Minutes of the meeting held on the 28th March 2013at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.

PRESENT: Chairman, Cllr Mrs. D. Gaskill, Cllrs A. Brown, P. McConville, T. Mason, M. Melling, P. Roberts,B. Robinson, Mrs. J. L. Smith. Shropshire Cllr Arthur Walpole and the Clerk Mrs. V. Byrne.

13/032APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from Cllrs. R. Crispin (illness)

L. Griffiths (illness). These reasons were approved.


13/034POLICE REPORTThe Police were not in attendance. It was agreed to report

the data of two speeding vehicles and query whether these were emergency

responders. Further to query the names of the C.S.O.’s for the Parish.


13/036 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT. Cllr Walpole mentioned the Broadband

contract (BT), Shropshire Council tax, the Council’s new responsibility for Health and

Well Being from April and the changes to benefits. The new 111 call number for

medical assistance, which had been launched unsuccessfully. Fortunately,

Shropshire was still covered by Shropdoc, whose tender for the service had

failed. He also mentioned the A483 road works and lighting. The signage for the

weight limited bridge at Llanymynech was also dealt with. The Chairman thanked

Cllr Walpole for his service as Shropshire Councillor and for bringing the information

to Parish Council meetings, she said the change to Unitary cannot have been easy.

13/037Minutes of the meeting held on the 28th February 2013were Proposed by

Cllr Mason and 2nd by Cllr Roberts. Approved by those present and signed.

Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 28thFebruary be Approved.

13/038 ROADS AND FOOTWAYS Work on the A483 was being affected by the low

temperatures and snow. Residents had mentioned noise and light disturbance, but

were glad the work was taking place. Cllr Walpole had asked for the scoping of the

work because of the erratic delivery, but without success. Grid failure had caused an

accident, which necessitated repairs at that site.

13/039 LLANYMYNECHSKATEPARK Report was given by The Chairman and

Clerk on trial held on the 16.3.13 and the proposals for a concrete base between the

youth shelter and the goal end, when funding permits. The equipment to be

permanently sited so it could be used at any time and the site would be in view of the

cctv cameras. Cllr McConville had produced risk assessments and guidelines for

use of the equipment, for which The Chairman thanked him.

13/040 PANT QE11 PLAYING FIELD BOUNDARY PROJECT The Clerk reported the grant application for a bus shelter had been successful, all the required funding was now in place. A site meeting was arranged for Saturday, 13th April 2013 at 11.00am for the Contractors and it was agreed to invite Robin Hitch and the new Tenants of the Cross Guns as neighbours of the site.

Resolved to hold a site meeting on Saturday, 13th April 2013 at 11.00am with Contractors and site neighbours.

13/041 PLANNING13/00816/FUL – Badgers Green, Llanymynech, Persimmon Homes – reconfiguration of existing site layout to accommodate 6 additional dwellings. Discussion on parking and traffic issues and s106/CIL monies.

Resolved to comment on the need for additional parking on the estate, due to the higher density of dwellings, the increased traffic from the estate onto the substandard and dangerous mini roundabout at the entrance to the site and the effect of more vehicles using the junction with the A483/Station Road, Llanymynech.

It was reported that a new access had been created off School Lane, Pant and agreed to enquire whether this had been granted planning permission.

13/042 WIND FARMS AND PYLONS. Nothing further to report following the discussion in the joint meeting with Carreghofa Community Council.

13/043 FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. Proposed by Cllr Mason and 2nd by Cllr Pollitt that the list of accounts as appended be paid, voted on by all in favour and therefore approved for payment.

Resolved that the list of accounts totalling £2105.81 be passed for payment.

Rating invoice of £211 had been received from Shropshire Council for the Bowling Green and Pavilion due to the Parish Council being a Precepting authority.

Resolved to invite representatives of the Bowling Club to attend the next meeting to discuss the matter.

13/044VILLAGE MAINTENANCE Consideration of the grounds maintenance contract. Proposed by Cllr Mason and 2nd by Cllr Roberts, voted unanimously and

Resolved to continue the contract with RPS (R. Savage) for a further 3 years at £3,172 per year, with any additional incidental work to be agreed.

13/045RIGHTS OF WAY. Application for diversion of RoW 193 (part) was noted. Motorbikes riding up Llanymynech Hill from Rockwell had been reported to the Police and was being monitored.

13/046ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Arrangements were made for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on the 25th April at Llanymynech Village Hall, Defra Room. Agreed to have Health as the main subject, speakers on the changes to Ambulance Service, prescription delivery, out of hours medical assistance, minor injuries unit and the possible provision of community defibrillators.


1113 / Scottish Power / 161.50 / Lighting Energy Feb.
1114 / AON Insurance / 9.41 / Premium increase (fidelity)
1115 / V E Byrne / 531.67 / Salary Mar + Travel Exp of £8
1116 / Lawrences Direct / 16.63 / Stationery
1117 / V & W Electrics / 156.00 / Lighting Maint Feb.
1118 / Llan Brownies / 25.00 / Donation replace chq 1102
1119 / Llan Guides / 25.00 / Donation “ “ “
1120 / R Walmsley / 885.00 / Tree felling
1121 / HMRC / 89.60 / Tax & NI
1122 / R. Savage / 208.00 / Grounds Maint. Final 2012