were APPROVED by the Council.

8. To receive the Minutes of the Playing Fields, Open Spaces and Burial Ground Committee meeting held on 28th January, 2008.

a) Berinsfield 50th Celebration. Clock for the Church of St. Mary and St. Berin. Councillor Hall informed the Parish Council that a representative from one of the major civic clock manufacturers has visited the Church and met with him and Reverend Latham and has advised that it will be possible to install a clock on the apex of the Church facing the shops. The Company have been asked to provide a detailed specification and quotation which will be used in order to apply for a Faculty from the Diocese and planning permission from South Oxfordshire District Council. The time scale should enable the clock to be installed in time for a ceremony to be held at the Church on 20th July, 2008.

9. Correspondence and Items for Information.

a) Internal audit of Parish Council’s accounts. It was AGREED that

BR Consulting Ltd. should be appointed to carry out the internal audit of the Parish Council’s accounts for the year 2007/08.

b) Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 section 53(3)a

Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way

Annual “Legal Event” Modification order. The Parish Council noted that under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 the County Council is under duty to keep the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way up to date and to take account of events affecting them. The footpaths around the green in Wimblestraw Road and Green Furlong, together with the paths that cross the green will be included in the 2008 Definitive Map Legal Events Modification Order under the Highways Act, 1980, Section 228, Adoption of Private Streets.

c) Consultation on South Oxfordshire Community Safety Strategy. Copies of the draft Community Safety Strategy were circulated to Members at the meeting. No comments were made on the draft document.

d) Oxfordshire Public Transport Guide. The Council noted that copies of the new guide were available for collection from the Library and Information Centre.

e) Communities and Local Government. Consultation on Orders and Regulations relating to the conduct of Local Authority Members in England. The Council noted that the Government has published a consultation paper which seeks views on the detailed arrangements for putting into effect the orders and regulations to provide a revised more locally-based ethical regime for the conduct of local councillors in England.

f) The challenge of community change. It was AGREED that Councillor Denslow should represent the Parish Council at the free networking event for organisations working in rural communities to be held on Wednesday13th February 9.30 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Didcot Civic Hall.

10. Statement of Accounts for payment in February, 2008. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for payment in February in the sum of £6667.39 should be approved.

11. Date of next meeting. The next meeting will be held on 3rd March, 2008.